Why do some people Riot and Loot?

in #riot4 years ago

Many of us saw what happened to George Floyd, and it was easy to expect protests. There seems to be a lot of conjecture and just plain 'wild ass guesses' as to why riots and looting occurs. So I'm going to give a short lesson to whoever might read this post as to why rioting and looting happens.


Those that riot and loot don't care what happens to them if they are caught. They don't care if they get shot, they don't care if somebody makes them dead.


There are those that have no job, no money, no hope, no joy, no comfort, and the only way to get through a day without wanting to kill yourself is to stop caring about all the things happening to you. I know this first-hand and some of the people I hung out with felt the same way, this is how gangs are formed.

This is the definition of a loser. Losers lose and nobody cares about losers. If a winner collapses on the street people rush over, call the ambulance and the friends of Mr. Winner visit him in the hospital. If a loser collapses on the street everyone avoids stepping on him and he lies there until a cop comes along and says 'get the fuck off the sidewalk'.

Once a loser stops caring about what happens to himself, he also loses the ability to care what happens to others. Empathy is out the door. Hence breaking or taking other peoples stuff has a moral an social value of absolute zero.

A variety of factors contribute to this. All the stories sounds similar but all of them are unique. If the world doesn't care about them, then they don't care about the world.

The world can go to war against these people and the world will win, being quite frank I believe they would prefer a war to apathy. They might not even fight back. They will just take whatever comes with open arms because even jail is better than the life they have now.

So does George Floyd have anything to do with the riots and looting? Not directly. The rioters and looters are saying "I am George Floyd...if cops killed me on the street, nobody would care unless somebody was recording it. Here I am breaking the law, go ahead and kill me".

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