The Gifted Season 2 Episode 14 Review: 'Calamity'
[!Spoiler Alert! Beware!]
The Gifted Kills Off Two Major Characters
Now wasn't this quite the shock?
Things are definitely heating up in the war between the Inner Circle and the remnants of the Mutant Underground. Or perhaps I should say slaughter, because as far as the conflict is concerned, the Mutant Underground hasn't struck a single blow. Everything is going wrong. Worse still, no one knows the exact details of Reeva's plans or the goals of her partnership with Benedict Ryan. And the very worst, this episode ends with the shocking death of two characters, Sage and Clarice.
Well, I can't say anyone would miss Sage greatly. But the consequences of her death are heart-wrenching, considering she was summarily executed for Lorna's crime. And despite her going over to the Inner Circle, I never eally blamed her: her mind is mostly digital and she works with probablilities. The Inner Circle had the higher probability of success by a long margin. She almost had no choice.
Clarice, however, is a whole different matter. As the current most beloved character on the show, I couldn't help but ask (and maybe screamed), How could they do this?! I mean, she's Blink for crying out loud! And she hasn't even gotten to the full extent of her abilities yet. How could they kill her off so callously? Cruel showrunners!
Or maybe she isn't really dead. Yes, she was shot multiple times, but we didn't see her still, non-breathing body, did we? I'm going into the next episode with a bit of denial. Perhaps my doubts will just be rewarded.
I guess calamity has befallen. The Morlocks, long safe in their sewers have been flushed out and their leaders killed, with the exception of Ugg himself. Reed and Lauren have both decided to stop taking the serum. Where do we go from here?
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