Star Wars - The Rise of SkywalkersteemCreated with Sketch.

in #review5 years ago

I'll start by saying, I'm not a critic. I generally love all the movies I watch, so if Disney wants to make a new Star Wars trilogy, you can count on my excitement. Even if they did recycle plot lines, ruin Luke's character, and add a bunch of cute animals for no apparent reason besides them being Disney.

So, while others are saying these new movies are trash, boring, or a straight up disgrace, I'm going to be enjoying them regardless. I did think The Last Jedi was a tad disappointing, but Rise of Skywalker made up for it.

spoilers, don't read on until you've watch it!


I wasn't a total Reylo (Rey+Kylo Ren) before this movie because while I liked their chemistry, I couldn't see it as romantic, especially with Kylo being the person he is. It was very, bad vs. good. But then TROS comes along and shows us the bad and good in both of them, and their relationship started to make sense. They've lived completely separate lives, but they understand one another.

I've heard complaints about their being bad writing, and an anti-climactic ending to the three films, but the hate on feel-good content is something I've never understood. I love bad guys turning good, and good guys fighting to not turn bad. I love the hero and villain finding common ground. I love a redemption arc.

And this movie provided.

It's not even anything new to the Star Wars series, Darth Vader had a similar arc. Why people have been so harsh on this trilogy, I will never understand. It's not as good in my opinion either, but it was worth the watch, and I'll be adding them in for my next SW marathon. The side movies like Rogue One and Solo were good too, but I don't think I can watch them as often. It's just not the same.

To sum up my thoughts on the rest of the movie: I was sure Poe and Finn were together, but then Poe was flirting with a girl? She was cool though, and it was nice seeing his past catch up with him. But smuggler? This series already has the best one, Han Solo, and Poe just reminds me a lot of Don West from Lost in Space. Probably why I love him so much.

Seeing Poe, Finn and Chewie on the Millennium Falcon was bittersweet. I know killing Han made sense for the plot line, but, Chewie needs him! And then Leia's death scene was just, heartbreaking. It made no sense, but I'm glad they added it. It's even more sad knowing her real life daughter was in the movie with her.

And of course, Babu and porgs! Best things that came from this trilogy. Thanks Disney.

Good movie, don't let The Last Jedi keep you from watching it. ;)

Thanks for reading and feel free to discuss with me below!


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