Why Android is going past IOS

in #review7 years ago (edited)


First of all, I am not a fan boy from either of the systems. What I will explain is how I see it after using both systems on and of for the past 9-10 years.

Back when the first iphone was launched it was revolutionary and to be frank the only system around that did what it did. It worked like no other system on the market and it communicated (nearly) flawlessly with all the other apple products.

A little time after googles android came on the market, but it was laggy and it did not match up with all the then superior iphone at all. But there was one major difference. PRICE. It was cheaper to buy and therefore a bigger market was coming for android.

The IOS systems are expensive. And back it the day no one cared. Because it was the best around. Fast – innovating – new - … . But then they started to get sloppy. A bigger screen, a longer battery life, a bigger screen, a little bit faster, always a small jump. Where before that they innovated they now only wanted to get more money.

On the other hand, android innovated and caught up to IOS. They now where on the same level of operating system and style. The once innovating IOS was now the same. But PRICE is different. The new Iphone 10 is just a novelty for the rich. Because the best android devices are better in stats then the iphone. And they look better as well :P

The apple is no longer the better from the 2, they have not innovated in years. There operating system is limited so much. The android can be altered without jailbreaking or installing some stupid app.

My conclusion apple has lost his innovating nature and has become a money machine.

Here is steve jobs saying why apple is failing now :)


I need to agree, i used to have a iphone but the last 2 years i switched to android. The only reason it took so long was because porting my music was hard. But it became alot easyer.

Thats indeed frustrating. Also all the people that bought apps need to either repurchase them on android or loose them. That is why apple is still holding so many people captive.

I never used iphone because of the price. That was the biggest hurdle for me. Now for the last 2 years my boss has given me one as all our corporate apps are on it. But i don't like how it works. And the operating system is nothing compared to my android phone. Why can't i decide where my icons need to go. Frustrating bs.

Hehe, my boss gave me one aswell. But i can use mine for private aswell. So currently i don't own a android phone. My GF has one and it looks and feels better in many ways.

I have not used Iphones before, but some of my friends do have it. what I love about it is the big set of icons and the gaming speed is fast compared to some lower end android devices.

Androids' experience can never be compared to IOS...its like a centralized and a decentralized experience!

Mmm interesting point of view. On the other hand the high end android devices surpass iphones in speed and functionality. The big icons are what enoy me. You can't edit them if you want to :)

The innovative nature of Android can also be a result of its openness to open-source development. Furthermore, they are concentrating on adding more value from time to time, and not only selling the same phone for a higher price. Of course there are many different companies selling smartphones using Android, but that will also be an affecting factor to be innovative, to provide more value to customers than other competitors.

Indeed, the open source / competitive atmosphere is what keeps android gouing. The iphone has only there previous model to compete with.

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