Wisdom and riches in the Bible: The poor are honored for their wisdom; the rich are honored for their wealth. Ben Sira 10:30
Wisdom and riches are valuable things for man, and the balance between the two is the secret of true happiness. And about this subject, the Bible treats very frequently.
The master of wisdom Ben Sira in his book teaches us that when we do not have wealth, wisdom, the true knowledge of things becomes the most valuable, because wisdom allows us to make assertive decisions. And about this there are important examples in the Bible, Joseph, who was the son of Jacob, in the book of Genesis, was sold as a slave in Egypt and then imprisoned, but because of his wisdom, he reached the court of Pharaoh, and became the main minister of the Kingdom. Joseph was a fortunate and blessed person, who knew how to bring good out of evil, and who knew how to transform adversities into opportunities, thanks to divine wisdom. In the life of Joseph a proverb was fulfilled: "Wisdom is more precious than rubies; nothing you desire can compare with her. She offers you long life in her right hand, and riches and honor in her left" Proverbs 3:15-16
Obviously wisdom and riches are extremely valuable things, that is why the master of wisdom Ben Sira tells us something about this:
"The poor are honored for their wisdom;
the rich are honored for their wealth" Ben Sira 10:30.
But then the teacher was more precise on the subject, and taught:
"Honored in poverty, how much more so in wealth!
Disgraced in wealth, in poverty how much the more!" Ben Sira 10:31.
Riches do not ensure happiness, this wise teacher explained to us, many for relying excessively on money fell into disgrace; but how good it is when the Lord blesses a God-fearing man with great riches, as it happened with King David and King Solomon, the blessing of prosperity is an important blessing for man.
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