Revue of some of my post's from my 1st month, + 1 from @gamadin and a BIG Thank You!, to you all!

in #revue8 years ago

trying to pay attention
They say the price of freedom is eternal vigilance!
In today's world that seams to be a price that is out of reach of most of us. why? because you spend 40+ hr. working for a living? you do not have the time or energy to explore facts or ideas. we are programed through tv, social media ,and education to believe that those in power have our best interest at heart.
I believe in an inherent goodness in the humans species! I realize that it is a small minority that controls the wealth and knowledge of the world and that they maintain their power structure through restriction of access to money and education.
I want to destroy their control matrix and help set the human species free! I would love to be a part of a thriving planet, that truly promoted an abundant life for all it's inhabitants!
so I am asking you to get involved,help however you can . Some of you are just as broke and confused as they want you to be, some of you have an inkling of an idea of how controlled the planet is. and the majority of us are trying to live in peace.
I am not naive enough to think ,that we can accomplish this without a fight. After all they spend a considerable amount of time and $$$ keeping us fighting each other. We need to come together and organize! we need to get as organized as those who run the Bilderberg group ,the trilateral group, and the world banks. ect. ...
I admit I do not have all the answers! and neither do you! but as sure as there is life on this planet we can figure it out!
If wild animals can , then shouldn't we be able to too!!!
I know that the main reason I don't help more people is financial ! I would love to pay more forward and have more time to pursue helping those that have been cast off by the system...
"" seams to be a better place for this kind of organization than any of social media sites out there. so lets come together and end the endless war by the powers that be, and be better than them! we can do better!
Namaste! jesse2you

feeling empowered
Namaste! and Thank you!
I appreciate all your help you will be giving me and the access to such a powerful tool to work together to help solve the problems we face.
I am working on trying to figure out how to do more than e-mail, facebook , store pic that I can not post or share!... :-)
I am tech challenged ,and admit it. but if you help me with my deficiencies ,I will try and help you.
I am going to commit to spending time on learning how to do more with a computer,and how to be a benefit to the steemit community, and help the world!
I admit that I am a little bit of an Asshole, and a smart ass,a little sarcastic too often... They are defense mechanisms... but I admit it. and I have been told that admitting a problem is half the battle... :-) ...---... lol.
If we can work together to help each other ,we can create a synergetic system of mutual support.
I am trying to be a better person and leave a better more livable , greener and growing world for our children and future generations!
Just remember that we are challenging the status quo here, and we will be attacked on all fronts. So be curious! be prepared, and get ready to change the world together!

snapshots of my Dic to my... opps...Dichotomy :-)
25 days ago
jesse2you 46 in humor
This is a dangerous post as I am exposing myself to the public...
Not because I want attention,or to be popular...
not because I want followers!
not for the $$$
and not for your approval...I don't think you will approve this message.
To start with I am a terrible speller and my grammar is atrocious .but I cheat and use my phone as a spell
so the title was an intentional ploy..... Dichotomy.
you see I enjoy a good pun,and word play.
I would like to contribute to this site,and be a blight to the control structure that enslave us.
I am trying to get up to speed but, there is so much information,and so much I just do not understand! i feel like a 10 year old trying to compete in a marathon...i just can't keep up!
I am not a tech and this using a computer ,trys me...and constantly test is a challenge to my ADD(attention deficit disorder),and all the acronym,and abbreviations make my head want to explode.but I am learning to code...
so I am asking for patience, and a chance to share what I can in a basic form, till I can add pictures and link to help you be more informed ...
This world is big ,and my small mind is trying to fit it all in... that includes you!
we may not agree, but we can find mutual ground... the Earth we all live on!.. it is my misunderstanding ,and I freely admit, because I know I am not perfect and I make mistakes!
I have a voracious appetite for knowledge,and want to have a bite of everything,the sweet, the bitter ,the bland, and every single plan...but my days are to short and the task to long...
Day by day I will try to improve this mess that our ancestors have made, and try to do a little better ,learn a little more.
I do not want our children to have no home ,or clean air to breath,to never taste from a clear running stream.. the progress I have seen,and the elite too going to extremes,to concur and to kill all the life they can ,rather than to help and build a greener world!
If we do not learn to work together I afraid we may end up looking like mars... so rather than that lets send the elite,they can take all there $$ and live off that! ,I have herd of a Dragon that can get the job done!
now my attention wanders to puns and topics I wish I could share,so I guess i should end here and start to learn how to share a more artistic, computer assisted and multi-sensory technique... because life is more vibrant that this black and white text can ever convey... Namaste!
I Don't think you will understand
28 days ago
jesse2you 46 in confusing

I don't think you will understand.
...And i'd give up forever to touch to touch 'cause I know that you feel me somehow,your the closest to heaven that I'll ever be...The world is a Vampire ,sent to drain secret destroyer,hold you up to the flame,and what do I get for my pain.Betrayed desires,and a piece of the game.
And all I can taste is this moment...
And all i can breath is part of your life...
Despite all my rage I am still just a rat in a cage,and I don't want the world to see me 'cause I don't think that they'd understand.
When everything's made to be broken.Now I'm naked ,nothing but an animal,they want me to fake it for just one more show...And you can't fight the tears that aint coming or the moment of truth in your lies,and everything feel like a movie..
and I don't want the world to see me I just want you to know who I am..just a rat in a cage..

I have had several songs stuck in my I am trying to get them out! "buterfly w/ bullet whole wings" smashing pumpkins, and "I just want you to know who I am " by the Goo Goo Dolls.
I also have queens "I want to ride my bicycle ,and Janis Joplin "oh lord won't you buy me a Mercedes Benz" with day dream of Tesla cars and that new flying electric car by lilium... lol..
I could have rebuilt a motor quicker than It has taken me to upload a photo.. lol...good news, computer is not smashed!!!
so maybe I will try and do something with that if you like ....
and remember ! life is too short for bad days! :-)

Hello fellow "steemians"

I am proud to be a part of this paradigm shift. I want to thank all of you for your support and your efforts to make this a better planet for all of us and our children.

There are many roads paths and trails in this life. We all have our different origins in this journey of life. This meat wagon were given at Birth is not really our own ,but property of the world community. From Birth to Death we are influenced by society and culture.

As a self aware Biological Artificial Intelligence unit of this Planet I am trying to link and share my code with the rest of the self learning biological Artificial intelligence’s out there.

Etymology and definitions of words have always fascinated me. These are the structures they used to control us .The human ability to use words and vocabulary are what separate us from the animals they say. They are used to form fences and barriers to keep us in control. The amount of knowledge that is hidden or controlled ,suppressed, To keep the powers that be in control are mind baffling and beyond belief.

The Understanding of definitions allows for broader program recognition,and the ability to increase our operational fields.I want to help broaden our fields!...

The study of history, myths ,religion, folklore ,Etc. Gives a unique perspective.For those who are trying to find the truth,The common themes and the advanced psychological knowledge. The hidden knowledge that the people in power have kept secret throughout the ages is a plain example of this.

The more questions I have answered .The more questions I have .The more I find out .The more I need to know

I believe in Synergy that the parts being greater than the whole
A motor is a perfect example of this,and so is this computer that you are using to read this. I am here to make a synergy of new Ideas.thoughts and technology.I believe in helping serendipity along!

I welcome those who want to syn along with me!

More on the Oxymoreon...a piece pi from my broken mind!
15 days ago
jesse2you 46 in aboutme

HELLO fellow steemians!
Thank you for this great tool, and this platform to share and collaborate!
Please let me be the least of us, I'll be the smallest piece of pi!. all I want is to be a part of the pi ...
To start off, I want to thank all of you on steemit for your efforts to make this a better world!
We live in a world that is obviously broken and not working for the average person! We are taught lies from birth on.A lot of them seam harmless,and a lot of them are unintentional.But a large proportion of them are by design! Put in place by the Rulers and Elite.
Most of us spend our live in a system designed to harness our energy and keep us ignorant. That is not our fault, we are discouraged from asking question and ridiculed for entertaining thoughts that challenge the status quo.
I have been one of the social rejects,the disenfranchised,and an odd duck for as long as I can remember..I have never seamed to fit in.I am not claiming to be some mental genius or that I am smarter than you.Just that I have seen thing from a different point of view. I grew up seeing more of the control structure,and the box's that they put us in... So let me share some of my perspective and views...I do not have all the answers!... just a hell of a lot of question that make me seek answers!
I am not going to claim to be perfectly right! I admit I have areas that need more clarification ...use this little magic box is one of my greatest challenges!... But I am trying to cure my ignorance. I hope to be able to upload a profile pic. sooner than later...and I am looking forward to when I can create a web page w/ color ,memes,and photos,and fact sheet ,ect...
Part of my problem has to do w/ head trauma and to many concussions,as a kid...the other is unfamiliarity,and lack of experience. So for now I have to stick with text and hope you will be patient while I work through my ignorance.
I have so many thing I want to share,say and communicate... but my thought run to fast ,and the information superhighway is way to fast for me to keep up,I have a serious case of sensory overload...some of you spend hours on here,and I wish I could too, but I can only manage a half hr. or so before I need a break..I am lucky to read a full article,and get in a reply or comment,before I need a break... I can never seam to keep up with the flow..
So please be patient with me as I learn and grow... I promise to try and contribute as much as I can, Right now that is ,limited to mainly comment,replies and resteeming the post's that catch attention , or that I think you will enjoy or learn from.
No matter who you are ,you have something you can teach me ! And I am willing to learn ,if you will just slow down and communicate! together we can figure out if it is a 6 or a 9, or exactly how many branches are on this tree!
I look forward to our trip into the future!
( this post took over an hr. so far and I need a cig..)
I'll try not to fall any farther :-)

Absolute Law Pertaining to the Ruling Bodies of the Universe
27 days ago
gamadin29 in absolute
Absolute Laws Pertaining to the Ruling Bodies of the Universe
The foregoing laws affect all Ruling Bodies (RB) of the Universe. What one calls the RB; Government, Parliament, President, Prime Minister, King, Queen, Emperor or Sultan is irrelevant. For the purposes of the ALPRBU the RB is any entity, group, or individual capable of passing laws that effect a population of sentient beings. A central RB is unnecessary for any population, society, or group of sentient beings to exist and lead a full and productive life. However, if a population, society, or group of sentient beings so chooses to have a RB, these are the absolute laws that a RB will obey.

  1. The RB will be local, accountable, and fully open and transparent where the right of public scrutiny shall not be denied.
  2. No RB can interfere with a being’s inherent and inalienable right to enjoy a life free of oppression.
  3. A RB cannot interfere with a being’s absolute right to arm, protect, and defend one’s person, family, or property.
  4. No RB can interfere with a being’s right to acquire, sell, possess, and enjoy private property.
  5. It is RB’s duty to insure a being’s right to due process.
  6. The RB cannot pass any law forbidding freedom of speech or to congregate “peacefully.”
  7. The RB cannot suppress a being’s right to freedom of worship.
  8. No RB has the power to tax or levy a person or their property.
  9. No RB or its representatives can be greater than .01 percent of the population.
  10. No RB official or representative may serve more than a single, 3-year term.
  11. All elected or appointed RB officials or representatives are subject to the laws they pass.
  12. No RB has the power to create a welfare state.
  13. No RB has the right to own land.
  14. No RB can create a secret or clandestine organization or military force.
  15. No RB can plot against the beings of the Universe.
  16. No RB can revoke the ALPRBU.
    Now, it is the nature of sentient beings everywhere to scheme, plan, and plot ways to subjugate the ALPRBU. There is no law written that will stop the immoral, ruthless, or the corrupt among us. They will always be our shadow. For them, this warning will have little meaning. However, let it be understood by all, good and bad, the ALPRBU is clear and unequivocal. No RB, its officials or representatives, are exempt. The ALPRBU are not amendable. The ALPRBU are not living, transitional, or temporary. The ALPRBU are absolute, enduring, and forever. RBs, entities, or beings found in violation of ALPRBU will be immediately excommunicated to a world other than their own with no possibility of return.
    Harlowe Pylott, Captain
    Gamadin Starship, Millawanda
    Effective Immediately


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