5 Awesome Things!!! that change Assassin creed games Forever ...

in #review7 years ago (edited)

After 2 years of break a brand new Assassin creed game is coming this fall named Assassin creed Origin.In this year E3 Assassin creed origin team show first look of the games and trailers from that it become one of the most anticipated game of this year.

From then this game become of the most anticipated game of this year and this year Assassin creed game we can see a lot changes that change the entire Assassin creed game feelings ..

  1. The Story : The story of this year game is somethings that every Assassin creed fan want and that the birth of the assassin brotherhood. So basically this game is the prequel of the entire Assassin games and we come know the Origin story of the brotherhood ...


and also can know the actual motive of the Assassin and how they works.. Isn't cool?

2.The Settings : Ancient Egypt is best setup for any game but when it come to Assassin creed you can not ask for a better setup than this. Ancient Egypt is best setup for this year Assassin creed game because this cites are huge with tons of story and that is somethings need for Assassin creed origin.


  1. RPG Element : From wither 3 RPG type game was reborn and Assassin creed origin team do the same they put more RPG Element on this game. So that's why players have to upgrade Bayek and his armory with help of side quest and animal. But best part players can choose what type of Assassin he or she want to be and upgrade with that. And this year Assassin creed game there are a lot of weapon that player can use and lots of customization.


  1. No more Mini map : Every Assassin creed have mini map on corner of the screen but this year we have no mini map because Developers wants to players can explore the wounder full world that setup by the team and players have a companion called senu. A eagle that help to mark enemy and distract them and also for explore the world with some sky view. I can not wait ..


  1. leaf of faith form the Pyramid : Ancient Egypt and don't have pyramid !! that's not going to happen. Assassin creed origin have lot of pyramid and each pyramid have different aspect and players can find many valuable from this pyramid. But to climb players have to go through some obstacles. Climbing of a pyramid is not a easy task to do for sure..


I can not wait for this game.. Release date : October 29 , on Xbox , ps4 and PC

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