Task Rabbit - First Impressions as a "Tasker"
I decided to become a TaskRabbit Tasker to try and earn money for my family, hoping that it would not be as impossible to get gigs as it is on Fiverr. Although the website's "Be a Tasker" page says to register online and then get the app, I couldn't do that.
I "livechatted" (as if there's any other kind of chat) with support, but the agent didn't really seem to be paying attention/remembering info I'd already relayed, suggesting that agent was either inattentive, forgetful or handling multiple chats at once. S/he finally pointed me to the FAQ for signing up, which said the exact opposite of the tasker sign-up page, so I did that. S/he suggested I file feedback about this conflict of info, which I did.
I'm not a fan of doing everything on a phone/tablet. They're less practical in a non-field situation because they don't have good input systems, like keyboards and mice. Once I got past the part where it asks for $25, the standard fee that many background check services charge. I found the non-refundable charge to be questionable because:
- you don't really have an easy way to experience what it's like on the tasker side without paying (unless you can find a reviewer you trust);
- there's no guarantee that you'll be allowed to become a tasker, even if you pass the background checks; and
- the charge should've been implemented at the END of the registration process, not half-way through before you can see some of the quirks.
Since I believed I had finished registering, I filled out my profile and a direct-deposit, checked to make sure my skills were set the way I wanted (but didn't activate them), and then tried to adjust my "work area" (the areas I'm willing to work in) but that function was not working. I thought I'd set up my availability but, owing to the fact that it doesn't give you a convenient way to block time by the week instead of the day, I decided I'd try both of these online. I moved from my phone to the website on my computer. I couldn't log on. It said my password was wrong.
I got another agent in "chat," who also didn't pay enough attention and was even worse, but eventually informed me that I had to finish registering on my app by completing my skills section. S/he also told me that the website doesn't have all the functionality of the website. This agent vexed me with the level of inattentiveness displayed. I complained about the fact that the website wasn't fully functional because I find it much easier to input info via a computer than a handheld device (HHD) and, again, ended up being told to file feedback, which I did.
I completed one skill on the app - out of those I'd chosen - but still couldn't log on. I noticed that, when I clicked done, it mentioned something about having to complete a "hot" (in demand) skill, too. There is only one skill at this time - IKEA assembler - so I finished that, too, but I was STILL unable to log onto the website.
Another "livechat" and the agent nailed resetting my password. Yay!
I logged on, and noticed RIGHT AWAY that there was no way to update my availability, activate/edit my skills, or set my work area there. I went into account, which also didn't have these and virtually every other important options it should've offered to taskers who hates doing everything on an HHD. That the company has been in business for 10 years and STILL doesn't have this functionality makes me feel like I should tell my bank to revert the $25 because I feel ripped off. >:( I sent more vexed feedback.
I then went into my profile and discovered that the picture of myself that I'd taken and uploaded with the app had been changed to some woman's picture! WHAT?? I tried using the website to change it, but it turned into another woman's picture!
Back to livechat. After 5 minutes of waiting, s/he informed me that the issue had been reported to the developers, who were working on it, and it wasn't a hacker. She said it should be fixed in the next 2 hours.
Later, yet another woman's picture was on my profile. It's finally fixed, though.
After not too long, I got an email from Sterling Talent Solutions, giving me the ability to look at my background check. It was that fast because I don't have anything bad to find. I'm clean as a...well, whistles are lined with spit and mucous, so I guess I'm as clean as can be! :)
This was more thorough than when I signed up on Fiverrr, and I'm terribly concerned that it's going to be the same uphill battle as that and Homee to get gigs, let alone build my rep. :( We'll see!
The very next day, I was able to get into my account and complete all the information. I used my tablet instead of my phone, which I found easier to do and, while the work area function hadn't worked yesterday, I was able to get it working. I also synced my calendar and set my availability. I discovered that, phone or tablet, it was quite difficult to change the start time from 8 AM to a later time; although it was easy to drag the end time, the start time was exceedingly difficult to drag. I called their support line but there were only tasker options for problems with a client, invoicing questions and metrics questions, so I tried invoicing. I voiced my complaints to the agent who answered and felt heard and understood regarding all the issues I mentioned. She helped me and, strangely, although it hadn't worked on my phone yesterday, I could use the availability function just fine today. It still doesn't work right on my tablet, though.
Support Chats
Their "livechat" system sent me a copy of each chat, which I'll include below. It also sent me a request to "grade" the agent (thumb up/down with optional comment), which I did. I like that this happens, although I would prefer a system with more grading choices (1-5 is fine).
1st chat:
Chat started: 2020-12-07 07:27 PM UTC
(07:27:39 PM) Glenn A. McGrew II: I'm trying to create an account, but it's giving me error code 2000.
(07:27:41 PM) *** Chear joined the chat ***
(07:28:00 PM) Chear: Hi Glenn, thank you for contacting TaskRabbit! My name is Chear!
(07:28:20 PM) Chear: I'm sorry to hear that you're getting an error 2000 when trying to create an account.
(07:28:30 PM) Chear: I'd be happy to look into this further! One moment, please.
(07:28:40 PM) Glenn A. McGrew II: Thanks
(07:32:22 PM) Chear: Thank you so much for patiently waiting on the chat, Glenn!
(07:32:38 PM) Glenn A. McGrew II: sure
(07:33:24 PM) Chear: I would suggest they try making an account in the TaskRabbit App. Also, in this case, I would highly advise that you call our support line at +1 (844) 340-8275 and select the option for booking assistance, which will transfer to the next available booking agent. Currently, they're the best team who can take care and further assist you with the booking process.
(07:33:58 PM) Glenn A. McGrew II: I want to be a tasker, not book some help
(07:35:05 PM) Chear: Thanks for clarifying the info. May I ask what country are you from?
(07:35:12 PM) Glenn A. McGrew II: usa
(07:35:25 PM) Chear: Also, I would like to ask what device you are using when you try to create an account?
(07:35:30 PM) Glenn A. McGrew II: PC
(07:36:58 PM) Chear: One moment, please.
(07:40:32 PM) Chear: I'm almost done reviewing some info here, Glenn! Thank you so much for your patience.
(07:40:36 PM) Glenn A. McGrew II: ok
(07:41:02 PM) Chear: You can register to be a Tasker here: https://www.taskrabbit.com/become-a-tasker
(07:41:20 PM) Glenn A. McGrew II: That is where I went.
(07:41:31 PM) Chear: To start your registration, you'll need to use the Tasker app (green background with a white rabbit), which you can download from the App Store or Google Play. You'll be asked to create a profile with info on your skills and experience. It’s best to be detailed as your profile is what Clients see when hiring you!
(07:41:37 PM) Chear: After your profile is complete, our Community Team will contact you about your status. Note that you won’t be able to task until your registration is processed!
(07:42:11 PM) Glenn A. McGrew II: So the instructions on the site are wrong. It tells us to start registering on the website, then get the app.
(07:43:02 PM) Glenn A. McGrew II: "1. Sign up
Create your account. Then download the Tasker app to continue registration."
(07:43:16 PM) Chear: You can check this support article as your reference also: https://support.taskrabbit.com/hc/en-us/articles/360031918292-How-Do-I-Become-a-Tasker-
(07:44:09 PM) Glenn A. McGrew II: Will you please have the devs make the necessary correction, then, since it contradicts the article?
(07:44:52 PM) Chear: I apologize for the confusion. Your thoughts are extremely valuable to us as we continue to develop and improve our product. So that we can ensure the correct team receives this feedback, we would greatly appreciate it if you took a moment to fill out the form linked here: https://taskrabbit1.typeform.com/to/OnVz5D
(07:45:39 PM) Chear: Being as thorough and detailed as possible will make it easier for our Product Team to understand and potentially action your request.
(07:46:04 PM) Glenn A. McGrew II: Very well, then. Thanks for your help.
(07:46:26 PM) Chear: You're welcome, sir!
(07:46:34 PM) Chear: Can I help you with anything else today?
(07:46:49 PM) Glenn A. McGrew II: That's all. Have a good day.
(07:47:04 PM) Chear: You too as well! Stay safe.
(07:47:07 PM) Chear: Thank you again for reaching out to us today. At this time, I will end this chat. You can contact us again by calling us or visiting the web page help.tr.co. Just click the green 'Get Help' button at the bottom right-hand corner and fill out the contact form for assistance.
(07:47:11 PM) *** Chear left the chat ***
2nd chat:
Chat started: 2020-12-07 08:35 PM UTC
(08:35:08 PM) Glenn A. McGrew II: I can't sign in as a tasker. I just made my account on the app and am trying to sign in on my computer.
(08:35:13 PM) Customer Support: Thanks for reaching out! We’ll be right with you. While you’re waiting, please provide the name of your Tasker or Client and the category of the task.
(08:35:27 PM) *** Villy joined the chat ***
(08:35:28 PM) Glenn A. McGrew II: N/A
(08:35:33 PM) Glenn A. McGrew II: Hi Villy
(08:35:45 PM) Villy: Hi Glenn , thanks for contacting TaskRabbit!
I am Villy, happy to help!
(08:35:59 PM) Villy: No worries, let me check this one for you.
(08:37:58 PM) Villy: Ah Glenn, please be informed that the registration must be completed on the app
(08:39:08 PM) Glenn A. McGrew II: What do you mean by that? It's currently doing the background check.
(08:39:33 PM) Glenn A. McGrew II: So, as far as I know, I have completed it already.
(08:40:25 PM) Villy: your registration cannot be completed on the web using a cmputer
(08:40:58 PM) Villy: here is the link to guide you https://support.taskrabbit.com/hc/en-us/articles/360031918292-How-Do-I-Become-a-Tasker-
(08:41:08 PM) Glenn A. McGrew II: Villy, I did it on the app!
(08:42:01 PM) Villy: ok, then
(08:42:19 PM) Villy: I can see here that you have not completed yet the 2nd steo
(08:42:23 PM) Villy: step
(08:42:32 PM) Villy: you need to fill up ths skill sets
(08:42:57 PM) Glenn A. McGrew II: I already selected the categories. What are you referring to?
(08:43:22 PM) Villy: yes your categories
(08:43:39 PM) Villy: please dont log in on your computer
(08:43:48 PM) Villy: try to complete these steps on your app
(08:44:14 PM) Glenn A. McGrew II: I see. And after that, will I be able to log into the website?
(08:44:46 PM) Glenn A. McGrew II: It sure would be nice if I could do all this on the website instead of being forced to use the app, which I find less conducive. Honestly, your documentation really needs some work.
(08:45:49 PM) Villy: yes you can log in to the website
(08:46:00 PM) Glenn A. McGrew II: No, I cannot. As I told you, it won't let me!
(08:46:05 PM) Villy: but if you are already an active tasker, I would still suggest using the app
(08:46:20 PM) Villy: there are some features on the app that are not available on the website
(08:46:27 PM) Glenn A. McGrew II: How many people are you helping simultaneously?
(08:46:46 PM) Glenn A. McGrew II: And some features, like setting my work area, don't work on the app.
(08:47:05 PM) Villy: you are unable to chat on the website with the client
(08:47:40 PM) Glenn A. McGrew II: Villy, I just want to efficiently and speedily complete the skills and schedule so I can get this started once the background checks, which will all come back clean, are done.
(08:47:47 PM) Villy: basically, there are very limited features on the website
(08:47:49 PM) Glenn A. McGrew II: I didn't ask about talking to clients.
(08:48:23 PM) Glenn A. McGrew II: So, you're telling me that your devs have made little effort to help taskers and clients by making the website more fully functional?
(08:48:32 PM) Villy: yes I Iknow and I am telling you that you cannot process your registration on the website that is why I am encouraging you to use the app
(08:49:01 PM) Villy: the websites for clients end and for taskers end have different features
(08:49:55 PM) Glenn A. McGrew II: Do you realize what a pain it is to set up my availability on the app? It's really not a good system.
(08:50:24 PM) Glenn A. McGrew II: Having to type in everything with my finger, when a computer allows me so much more speed and accuracy, is silly if I'm not in the field.
(08:52:34 PM) Glenn A. McGrew II: Since you cannot help me, please give me the feedback page so I can tell the devs.
(08:52:42 PM) Villy: No worries, feel free to send your feedback here so our product team would be aware and may adjust the system for you
(08:52:58 PM) Glenn A. McGrew II: Have a good day.
(08:53:47 PM) Villy: thank you, have a good day too, Glenn.
(08:56:57 PM) *** Villy left the chat ***
3rd chat:
Chat started: 2020-12-07 09:21 PM UTC
(09:21:09 PM) Glenn A. McGrew II: Although I've finished registration, I cannot log on to your website.
(09:21:14 PM) Customer Support: Thanks for reaching out! We’ll be right with you. While you’re waiting, please provide the name of your Tasker or Client and the category of the task.
(09:21:16 PM) *** Arien joined the chat ***
(09:21:26 PM) Arien: Hi Glenn, thank you for reaching out to TaskRabbit, my name is Arien.
(09:21:54 PM) Arien: I have read your concern about not being able to login to your account, have you tried to reset your password?
(09:22:05 PM) Glenn A. McGrew II: I have not.
(09:22:59 PM) Arien: Please try to click on reset password and let me know if you received an email.
(09:23:05 PM) Glenn A. McGrew II: Attempting...
(09:23:12 PM) Arien: Thank you, Glenn!
(09:25:03 PM) Glenn A. McGrew II: It appears to have worked, but I noticed that, for some reason, the profile picture I uploaded is missing and was replaced by a photo of someone I don't know. :(
(09:25:20 PM) Glenn A. McGrew II: Given that I just made my account within the past hour, this concerns me.
(09:25:46 PM) Arien: Thank you for giving me the details.
(09:26:43 PM) Glenn A. McGrew II: It is especially concerning since I couldn't access my account.
(09:26:55 PM) Arien: My sincerest apologies for the photo issue. Our Engineering Team is aware and is diligently working on a fix.
(09:27:07 PM) Glenn A. McGrew II: I hope so. Thanks.
(09:27:12 PM) Glenn A. McGrew II: Have a good day.
(09:27:21 PM) Arien: My pleasure to help! Thank you again for reaching out to us today. You can contact us again by calling us or visiting the web page help.tr.co. Just click the green 'Get Help' button at the bottom right-hand corner and fill out the contact form for assistance.
(09:27:29 PM) Arien: I'll be stepping out of the chat for now. Please don't hesitate to contact us back if you need anything else. Have a great day too!
(09:28:14 PM) *** Arien left the chat ***
4th chat:
Chat started: 2020-12-07 09:31 PM UTC
(09:31:50 PM) Glenn A. McGrew II: My profile picture is hijacked. The photo I set when I made my account was changed to a woman's photo. When I attempted to replace it on the website, it brought up a different woman's photo.
(09:31:52 PM) *** Heidi joined the chat ***
(09:32:04 PM) Heidi: Hi Glenn. Thanks for contacting TaskRabbit! My name is Heidi.
(09:32:46 PM) Heidi: Please give me a moment to review your concern. Thank you
(09:32:47 PM) Glenn A. McGrew II: Hi.
(09:32:49 PM) Glenn A. McGrew II: Ok
(09:37:41 PM) Heidi: Thanks for waiting, Glenn. Apologies for the photo you've seen on the app. We are aware of this issue and was already reported that this was a display error only and your account was not hacked. Our Engineering Team is diligently working on a fix. In the meantime, you should try clearing your cache/cookies, restart app and device then try again. If this error still persists, you can wait for 2 hours and try again. We appreciate your patience while we work to resolve this matter.
(09:38:13 PM) Glenn A. McGrew II: Ok, thanks.
(09:38:16 PM) Glenn A. McGrew II: Have a good day.
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