What is Rimbit?
Did You Miss Out On The Bitcoin Boom?
Don’t settle for second best ever again! Did you hear about the man who bought $27 of Bitcoin in 2009? He forgot about them and then realized they were worth $886k in 2013? True Story. IT COULD BE YOU!
Many every day people who took a chance with Bitcoin in the early stages ended up massively benefitting, becoming financially independent to not only follow their dreams and desires, but also to make up a few new ones.
The only problem is that it was only those who got in on Bitcoin on the ground floor before the boom that massively benefitted, so now is the time to take a chance, be part of something that could not only improve and change your world for the better, but everyone else who lives in it!
At this moment at Rimbit-UK, we are selling for ONLY 1.8-CENT PER RBT! To put things into perspective, Bitcoin is currently between $400 – 500 per bit. People always say imagine the return on investment when Rimbit (RBT) is $100 per RBT, but I say… imagine the profits we will make when RBT reaches ONLY $10 per RBT, which is very very realistic indeed! This is why you need to place your RBT order today, big or small, because they will all be big in the future.
What is Rimbit?
Rimbit is a community-driven, New Generation, Crypto Currency that has taken the best aspects of Bitcoin and developed it in such a way that it is controlled predominantly by the coin’s owners/community, as opposed to multinational companies that now control the Bitcoin marketplace and the financial world at large.
When Bitcoin was first developed in 2009, it spawned many new millionaires who saw the potential of an online digital currency and benefitted financially from that vision. Rimbit is a great option for those looking to take advantage of a digital currency/opportunity in its early stages, or for those who are sick and tired of the current economic monopoly we see controlling vast parts of the world today.
There are over 20 million Rimbits now in circulation across 20 countries, making it the fastest growing crypto currency in the world. It’s like an unstoppable train created by us, for us.
How is Rimbit different to Bitcoin?
Bitcoin is largely controlled by mining, which is an expensive operation, with only the most tech-savvy and financially abundant persons benefitting. Rimbit was created by the people for the people. Anyone can contribute and purchase Rimbits, so you can sit back and relax and let your Rimbit work for you. YOU COME FIRST, NOT MINING!
Why now is the time to get your Rimbit?
Now is the time to get on the unstoppable train that is Rimbit. If you want to be in the desirable position similar to those that owned Bitcoins back in 2009, IT HAS TO BE NOW. Although Rimbit is currently positioned on crypto currency exchange platforms such as Coin Market Cap, the long-term goal is to be able to exchange Rimbits for money as the inevitable journey of Rimbit unfolds or to purchase items directly online.
We can already vision a time in the not-too-distant-future when Rimbit is listed across all money exchanges, where undoubtedly the market will dictate a much higher value for our Rimbits than we see today, and when that time comes, the price will be through the roof and all those that contributed/purchased now in the early stages will benefit in way we have rarely seen before.
How can I benefit from Rimbit?
It’s simple really! If you contribute to the development of Rimbit today, you will be awarded the relevant perks (Rimbit coins) for the contribution you have made, and when we have reached our goal listing with the world’s biggest exchange platforms, you will be in the enviable position of seeing a massive upsurge in value of your Rimbits, which you can then choose to use for online payments to buy anything you desire or even exchange them for your own local currency (hopefully at a massive profit).
The short and fall of the matter is that by getting your Rimbits today, you are creating a brighter future for yourself and your family. It doesn’t matter how big or small, because when Rimbit hits the market full tilt, even the smaller amounts won’t appear to be small anymore. Those who invested ONLY $20 in Bitcoin in 2009, saw returns of almost $800,000 USD in 2012. NO JOKE…. THIS IS AS REAL AS IT GETS!
You can do as little or as much as you want with your Rimbits. Maybe you want to sit back and relax and let the community push it forward while waiting for the benefits, or you can pro-actively promote and market Rimbit yourself. Rimbit is what you want it to be!
Where do my Rimbit contributions go?
There is so much involved when developing such a grand idea, and the best part is there are already over 20 million Rimbits distributed throughout the world, so this is not some new and shaky idea. This is an ever-evolving crypto currency with no boundaries or limitations. The contributions will go to cover the furthering development of Rimbit, to cover admistration fees and also goes towards innovative technical developments, marketing and much more.
If you have a technical idea on how to improve Rimbit in any way, the CEO is always open to ideas and may even fund your idea with contribution money. This is a community-based crypto currency where we are all the bosses!
Site : http://rimbit-uk.com/
Forum : http://rimbit.com/forums/
Blog : http://rimbit-uk.com/blog/
I am open to the idea of cryptocurrencies but what makes rimbit different from the other 600 altcoins? Besides that its for the community.
Bitcoins value is that its very difficult to mine coins. Steems value comes from this underlying social network and userbase. What makes Rimbit valuable beyond simple speculation and hype?