[Straw Reviews] Marvel's Iron Fist (Netflix)

in #review4 years ago

Hello everyone,

So lately I haven't been posting as much as I have wanted and it's honestly due to a few reasons that I would rather not get into. Today however I felt like I should start with something like a review and I know the perfect thing. I want to review a series I recently watched on Netflix. It's called Iron Fist.


Iron Fist is one of the Marvel series that were created by Netflix. The thing is I had never watched any of the Marvel series even though I am a fan of the movies like Avengers, Iron Man and so on. I also didn't realize at the time that the shows are best watched in chronological order. I just saw Iron Fist recommended to me and thought "why not" without thinking too much of it.

I want to try and review this show in an honest way but there might be some spoilers so if you haven't watched it and want to then it's probably best to stop reading here and return afterwards. If you do decide to read on anyways. I am pretty sure you might not want to watch it after.

Alright so to get started I want to introduce the "superhero" and kind of set the scene for everyone. The Iron Fist is played by Finn Jones who is a British actor who also appeared in Game of Thrones as Loras Tyrell. He was in a plane crash as a child when him and his parents were flying over the Himalayas. The plane comes down killing his parents and leaving Danny stranded on a mountain in the cold snow. It doesn't end here though. Danny is found by some monks and brought back to K'un L'un. The secret monastery hidden in the mountains. He stays there and trains hard every day to become the Iron Fist. A kind of protector for the monastery that is chosen by a difficult trial and many years in training. We do not get to see any of this for a long time in the series though. After he has become the Iron Fist he is supposed to guard the trail to K'un L'un from intruders. Their sworn enemy "The Hand" for example. Standing on the trail Danny becomes bored because I mean it's probably boring standing there day and night so I kind of understand him there but I also feel like the guy should've probably realized it would be a boring job a bit earlier than after a bunch of difficult and deadly trials. Anyways one day he decides fuck it and leaves without telling anyone. Essentially stealing the Iron Fist powers from the people of K'un L'un. Off to a nice start aren't we?


Well that's not really how the series starts but this is all stuff we learn a little bit later in the series but I felt like we should know this know to easier understand the review. I think otherwise it might get a bit confusing.

So the series starts and Danny is somehow back in New York. He's got an iPod with him which doesn't really make sense because I don't remember anyone ever pulling power lines over the Himalayas. Anyways that's not important for now. Back in NY Danny is trying to find his company. Yes HIS company. Because remember those parents that died in the plane crash? They had a 51% ownership in a company with their last name and Danny is back to take what's his. The company is run by his childhood friends nowadays though. Left to them by their father who also had ownership together with Danny's father.

Coming from the Himalayas, Danny looks a bit unprofessional(honestly looks like he's been sleeping in a tent on Skid Row). So to no ones surprise the people of New York all treat him like a piece of shit. Because that's the world we live in now. No shoes? Get the fuck out outta here, hobo.

Danny is the Iron Fist nowadays though so he is not gonna let a few bodyguards stop him. He makes his way into Rand Enterprises and does some fancy moves to make his way to the top of the building where he wants to meet his childhood friends Joy and Ward who he's missed so much. To Danny's surprise the friends he remembered have totally dismissed any chance of him being alive so they have a hard time believing him. Now I realize after many years you would choose to close that book and accept that he has passed away. They throw him out of the office and don't believe a word he's saying. The story moves on and Danny fights to get his friends to believe it is actually him. Remember the father who left the company to Joy and Ward? He is also supposed to be dead. He isn't though and has been living in some apartment somewhere controlling the company through his son. They decide there is no chance they would surrender the company to Danny and prepare to take actions to stop that from happening.


Now I feel like there is no point in just writing out everything that happens so I will stop here with the actual plot. I feel like this should give you a picture of the series without completely spoiling it. Now I will get to the parts I liked and didn't like. Like I said I had only watched the Marvel movies before this so even though I didn't expect Avengers type budget in this series I still expected a lot more. Considering that this is a series that is literally about a martial arts superhero. There is really not that much martial arts. There are a couple of fight scenes here and there but even those make you feel like you are at your grandmas place watching some daytime TV series. Also the plot holes. There are so many I'm struggling to remember but they are very much there. If you do decide to watch this series, just wait for the final fight. It was fucking horrible.

I don't want to talk too much bad about it but it's just kind of sad honestly that they managed to make it so bad. If you don't have anything at all to do on an evening in front of the TV then I guess it could be worth watching it just to laugh at how bad it is. Other than that I would definitely skip this one. The thing is if I would have followed the chronological order of the series I would have started with Daredevil. That show is so much better that it really makes me think how they could ruin Iron Fist so badly.

I will probably review more of these shows as I go on but for now I will take a break so that I can forget this shit show. I realize the review isn't that well written and honestly it took me a really long time compared to how it used to be. I need to get back to writing more and I think it will get better with time. I tried to write it so that both people who have and haven't seen the show could read it but I still hope i didn't spoil it for anyone. I would not really recommend this show to anyone looking for a great super hero show because it really lacks too much for that. I hope some of you might like the review anyways and maybe find it funny or something.

Anyways thanks for reading and see you on the next review! I have a good show that I actually liked saved for next time so stay tuned for that!

Peace, Straw


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