Agents of SHIELD Season 6 Episode 8: 'Collision Course (part 1)' Review

in #review5 years ago

[SPOILER ALERT! Watch out for spoilers from the episode!]


First off, how is this not the penultimate episode of the season! It was so filled with suspense, and it's killing me! So many questions answered, though many mysteries remain. The question now is, what next??

The episode began on such a mysterious note, like all the questions we've had since the beginning of the season were coming to a head. And come to a head they did, with all threads entwining into one. Fitz-Simmons manage to get the old ship to successfully jump through space. I was so relieed at the sight of Earth, but I must admit, I was intensely wary of hoping too much. I mean, this is Fitz-Simmons we're talking about. Something always happens. However when something did, it came from a direction I never expected. Not Izel. Not the Chronicons. But SHIELD, their own friends!


But I'm jumping ahead of myself. Let's talk Sarge, a.k.a Not-Coulson, his plan and the truths revealed. As was established last episode, yes, he is trying to save Earth despite his morally-questionable methods. Mack makes good on his deal and gives him back his truck, but refuses to give him back his team, instead assigning him a new one consisting of May and Daisy, and ony member of his team he chose. For reasons only later apparent, Sarge chose Snowflake. However, when it became clear that the team needed someone versed in tech, Deke joined them, albeit reluctantly. And off they went. Mack on his part, promises not to leave SHIELD's base or send any crew off. What he neglected to add was that the Zephyr was essentially SHIELD's base in the sky, so they could follow. Mack you sly dog!

Sarge is tense and jumpy and finally reveals something about himself that goes against what has been implied so far, that he doesn't remember where he came from. He does remember, because that is why he has been chasing this beast he speaks so much about: she killed his family. At the same time, Izel reveals why she's coming to Earth... to find stone relics from her planet, destroyed long ago. The monoliths. And she is the beast Sarge is so afraid of. Once she lands on Earth, it's all going to be over. As of now, all the shrike are coming together and it's starting.

When Daisy asked 'what's starting', I so can't be the only one who answered 'The End' with Sarge.

The Zephyr gets alerted to the presense of Izel's ship coming in with Fitz-Simmons on board. Meanwhile the entire crew apart from the two have been infected with shrikes, but they've been so focused on finally getting home and getting a message to SHIELD that they don't notice and totally disregard the signs. They can't get a message out, so SHIELD doesn't know they are on board. On the ground, things have gone quite awry. The shrike, together have begun their destructive reaction, forming a tower of crystal. Sarge's plan, it turns out, is to blow up the tower just as Izel arrives, destoying the shrike and her in one strike. However, the bomb is extremely powerful and will destroy the city close by, but that is non of Sarge's concern. When May and Daisy try to stop him, he locks them in the truck with Snowflake, who was chosen because she's most expendable and wasn't in on the plan, disappearing into one of those instant-spray portal opening devices he has, and emerging into the Zephry through the back of Jaco's jacket. Brilliant! And now, it is clear the spacecraft is heading directly for the tower.

Deke finds the bomb on the truck, set on auto-pilot to impact with the tower. Izel is almost there, and once she does arrive, there will be no more hope. SHIELD is reluctant to blow the spacecraft up without accertaining their target and the loss of innocent lives. Fitz-Simons are inside, totally oblivious to the grave danger. It's time for Mack to make the call.

What an end! I can't wait for the next episode! What would you bet the outcome on? Who wins? And who is the true villain of this season?? Let's hear your thought in the comments below!
P.S. I didn't touch on the chronicons in the 'will return in a moment scene, but man, oh man! And Deke, too. "You guys are like doomsday magnets". Thank you, Deke! Good to know I wasn't the only one thinking that!

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Hi @petermarie!

Great review on Season 6, Episode 8 of Agents of SHIELD! Definitely glad to hear that many of your questions were answered - on a side note, it's honestly super refreshing whenever a movie or TV answers your questions and doesn't end off with even more cliffhangers, confusion, or important questions unanswered. I enjoyed reading your summary and catching a glimpse of Sarge being jumpy. Thanks for sharing this with us! Looking forward to reading future posts.

Best Regards,
Blue Baikal

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It is right? Thanks for reading, and for the upvote!

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