Next Chapter in American Revolution: Vigilantes vs Shoplifters

in #revolutionlast year (edited)

Joe Biden's Crime Wave has left Americans no choice but to defend our country ourselves. Yesterday, I saw a man beating a woman relentlessly outside the dollar tree. Naturally, my first instinct was to help the gal, but as I approached I saw the tattoos on her arm, and instantly knew she was being beaten for stealing from the dollar tree. Similarly, many other witnesses walked by and didn't lift a finger to stop the man from beating the woman, because we all knew she was the bad guy. Similarly, the hardware store is routinely dealing with people running out with tools.

This crime wave is the direct result of the campaign promises, which included "defunding the police," under democrats Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and Ilham Omar. Similarly, Democrat Ted Wheeler has been entirely MIA, reticent, stonewalling, just all the biomarkers one would expect from an illegitimate election stealing democrat office holder. Many of these shills are vetted by the military industrial complex, which is why many, such as the useless legislator, Jamie Herrera Beutler (, are nothing but RINOs. If you are a judge or legislator, get a bullet proof vest, because you will be held accountable. Not having skin in the game is no longer an option for your ilk; and I'm not the person who decided this, you did when you signed off on an obviously stolen election result. It's a crime that these folks are holding offices. It's a crime when people who are totally unqualified for the job, are lording over a position like Hunter Biden. I am a cancer biologist, and I have worked decades in health care. Hunter Biden made more money per month, working for a Ukrainian oil company called Burisma, than I have ever made in a single year! Hunter Biden has no qualifications for him to have worked as an executive at an oil company. The rest of us have spent our lives in school, working, and are saddled with student loans. We support Trump, because he knows and respects the value we bring to American Families and American Prosperity, value that Obama and Joe Biden are all too willing to squander into foreign lands. We must fight the next American Revolution, and overthrow the liberals who are allowing eugenic amounts of illegal immigration. While Hunter Biden was being paid this exorbitant amount, presumably to help one of their oil execs illegitimately gain access to American resources (, Hunter Biden was carrying out unspeakable acts, far worse than liberal "women" stealing from Dollar stores. Only Raheem Kassam had the audacity, the merit, to report on the malfeasant and outlandish acts of poor lost little Hunter Biden, as even The New York Post (never trust a journalist no matter who it is) was savagely censored by Twitter. Normal people would not even understand the kind of street drugs that Hunter Biden is addicted to, or his anti-family, nonsensical, lifestyle choices. Donald Trump was still President when Twitter censored him, and he said nothing violent before or during Twitter's act of censoring him. Anyone who has looked into the accusations of election interference against Donald Trump is well aware that they are fake, because Trump obviously did not do what he is being accused of, and even a 8 year old can figure that out.

Shame on the government for lying to American Families. Shame on the mainstream media. Shame on every journalist. May your mothers disown you all!

We all know the dog & pony show indictments are just another rerun of the sham impeachments. We all know they are lies. We all know they are fake. We all know that democrats are just Hollywood journalist liberals with the military in their pocket. What Twitter was empowered to do at the behest of the democrat deep state, was a total act of election interference by a social media company that enjoys protection against lawsuits from the government (Section 230 is a provision of the 1996 Communications Decency Act that protects companies that host user-created content from lawsuits over posts on their services. The law shields both internet service providers and social media and internet platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter, and Google. The overarching purpose of Section 230 is to protect free speech on the internet. Section 230 provides legal immunity from liability for internet services and users for content posted on the internet.) (<--consider the hypocrisy of Twitter censoring a non-violent President, and then accusing him of violent rhetoric, which never took place, but he is now unable to say that...that's the apotheosis of "election interference," which now they've contrived indictments over, the same architects of sham impeachement #1 and #2, which was a waste of your time and money, as well as a slap on your intellect). Democrats like to pretend they're being persecuted by Trump, when in reality they made deadly decisions, which are going to haunt them. We all know Trump won by a lot. It's not even close. They had to rig the election with a lawfare campaign, totally mutating the election ahead of time, in order to capture more votes for their side. Deep State Democrats engaged in many other forms of corruption, including the use of social media companies to censor elected office holders, while they are in office. The deep state Democrats have brought in war lords, Jake Sullivan, Tony Blinken, and Victoria Nuland, who have misled the world into catastrophes in Syria, Afghanistan, Niger, Ukraine, and Russia (God knows where else). America, we are morally obligated to take down the regime of Joe Biden. There is no doubt remaining.

Democrats who are engineering obvious fake impeachments and indictments are fooling no one. This country is conditioned to assume if it comes from a journalist, it must be fake news. It is obvious that democrats run certain mainstream media outlets who overtly lie on the behalf of an obviously democrat deep state. These are all scientifically evident claims. The entire world is welcome to rebuttal my claims, and the comment section is open below. This is a public statement. Thousands of public statements denouncing the results of the 2020 election as totally fake have been made, including this one. I can prove the election was stolen in a single sentence, as all college grads and government professors can as well (no successful economic incumbent ever lost a bid for re-election due to the incumbent effect, therefore the election result of 2020 is a violation of historic precedent, and Joe Biden is a court appointed President) These are facts, that can be scientifically and empirically quantitated. Again, I proved the election is stolen in a single sentence that anyone world wide can verify, so there is no doubt whatsoever, and it's going to come down to a fight. Democrats are counting on Americans not knowing what is actually going on, and hoping to keep triggering their lefto votary's Trump derangement syndrome again, in what ought to be illegal- aren't there slander and libel laws to keep democrats from spreading such ad hominem attacks? Democrats are hoping you did not go to college, so you cannot tell that they have stolen your country from you, and we the educated votary are going after them with knives out. We are not backing down until they have been slain for stealing what is ours.

Donald Trump's performance was definitely perfect, and Twitter is a truly evil spreader of liberal statist lies and propaganda. Readers, please, don't use Twitter! Don't use Facebook. Don't use Google. Google was highly involved in stealing the election, right down to January 6th, so they are certainly an enemy of The American Family. It is important to get rid of Google from America. They cannot be allowed here anymore. These companies directly stole the election. Google, Twitter and Facebook are the epicenter of liberal larceny worldwide. Without them, Pakistan wouldn't be ousting Imran Khan (who was fairly moderate for a relatively conservative Islamic Republic) for Biden over selling necklaces. It's very clear that Biden is a part of a globalist club, and that club is about to get whacked. The big tech companies were propped up by the deep state for this very purpose. We cannot afford to give them second chances, because they have stolen our very everything and led the entire world into a war which we have to provide the weapons for. Hunter Biden and Joe Biden are certainly behind the war, which is what the first impeachment of Donald Trump was all about. No new wars erupted under Trump. Trump was very economically prosperous, and peaceful. Trump is still loved like no other living American has ever been loved. Not even Reagan comes close to how Trump is loved. Trump is loved. Let's make that clear to anyone who might have a fake news addiction. No one has yet to believe any word any journalist has every written about Trump. Never trust a journalist even if it is your mother! Never trust a word that comes out of a journalist. Journalism is a crime, and it is protected by the first amendment which is why the USA is so full of lies. There are no other nations that are as full of fake news as America, and we must fight to put an end by waging war on journalists themselves. Journalists are the agents of the democrat communist party. These are the enemies of all mankind, even their own mothers. A journalist would steal from her own mother. Journalists have been lying to gas light Americans and we are morally obligated to wage war directly on the journalists, for they are an act of war upon every American mother and child. Democrats, we are going to get you. Democrats are not going to get away. That should be obvious by now.

Steve Jobs, who was a conservative well aware charities steal elections, warned against social media, and specifically said they are evil because they are not capable of providing editorial oversight. Steve Jobs never used Facebook, Twitter, or Google. He knew they were bad even then, and they truly are evil. I am not arguing technology is bad, I am a technologist myself, but these specific companies (Twitter, Meta, and Google) are absolutely tools for the deep state, as well as many other nefarious institutions. Let us not forget that Apple participated in censoring Americans. Apple products are overpriced turds owned by conceited yuppie schmucks who misallocate capital.

America, we cannot allow this spoiled larcenous democrat deep state another breath of oxygen. Google must not be allowed to survive after stealing an election. Google must be removed from America, regardless of their contributions to computer science. Google are criminals now. Facebook must not be allowed to survive for stealing elections, and spreading fake news. Meta are criminals. Twitter must be destroyed for the sake of American family values. Twitter is a criminal organization. I do not care who owns it now, because it must be totally removed from the face of this planet for all eternity, because it has resulted in war ( We, the American Family, must go in, and wipe these tech companies out, permanently. If you are investing in them, I already feel sorry for how hard you are going to lose. Twitter must not be allowed henceforth because it is a safety risk to all mankind. All governments, all people, worldwide, must unite to destroy these three specific technology companies (Twitter, META, and Google), or we will lose our very everything. Especially Twitter, must be destroyed to its last dying ember.

Twitter is now owned by Elon Musk, who denied COVID, refusing to cooperate, said his doctor said his family can't get it, and then his family got it three times. This means Twitter is more dangerous than ever, because it belongs to one gigantic pathological fool. It is true that Elon Musk is smarter than Bill Gates and Steve Jobs, however he is also a pro-criminal socialist. Elon Musk is not on the side of law and order, because if he was, he would be Republican. He is not. It is much more likely that Elon Musk can damage mankind, than ever do anything productive with cars or space. The truth is that no one is buying electric vehicles because they are heavy, slow, and drive like a forty year old Honda Civic. If you don't believe this, go test drive one of Elon's cars. This is a person who would rather have your mother in the ICU, than close his turd bucket factory for an indefinite amount of time during an airborne pandemic, to produce the weakest cars that no one wanted, nor asked for. Trust me, I am not against him being successful, but all his money came from the welfare the government gave him. He didn't sell enough Teslas to make that much money, obviously. Yet he feels entitled to spread COVID, because his "business" is more important than your mother's well being? Any business is more important than your mother to a pathological imbecile liberal. This is why we cannot allow these corrupt COVID denying election riggers even half a gasp of oxygen. Twitter must die, as in there will be no change of ownership other than it will be killed until there is no owner. Twitter is a company that has engaged in an act of war against the very families of America, which includes my mother and father. Twitter is dead meat. Twitter is in deep trouble, and everyone who works there, or has worked there, better be on guard. Be forewarned, because it is not going to be pretty. Being under new management cannot stop the impending mauling which is already taking place. The evil people are still there, and there is no evil Trump supporters fear. No one trusts Twitter. No on trusts journalists. No one trusts Elon Musk. These forces of evil have burnt their bridges of trust with COVID, and attempting to manipulate the narrative around the virus.

Elon Musk, who is a socialist (Elon Musk is a lefto), does not care if you are in a crime wave. Joe Biden (who is a senile puppet controlled by Obama, who bombed hospitals and orphanages in Pakistan) doesn't care that you are in a crime wave. Democrats Ted Wheeler, Joe Biden, and Barack Obama are certainly on the side of the criminals. These are the people who call you and ask you to drop charges. They work for the thugs. They have admitted they are socialists in public. They know what they signed up for, and that war is upon them like a hammer. Their futures will be worse than JFK. They will be hunted for the remainder of their lives by tens of millions of Americans.

This is what you have to do in Obama/Biden's stolen regime of BLM and Antifa criminals. You have to become the law, because it's not like some "do nothing democrat" is going to lift a finger to defend your mother. The democrat is why Americans starve, and small family businesses are stolen from, driven out of business, or never funded to begin with. The democrat is why Americans cannot afford basics such as a roof over their head, starting a family, having children, buying a car, or buying anything. We cannot allow these larcenous communists to get away without revenge-ful and deadly serious consequences. The second amendment was designed to make sure that the 2020 election is not stolen, which means we are now going to fight a revolution. Democrat communist liberals hate your mother, and are trying to eugenicize the planet. Democrats will steal your everything, and leave your elders sleeping in a bus stop. These are the Democrat Marxist Americans who live within our own borders, and yes, we will fight them until they are gone, no matter how long it takes, or what it takes. They're too busy passing laws no one asked for, are entirely unenforceable, and will only bankrupt your family. Their tattoos were financed by your paycheck. Enough is enough. We are going to fight back.

Only an Abraham "The Bloodthirsty" Lincoln would ever lift a finger to help defend your mother, and only that party, the Republican Party would ever help your mother. Do you think Obama would ever help your mother? (Malik Obama supports Trump for the third time: Do you think Hillary cares about your father? Would Biden ever be able to help your grandparents? No, and in fact, they are here to eugenicize you. All of the liberals are enemies of the people. America, we need an Abraham "The Vampire Slayer" Lincoln, because heads must roll. We need a person who is moral enough to recognize that the immoral must be slain, and actively slain in a sustainable manner. That is the only way to take America back. It's going to take a war, because the elections are rigged. They are seating senile frankensteins like Joe Biden and mentally unfit eugenic liberal-yes-man John Fetterman.

Democrats, this is not about Trump. Don't be silly. It's about making sure you get killed. Nassim Nicholas Taleb made an astute observation upon the vicious sacking of the capital on January 6th, as the election was being stolen in real time, which is, according to Taleb, maybe Trump didn't actually feel like being President, and just kept it a secret...yeah sure, but that doesn't change the fact that there is a vast ocean of people with pitchforks looking to tar and feather liberals every which way they turn. It is worth mentioning that although very wealthy, Nassim Nicholas Taleb is a pathological imbecile, and profound liar for causes he cares to lie about. Democrats, you are definitely going to be hunted from all six sides, there will be no where for you to turn, and you will certainly die. You will be killed until there is no such thing as a democrat.

Patriotic Freedom-loving Americans, please go fully armed wherever you go, and be prepared to fight the liberal communist criminal on the street, all the way through the revolution. Keep criminal democrats out of every neighborhood in God's country. This is our country to defend from thug democrat criminals! There will be no surface safe in this entire land if you steal our elections, our family members, and our future. America, we have the second amendment, and it is the primary government at this very hour that Biden is taking a nap! Parents, invest time in protecting your children from liberals, because they aim to derail the prosperity of your children, nudging them into eugenics each step of the way.

Never trust a journalist. We know the elections are fake. We must fight to take America back!

Never trust a journalist.
Never trust a journalist.
Never trust a journalist even if it is your mother.

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