The Next Generation Coin Called Ricona
Ricona coin lending and exchanging coin empowers you to procure day by day Interest in your coveted CryptoCurrency you put resources into. With the utilization of progressions in Blockchain innovation, your Coins are totally secured and exchange speed of Ricona Coin is considerably speedier than other P2P or managing an account arranges on the planet today.
With our guaranteed return (Staking) and Compounding Interest (Lending) highlight, beginning venture could be multiplied in under 2 months. RCA Coin holders can contribute or utilize their Coins to purchase or trade with other Crypto Or Fiat monetary forms, in this manner considering considerably simpler liquidity of the coins. with that no complexities related with the digital money trade now and again. The crypto currency market is on exponential growth, it has become an industry worth a billion dollars and is expected to receive more than trillion dollars by the end of 2020. This sector has unconventional opportunities, numerous advantages that attract interested parties around the world for investing their money in this market. The Ricona team dreamed of eclipsing all online platforms related to the world of commerce and lending.
Maximum Supply of the just 28 Million Ricona Coins from which only 9.1 Million is available during ICO period. Maximum supply ensures high price of Ricona coin due to the number of supply is limited and demand is increasing over time.
No Other Lending Platform offers "Lending Maturity Period" as low as 45 days in the entire Crypto Space. Which simply means, you can pull out all your investment (almost double) in just 45 days whereas others are locking-in your funds for an average of 90 days, which is quite highly risky in this HIGHLY VOLATILE Crypto world.
Importance of Ricona Coins
For Individuals
Ricona Coins can be used to transfer funds to your family or friends or buying goods or services online irrespective of location while bypassing all unnecessary procedures of the banking sector.
For Businesses
All sort of businesses from local traders to online merchants, from huge corporations to e-commerce giant who needs to transfer money to their clients and suppliers. Lots of businesses and/or services have already opted for CryptoCurrency as a mean of payment for goods/services.
For Investors
Investors who want to diversify their investment portfolio could buy Ricona as an asset. Due to its limited supply, its demand would increase over time which will result in exponential growth of its value and price.
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Authored by Lelvin:;u=1275173