Rhinos, Rhinovirus and a Naked Lunch

in #rhino7 years ago

So here we are at the end of another week. I have one of those irritating head colds that simmer away just below the surface but never seem to actually develop into anything. Corinna had something similar the other week, so its not just me. And I tell you what; I think I would prefer one of the wham bam thank you ma'am ones which come into one's immune system, cause havoc for a few days, then bugger off leaving one a nervous wreck. But, of course, what I would rather have is no cold at all.

Rhinos I love. Rhinovirus I don’t.

I was trying to channel my inner William Burroughs this morning and attempted to write a “Junkie”-like piece about Lemsip, but it came out too contrived even for me, and—worst of all—it wasn’t even the slightest bit funny so I didn’t bother to finish it, and instead slipped into a slough of self pity.

The biggest news from us this week is that Episode Two of our relaunched On The Track WebTV series has now been published/broadcast or whatever you call it when you upload a finished *.wmv file to YouTube. You can watch it here:

I decided that, in a vain attempt to try to appeal to the Patreon generation but mostly because I enjoy the technical challenge, the production values are higher than they used to be and the show features more different segments, and although it will remain as silly, and hopefully as entertaining as ever, we are upping the content level of both Hard Science and High Strangeness.

Check it out you funk soul wassnames and please do me a favour and disseminate the news as far and wide as you can.

By the way you can watch last month's episode of OTT:

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