Trying out another vegan cheese substitute
Vegan cheese usually tastes awful. Some mozzarella alternatives have been OK, and I found a substitute for "Sliced American Cheese" that makes a tolerable grilled cheese sandwich in a pinch, but today's experiment is something entirely new to me.

Old Tupperware as new storage, original label from packaging
This stuff is certainly not cheese, but it is also certainly not bad. It doesn't smell terrible. It doesn't feel slimy to the touch. It doesn't taste foul. It has an umami flavor that is slightly like cheese and yet decidedly not. The aftertaste is peculiar, like slight soy sauce fermentation but lighter. It adds nicely to a ham and turkey sourdough sandwich.
If you are on a dairy-free diet, this stuff is worth a try. I am pleasantly surprised. You can find the website for the company here. I will need to see whether it melts some time. Maybe I should check the local thrift stores for a panini grill?
First make sure you have a place to store it in the kitchen! (Says the woman who is addicted to kitchen tools and gadgets.)