Women's rights 👭

in #rights7 years ago

Women's rights


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Hi friends, I guess you've all heard about scandals in the movie business lately?
It made me want to write an article about women's rights.

I heard this weekend that actor Marc Walberg was at the center of a controversy because of the significant pay gap with his female colleague, Michelle Williams, who was playing in Dawson for those who remember...

All the money in the world featured Mark Wahlberg, Michelle Williams and Kevin Spacey. Recent sexual accusations on the latter nevertheless led director Ridley Scott to replace him with Christopher Plummer. A counter-time that forced all the production to return scenes where Kevin Spacey, ousted, appeared. For those overtime, Mark Wahlberg had received an extra $ 1.5 million while his female equal, Michelle Williams, had received only $ 800!

To calm everyone down, the actor donated this money to the association Time's up, a legal defense fund for victims of inequality, abuse, violence and sexual harassment at work. All on behalf of Michelle Williams.


Women's rights are rights demanded by women and girls in many societies around the world and form the basis of the nineteenth-century women's rights movement and the twentieth-century feminist movement. In some countries, these rights are institutionalized or supported by law, local custom and behavior, while in other countries they may be ignored or suppressed.

They differ from broader notions of human rights by stating that there are inherent historical inequalities in the exercise of the rights of women and girls for men and boys. Defending these rights is an objective in order to achieve a more egalitarian society.


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Issues commonly associated with women's rights include, but are not limited to, the rights of: bodily integrity and autonomy, not to be subjected to sexual violence, to vote, to be elected, to enter legal contract, to have equal rights in family law, to work, to have access to fair wages and equal pay, to have reproductive rights, to own property, to access 'education.
Issues generally associated with women's rights concepts include :

• the right to integrity and bodily autonomy;
• civil rights, including the right to vote and the right to participate in political life via eligibility and effective participation in the executive power through a form of parity.
• the right to equality before the law
• the right to hold a public office;
• the right to work;
• the right to equal pay, with equal competence, that of men;
• the right to property;
• the right to education;
• the right to marriage;
• parental rights;
• religious rights;
• the right to serve as a soldier;
• the right to contract;
• the right to citizenship;
• the freedom to live free from the stereotyped gender role;
• the freedom to live free from sexism and violence.

The issue of women's rights is directly related to feminism. Feminist movements generally call for equal recognition of women's rights as compared to men's rights.
Feminist claims sometimes come into conflict with the religious and moral beliefs of some societies.

• the right to voluntary termination of pregnancy;
• the right to contraception;
• the right to the priesthood
• the right to bathe freely
• the right to divorce.

It should be noted that some of these claims are rejected for reasons that do not specifically concern women's rights but human rights, theological or ethical considerations.



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Feminism is a collection of political, philosophical and social movements and ideas that share a common goal: to define, establish and achieve political, economic, cultural, personal, social and legal equality between women and men.

Feminism therefore aims to abolish, in these different areas, the gender inequalities of which women are the main victims, and thus to promote the rights of women in civil society and in private life.

If the term feminism does not take its current meaning until the end of the nineteenth century, the ideas of liberation of women have their roots in the Enlightenment and claim to be of older movements or struggles in other historical contexts.

The main goal of the first wave of feminism is to reform institutions, so that men and women become equal before the law: the right to education, the right to work, the right to control their property and the right to vote women are the main demands of this period.

The feminist movement has produced a great diversity of sociological and philosophical analyzes. The second feminist wave, which comes at the end of the 1960s with the birth of the Women's Liberation Movement, has developed several concepts that intend to account for the specificity of the relationship of domination exercised over women.

It was during this period that the concept of patriarchy was reformulated, that of sexism was developed and that the focus was on the private sphere as the privileged place of male domination.

The demands on women's control of their bodies (abortion, contraception) are at the forefront but, more broadly, it is the construction of new social sex relationships that feminists call this second wave.

Under the name of the third feminist wave, from the 1990s, a broad set of demands expressed by feminist activists from minority groups, in the wake of Black feminism.


Now women vote in most industrialized countries, most of whose parliaments have passed divorce laws. The legalization of contraception and abortion is not effective for all the industrialized countries, so the situations are very variable from one country to another.

These rights are frequently challenged by conservative currents and religious institutions, such as the Catholic Church and in particular the traditionalist movement within it, and the fundamentalist trend of Protestant evangelicals.

Since the late 1990s, various groups, whether feminist or not, have been created. Among the most publicized, we can mention :

• Bitches on guard, a French movement claiming the legacy of the MLF;

• The movement Ni putes ni soumises, which aims to address the situation of women, particularly in the poor neighborhoods, raising the problem of forced marriage, rape, or excision.

• La Barbe, collective whose weapon is irony, and whose activists bear false beards when they burst into male-dominated stands: La Barbe indicates by such intrusions the path to a harmonious sharing of public speech , positions and responsibilities.

Parity within the directorates, and the equal distribution of creation, as examples in the media, in elite training schools, in large companies, in the theater, in the cinema, are among the objectives that inspire actions of La Barbe.

• Dare feminism! is a young feminist movement, mixed, universalist, secular and progressive created in 2009. Heir to the feminists of the 2nd and 3rd wave, its goal is to raise public awareness of the inequalities that persist between women and men and to obtain concrete measures to advance towards equality: professional equality, the fight against precariousness, the right to dispose of one's body, sexual freedom, parity, the fight against ordinary sexism, violence against women, including prostitution.

The association uses traditional means of action such as the collage of posters, the distribution of leaflets, demonstrations but also social networks, the web, video.

• The Femen, a Ukrainian movement created in 2008, which organizes in France since 2011 topless events and happenings for the promotion of democracy, freedom of the press, women's rights, protection of the environment, and against corruption, prostitution, sex tourism, international marriage agencies, sexism, pornography, domestic violence, racism and poverty.

In 2010 in Australia, this is the first time in the history of a state that the head of state, Elizabeth II, the head of government, Julia Gillard and the governor general, Quentin Bryce are all women.


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Contemporary feminism, in most Western countries, is diversifying and changing its face, as the initial feminist claims have been translated into legal systems, and are part of the conventional perimeter of human rights.

Feminist reflection and action are thus led on the one hand to focus more on the critical analysis of real social practices and to reformulate the expression of their stakes and their objectives.

They must also take into account the resurgence of ethnic, community or religious debates that complicate the deal, some associations refute the feminist West dichotomy against sexist Orient.

This change of landscape inevitably leads to divergent views that divide feminist currents.

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Yeah,these scandals has created a lot of buzz now a days and that is really bad. That should not have happened. I am ashamed of myself being a man when I come across these kind of incidents but the thing is girls should not stop or remain silence. If something wrong is happening to them, they should raise voice and teach them lessons.

You should never feel ashamed for something you didn't do!

I think every body should consider as a human not as men or women.If that can be done then i think all the problems will be solved.But recently there is some scandal exposed.In europe america and in some other country where we thought that women are safe compared to other country.But some shocking story recently exposed on media that some very successful women also harassed by few men.The problem is if that kinds of powerful women get harassed by people then what will happened to the ordinary women and those events proved another thing that women are still in trouble whatever they are wherever they are.To improve the situation all the men have to change their mentality .Thank's for the post all the men should stand with the women to achieve their right.@resteemed

Thank's for your reply.

I think sexual harassment is a problem of modern society. But to look on the other hand - this problem existed at all times. Cases in the nature of some men. Power and money create the illusion that everything is allowed to them and therefore it happens. This definitely needs to be dealt with.
But feminism as such is impossible. What kind of equality can we talk about. This is impossible for a number of reasons. I believe that everyone must fulfill his role. A woman should be a woman, and a man a man.
Serious problems with sexual exploitation are in some European countries. Some emigrants behave like animals. And this is exactly what should be paid attention first of all. My opinion.

This story has nothing to do with the "pay gap" nonsense. One actor negotiated the best deal for his work, while the other accepted a very low pay. Michelle Williams was not forced to sign the 1000$ contract, and she and her agents are the only responsible for this "scandal". Blaming men is the trend nowadays. We're all people, not male and female, just people and we all deserve the same rights.

On the flipside, Mark Wahlberg was forced to give away his legit money to avoid a public massacre. I invite you to think about this story with inverted roles. Would it still be a "scandal"?

I'm from India and women in our society has always been suppressed from most of her rights. Especially in the rural areas, where women are not given to show her face in front of men, not allowed to voice out their opinions in public and denied from most of her freedom rights.
And our National capital is known for the Rape cases.
Woman in My Country deserve to get rights and these rapist deserve to be punished.

I feel really bad when I read stories like yours, women have so many rights now here in America I think we often forget to reflect upon the suffering that millions of women go through in other countries.

Why men still have jobs if women with the same skills can be hired for less?

Although I am a man, I strongly support women's right to equality.
I think that women deserve equality in every aspect.
I like the article.
best regards

good to know stuff
Woody Allen is one of the most prominent award-winning filmmakers, America has ever produced. He is director , writer, actor, comedian, playwright, and musician whose career spans more than six decades.

In the eighties Woody Allen was involved with Mia Farrow and by the time they got together, Farrow had already been married twice, to Frank Sinatra and Andre Previn.
With Previn she had several children, three of them biological and three adopted, including a daughter from Korea named Soon-Yi. And although she never married Allen, she did adopt two more kids with him, Moses and Dylan. Ronan is the one biological child to come from their relationship.
In the early nineties, Farrow found some pictures in Allen's apartment–including nude photos featuring none other than her 19-year-old daughter Soon-Yi. Allen was not only her de facto stepfather, but also 56 years old at the time.
Allen soon left Farrow. He has been with Soon-Yi ever since, marrying her in 1997. They have adopted two children together.
In 1992, another daughter Dylan accused Allen of sexually assaulting her when she was seven. She told Farrow that Allen had molested her while they were alone in the attic.
A judge found the allegations to be inconclusive and Allen was found not guilty.
But Woody Allen forever remains in infamy for his controversial scandals that rocked Hollywood.

Kidr se chaapa kuch toh khud ka daal @dhirupadhyay thanks for the information.

Abraham Lincoln stated the concept quite well in his letter to Henry Pierce and others, April 6, 1859:

This is a world of compensations; and he who would be no slave, must consent to have no slave. Those who deny freedom to others, deserve it not for themselves; and, under a just God, can not long retain it.

Women’s right are most important to freedom for all, our economy and family life among all else surrounding our lives. That includes national security, immigration and world peace among countries, all of which amounts to freedom in it’s truest meaning.
Take the many cases of boys and girls who gravitate to strange and unrelated men or lesser known related men as father replacements due to fathers not taking equal part in the family duties and family experiences. It happens and while it can be safe (not always), be him a stranger or first time met relative, it is a sign those children are looking for their fathers in those men and are looking to be responsible for more then what typical moms teach. Some even want those hardly known men to cook something and shop with them.
There needs to be 2 parents. And some will say, ‘Oh, there are 2 women… in some relationships…’ fine, still 2 parents and both or one offering what mothers typically did not provide, like getting those boys and girls to fix things and explore like our typical daddies did or should have done to equalize the family experience in and out of the home and to be an equal part of hands on care no matter their kind of relationship.
Take also the Rosie the Riveters who did safe and effective work during WW two. They did all sorts of jobs and they did them well with what training they needed. Too bad many were not kept in those jobs or similar jobs to replace the men who did not work again due to death or injury, that war was to gain and keep equal rights but that cause was squandered. And later women still find supervisors being men, along with similar deficiencies in our money and equality and all else that makes up our community.
It is said those women, who did everything from local forestry to flying aircraft to into war zones, did help greatly in winning that war. the same could have been said in our economy and in helping those men and women who can not work live better in our communities had we kept in-place what those women fought for.
Women hardly make enough money to take a turn paying for both meals or pay our own way and some only get what a man will offer to his partner or minimum wages.

You are right at @indesta120282 ....
Women and girls are as human as the men and boys and should be giving right to prove themselves. They are as intelligent as the men and have all the qualities men and boys have. Its not about the gender now but about a good result , a woman should be voted if she can deliver well and move the nation forward . I stand with equality ... I stand with equal right

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