Review: Just add water pancake mixture!
As a treat, I wanted to make some pancakes
But sometimes I'm just lazy, and I saw in M&S that they had a convenient pancake product!

the bottle
In this bottle, there are dry ingredients needed for making "American style" pancakes, which I understand are just fluffy pancakes! The key feature of this is that you only need to add water, and then cook them as you normally would. Saving you lots of time and energy, but still getting the joy of cooking them yourself!
It cost only £1, which is about 5.5 STEEM I think? As you can see on the label, it claims to have enough mixture for 6 pancakes!

the back of the bottle
Above is a picture of the back, As you can see, it gives you clear guidance on the cooking time, and where to fill the water too. There is also an option to measure the water, but why would you do that when it's on the bottle?

The inside!
Before I poured in the water, I tried to get the above flattering picture of the inside. It looked just like I thought it would to be honest.

The bottle expanded?
So, I followed the instructions and filled it to the fill line with water. Another cool thing is that the bottle instructs you to turn the bottle upside down, to "loosen" the dry contents so they can all get mixed! Next, you shake the bottle for a minute. I was a bit nervous as this was just a screw top lid keeping the mixture from spilling all over me and the countertop.
After shaking for a minute, I felt that the bottle was getting bigger? It had expanded ! I tried to take a picture but I'm not sure if you can tell. Not only that, but while I shook it, I did notice some bits flying out, but nothing massive...
So, I've shaken the mixture, now to cook it!

After heating up the pan and oiling it, I poured in about 3 tablespoons of the mixture (which was the recommended amount). The rest was easy, flip it, wait, get it onto a plate!

I'm always impatient at this stage, I want my pancakes fast. But that means my first one is always really pale (but cooked!).

Thought this one looked fun, there's like an image there, a character? Let me know what you think it looks like. I think it looks like a smiley face.

all done!
And finally, I was done! I got exactly 6 pancakes, just as the bottle said. That definitely impressed me. The pancakes themself were delicious and fluffy. I don't think I would buy this type of bottle again unless maybe it was half the price? Just seems like something simple I could do myself, but I just wanted it quick anyways.
Hello @jen0revision
I haven't done the calculations but I guess it's perhaps a bit cheaper than buying all the ingredients for making pancakes separately. You can't just buy one egg; you need to buy the whole box of six, and so on with the flour, milk and butter.
I think the price is right but perhaps you can get more pancakes with the usual recipe that has one egg etc.
Anyhow, your pancakes look delicious !
0.00 SBD,
18.02 STEEM,
18.02 SP
Yeah I thought the same, and it's cheaper than buying ready-made pancakes :D I agree, using your own recipe, you could get more pancakes with the same ingredients, but I did enjoy the "experience"!
0.00 SBD,
12.32 STEEM,
12.32 SP
I managed to make 9 pancakes out of a traditional recipe, but your pancakes still look more tempting to me - mine turned out a bit pale 😁
0.00 SBD,
0.01 STEEM,
0.01 SP
Yeah definitely using your own recipe will get more, oo maybe you needed to leave it a bit longer?