in #review6 years ago

What is the AIGO Protocol?

  • AIGO is rebuilding the payment space with flexibility and ease of use of credit cards for blockchain technology. They are developing a complete payment system that has needs in the business world. Expand and increase your payment options and start following the cryptocurrency today
  • AI-Payment is designed for direct transfer of value between the two parties, without having to go through an intermediary (P2P).
  • The basic type of this transaction is “Push”, although this gal may be enough as a POC for cryptocurrency, it is certainly very sufficient to get them to use payments using
    digital currencies for modern trade.
  • The Aigo project originated many years ago in founder Peter Voss’ realization that even the best software of the day, including his own , was ‘brittle and stupid’, lacking common sense and reasoning. Any situation a programmer does not anticipate produces undesirable responses or crashes the system. After exiting his successful ERP software company, Peter spent five years studying fundamental concepts of intelligence. His journey covered philosophical and epistemological questions such as “what is reality?”, “what is knowledge?”, and “how do we obtain knowledge and certainty?” Peter explored definitions of intelligence; worked on a psychometric project to understand measuring dimensions of intelligence; studied differences between animal and human intelligence; and learned about cognitive development in children. Naturally, he explored software engineering, including knowledge-bases and language development, and the many subfields of artificial intelligence, such as formal logic, rule systems, neural nets, machine learning, and cognitive architecture


  • At present there are many obstacles that prevent the purchase of goods with cryptocurrency if the holder does not convert to fiat currency. Adopting many crypto payment networks such as AI-Payment can result in crypto currency holders being able to transact directly with traders without having to go through additional banking layers. By promoting protocols for high and large transaction volume industries.
  • AIGOPay is designed with both on-chain and off-chain components. The functionality of AIGOpay will be present in on-chain components, while the Off-chain components will be designed to make user-friendly user interaction.

In order for cryptocurrency to succeed over time, it must be a core aspect of the ecosystem it represents. The AI ​​Payment Ecosystem will be built entirely around the AIGOPay Token function. Our goal is to create a “De-jure & De-Facto” standard. AI payments for modern payments by adopting strong economic token support.

  • Early Adopters: Early adopters are leading businesses from various industries that have been committed to AI-Payment Chain. This trader is vol. significant processing can be done in the AIGO Ecosystem.
  • Partner Launch: They have carefully selected launch partners with the ability to realize AI-Payment ‘potential in the field of personal market skills. This market will enable people to empower, service fees, and destroy the current revenue allocation model.
  • AI-Payment pride: As part of a support system that will be developed in order to promote the adoption of AIGO tokens, we will combine applications as part of our wallets where only businesses have chosen to process with AI-Payment.


  • Each card swipe or make a complex process, as payment data generated and sent through a complex network of private stakeholders, each of which costs to drive the transaction through : The card network, which acts as a central point that facilitates transactions between users and acquires entities, when building protocols as well as other parties involved in processing cards are required to follow them. They also set a interchange Fee, ensuring compliance with the rules and conditions they set and resolving disputes with network members.


  • Here’s how the system works in the practice of a buyer wanting to buy an item. To start a transaction, consumers run a credit card through detection of a credit card reader. The payment terminal reads the card and passes the data to get it, and asks for credit card network authorization. In turn, the card network communicates with the card issuing bank to ensure that there are enough funds available to pay for all the transactions. It is also investigating that the card is not misused and does not hinder payment. transaction, it shares an authorization code with the network card shared with the acquiring bank.


  • A - Wallet: A dashboard of accounts is used to view account details and to connect wallet-to-wallet. Wallet is the user’s private key holder. A-Wallet will facilitate the interaction of bill payments and between accounts. This interaction consists of PullRequests, approves transactions, shows transaction history, and displays account balance.
  • A - Store: A marketplace that supports AI-System, the purpose of this system is to allow users to buy goods without confirmation from the center, which is instant without a significant time lag. This is one of the AIGO Platforms that has something unique from other e-Commerce.
  • A - Card: A platform that we will realize is where the payment system uses an ATM card (A-Card). We will disseminate an A-Card that can help overcome the solution of fiat currency withdrawal (Crypto Card Bank) and also to pay bills without the slightest fee.
  • A - Chain: AIGO will initially be introduced to the Ethereum network but intends to use other networks to develop signs in the future. The AIGO solution consists of several smart and unique contract components that come together to create a flexible AI-Payment Chain.


  • AIGO SmartContract is a smart contract that mediates and stores the ownership of AIGO tokens between accounts. This is a modified version of the ERC-20 sign contract that adds flexibility to payment and transfer protocols.
  • AIGO contracts tokens for a ledger used by AIGO to track balances associated with each address, as
    well as track transaction limits between users. This is done by mapping all addresses for other
    mappings, also it will include mapping between these Contracts and their respective Limiters. It is
    important to note that contract tokens will manage: Approval from a Contract Creator, Tokens for the community, Executor of a contract.


  • Tokens that will become the basis for the AI-Payment ecosystem.
  • AIGO tokens are a payment mechanism for traders to adopt AIGO Chain. this will be built using the ERC-20 standard interface but will extend the money transfer process so that this method can be utilized.
  • AIGO Token is designed differently from current Cryptocurrency because it allows an all-on-one billing mechanism to be implemented in a simple and flexible way.





More Information

Bitcointalk username: Andikey
Bitcointalk profile URL:;u=2397495

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