Star Wars: The last Jedi ... you won't like my opinion! (SPOILERALERT)

in #review7 years ago

Don't read this, if you plan to watch the movie and still enjoy it!

As a family event during the winter holidays we decided to see the spectacular 3D movie "The Last Jedi". Movies nowadays are quite often a disappointment for the lack of consistent logic, storytelling, values. But mostly they are quite great in special effects. So we grabbed some Popcorn and something to drink, watched the 30 min advertising and then dove into the world of StarWars in 3D...

There is quite a bunch of very good reviews out there, so I won't do that. I will go into the value set and the differences between the trilogies. (AND why the new trilogy does not "feel right" ... at least for me)

Let's look at the three main characters and their development through the trilogies:


He grows up in quite homely circumstances, although an supposed "orphan", he is raised with values. He has to help on the fields, has to repair the robots, and has some talent s a pilot. He has to learn about delayed gratification and responsibility, although he has dreams and a special bloodline (of which he is not aware at the beginning). Through the episodes he makes a lot of bad decisions, for which he gets bad beatings, he even looses a hand. But he doesn't give up, he learns, he gets wiser and he gets controlled and selfaware, making him into a Jedi Master finally.
In the new trilogy we see him as a broken man, although the idea behind it is quite appealing. He reached the point of enlightenment, where he can understand that both sides of the power are one thing. Like Ying and Yang. Instead of smiling about this understanding which only very few people will ever understand, he gets obviously bitter, picking a side for the last time and "dying" for "the good".


From the start Anakin is the super genious little boy, too smart for his own good. He is "half orphan" but he loves his mother. The bloodline is extremely strong, he is a genious bot builder and pilote. This is a "saviour gone bad story", much as if Jesus from the bible took a wrong turn and gone mad. Very early on he has to live a fully clocked and sheduled life and does not feel very good in the rule system of the (quite totalitarian) Order of Jedi. (They get the touch of clerics in this trilogy, marrying is forbidden, failure is punished, sin is bad) He is given not much of a choice in all this. He has to become a Jedi and is taken away from his mother, who dies because of his obligations to the Order of Jedi. Who would not become mad about such a rule system?

Rae and Kylo

Rae ... well she is a woman... finally we have a female main character with the force. (As well as Leya apparently can use it by now... Mary Poppins Style) And as we can see from many films, woman can do everything without training, without values, without delayed gratification, only by looking nice and powting from time to time. NO, don't even try to whiteknight for her! Even Yoda does this...

"She already knows everything"

WHAT? Yoda, the wise buddha like guy, who always cautioned to take it slow, to learn, to become wise. Ever smiling super power Jedi who needed about 1000 years to become as wise as he is grants a female with 3 days of "training" the label "She knows everything"

What a pile of horseshit!

Then Kylo: Some more consistency here. He is from a very powerful bloodline, more or less forced again into this Jedi Order rule system and much too powerful for his own good. He mimics a lot the development of Annakin / Darth Vader. HE is strong enough to trap Snoke!? Well, the ultimate evil puppet master, able to manipulate a mighty Jediapprentice as Kylo through the depth of space is dead now. By a simple mind trick. Supposedly he was much stronger than anything we knew so far, but he is dead... by Kylo, who probably is even stronger, but at the same time probably much weaker than Rey...

Sorry. I don't get it. What a strange setting for the last part of the trilogy. We have an all powerful goddess of the Power and an evil halfgod set up to ... do what?
A nice (and much honest) ending to the movie and the trilogy would have been to let everybody die and Kylo and Rey teaming up to build the NWO. But no... we (Disney) need a third part to make some more shitloads of money by destroying (in fact killing) the memories and values of my youth pushing the agenda of female empowerment and diversity...

Some hits towards the rest of the story:

Finn and Rose:

In a strange sidekick story where they try to find a hacker in an environment of "capitalists" feeding from the war games of the rest of the world. Destroying half of the Casino Planet and freeing a pack of alien horses they finally notice that :

"It was worth it..."

They accomplish nothing. They risk the life of thousands, they free a pack of animals that will be recatched in the blink of an eye and instead of the super hacker they wanted, they find only an ugly mexican appearing guy (probably able to sneak through any wall), who betrays them in the end. But it's worth it... gosh. So much diversity: a black guy and an asian woman teaming up vs "capitalism" in an "antifa-style" and this is a good thing!? Gimme a break!

Poe and Holdo:

Both are hollow characters, both determined to commit suicide and blowing themselves up for a greater good, while shouting "Admiral Ackbar". One succeeds, one doesn't. A very strange thing to label on the "good side". I did not find the source, but no wonder that an ISIS guy once claimed "we are the rebels and the US is the Galactic Empire // the First Order".


RIP dear Carrie Fisher, I loved you in many of your movies. Sorry to rant about your last role in this way. I have not much more to say, but that Lea has become a strange character. Almost through the whole movie she reminded me of Hillary Clinton trying to push through "the glass ceiling", not appearing to be shaken by the loss of her rogue husband in the slightest. Wooden wannabe leader character saved once again by the Force. Now I will probably always remember her as "Mary Poppins of Star Wars". I really will fight this memory not to become constant.

Strictly personal thoughts:

I did like the film while watching, but the more I think about it, the less I am fond of it. Probably I will watch the last episode, too, just to have something to rant about.

Sorry for the really bad quality of pics, but I won't use material that could bring me in trouble.

THX for reading


Finally!! A review that speaks the truth. I don't know what i was more disappointed off. Movie or lack of honest reviews in the media? I don't understand if it's a fear of fans or Disney, but every "official" review about the movie was rating movie 9-10/10.

Me and my friends noticed exactly the same that you pointed. We've got nothing out of Luke, Rae grabs a light-saber and she is already a Jedi easily confronting apprentice of the most powerful sith? And than this apprentice kills Snoke?

But that's not all ... the story is bad, but who had the idea, that you need a T-shape spacecraft with bombs, that fly desperately slow, has a mechanic button to DROP BOMBS. Drop? In space?? And than they distance themselves from the attacking spaceship because at distance laser shots are weaker ... Really ?? :D

But I love the time and the moment that Finn and Rose took to express their love to each other. Just in front of an attacking enemy ...

That was the last Star Wars movie that i was watching on the premiere. I'll just go and see it on the "movie theater day" when the tickets are almost half the price :)

When I watched this film I heard the only message from its authors: «MONEY, MONEY, WE WANT MORE MONEY!». This film's creators are really taken over by the dark side.))
The most awkward thing about this film is Finn and Rose line. Just imagine all their scenes to be thrown out of the plot. And... nothing is gonna change. The only goal they exist for is to tell us that it is not necessary to sacrifice oneself to win a war. But if an author wants to tell us something he could have done it through other characters! Instead we have a bunch of scenes which lead from nothing to nothing! sir
Actualy I can agree with U some points..but...some one I cant agree with U...
Totaly I'm respect to Your ideas...
Execellent work..wel done sir..
I'm always appreciate for ur works...

I really would be interested in the points where you disagree ;-)

Dude you are so on point. There is so much forced feminism agenda and this diversity quota feels odd, and this is coming from a Mexican. I decided i wont watch the last piece, its not worth it. Luke's character development is ilogical. Kylo is just impossible. At some point it felt like i was watching a twilight zone version of star wars.

this review was quite amazing haha interesting one

i am yet to decide whether to read it or not looks like bookmarking this post and reading it after i watch the movie will be a better option

Not in viewpoint toward of fact a huge enthusiast of this series but not a hater either
Still seems considering will skip this one as watched the previous ones just as coz of the hype and all !

the force is stronger there this time ;)
nice review

Not really a big fan of this series but not a hater either
Still seems like will skip this one as watched the previous ones just as coz of the hype and all !

you liked the film interesting then time to see it today if i got the time thanks for sharing the review here

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