A little clothes shop
I recently went charity shopping and found...

what I got
In-between my day-to-day commute, I happened upon a charity shop, and to my surprise I found this lovely purple pea-coat!
What's more, it was from Debenhams!
What's special about Debenhams?
Debenhams was a high street store that used to have in-person stores around the UK. However, in recent years they have all closed down, only leaving its online store.
I was actually surprised to find that there is an online store still, as I thought it had completely gone. But still, I was very happy to find this Debenhams coat in the charity shop, the brand is usually very good quality, and this coat was exactly that.
How much was it?
Well, as it was second-hand, it was only £5 ! Most jackets in the UK can range from £20 to £80 for a good quality coat (roughly 110 STEEM to 440 STEEM). There are cheaper ones, but they tend to not be "long life", and just a waste of money unfortunately.
I've been trying to only look at charity shops for new clothes lately, as the cost of living makes it hard to spend on clothes, but I often find myself missing formal looking clothes (which also tend to be the more expensive ones).
Only a short post, today but still...
That's a good find @jen0revision ! I love going to charity shops as they also tend to sell cheap yarn and other craft supplies.
That's true! Nice seeing the jewellery they have on offer too :D