Shutter man ...
Shutter man ...
After signing the first pharmacy, you will see something strange. There is a staircase inside the mall. The presence of the stairs, though very narrow, made the pharmacy narrower. I was very upset because my first wife could not use the space because of the stairs. The size of the dispensary room did not have much meaning, since I was looking at one of my internal medicine. Half of the pharmacy area has become a dispensary. Looking at it now, it would have been clear that without the stairs there would be a situation in which the entire pharmacy had to be completely new. It is said that the current 5-pyeong-sized dispensary room seems to be cramped.
Around the time I felt the limit to carry a box of hard drink bottles that started with a pickle ... The woman pharmacist and the pharmacist with only a female employee started to wonder how to sort out these loads.
I am a pharmacist, but I have soaked one foot, and the position of the pharmacist came to my position, and the position of the shutter man decided to approach my selfish mind. From the beginning, he claims to be the best man, but the shutter man is lazy. And I do not want to do anything I do not want to do. Bacchus comes in three boxes a week, but he says he weighs more than 60kg. We have a staircase. How will I do it? Of course, Bacchus (logistics) brings it, but it is the pharmacy itself that needs to be taken out and put back.
I got a cart for the stairs.
Establish the principles that are needed when purchasing something. And there are products that fit the principle, but the placenta is not enough. When this happens, find a compromise. I do not know how much I want to be, and the lack of support for it is less than meets my purpose. I had to gather information about the cart. I dragged a cart in a side fruit house, turned it, saw the stairs. The butcher and the fruit house all come out and look at my strange behavior with interest. "Oh, what's going on?" With this expression. I have a staircase, so I tried to buy a staircase. It is difficult to ride the stairs with existing carts.
The path to the pharmacy store and the dispensation room is cramped. In the case of a regular cart, the straightness was good, but the mobility in the narrow space was uncomfortable. I had to make a radius of rotation like a car. If you are a seasoned player, you will be able to rotate 360 degrees with these two wheels, but I had to match my wife's level.
Omni Directional wheel
DJI's Coding Educational Toy Tank was released. These guys thought it was a lot of money, so I saw the movement of the tank. It is an Omni directional wheel. I did not even know it was true, I listened to the words in my head, and I searched. In conclusion, Omni Directional Wheels existed.
The omnis wheel, which can move freely from the narrow aisle, would be useful in small pharmacy aisles. I also decided to buy a cart specialized for stair riding because I need to take a stairway. The product is Australia, which sells carts, but has been offering a variety of solutions using Omniwheels. The wheels of the product were already assembled, and the rest had to be assembled by themselves. I do not think so, but it seems to take more than an hour. If you are a good person, you probably should have done it in 10 minutes.
If you simply write down your feelings, the stairs will get on well. When you load your luggage and climb the stairs than you think, you get less strength. Also, when passing through a narrow passage, it is possible to reach a desired destination easily without changing the direction according to the wheel. If you load a heavy box and move it in one direction, you need a space for a wheel radius, but this is a tool for pharmacies because you can push it in 360 degrees. The smooth handling is that the woman pharmacist is able to burn one step of the Bacchus box without any burden.