Revelation of the Magi and the 5500 Year Prophecy of the Coming of Yahushua Christ

in #revelation7 years ago

I would like to share with you an exciting story that just this year came forth. It is about the release of an ancient 2nd century Syriac text called the Revelation Of The Magi translated by Brent Landau from the Vatican library archives. In this book, Revelation of the Magi are proposed to have been descendants of Seth, who inherited a prophecy from their forbearer Adam declaring that Christ would descend into the world and assume the physical flesh at a certain period and time. Remaining throughout the generations of humanity vigilant in keeping watch for the fulfillment of this event, the children of Seth created an order specifically to watch for this sign.

“The Magi anticipate the star and its significance because of a prophecy written down by Seth—which was first told to him by Adam—about the coming of a star that would signal the birth of God in human form.” - Kastalia Medrano, Epiphany: Ancient Christian Text Ads To Biblical Story Of The Magi Traveling To Bethlehem For Birth Of Jesus, Newsweek

In this newly released manuscript, the star of Bethlehem is equated to be the supreme divinity of Christ Himself, who descending from the heavens entered into this time-space dimensionality. He leads them to the cave where coming into the womb of His mother the Virgin Mary, He is conceived of flesh. Because He is unlike normal newborn human children, He has the ability, capacity, and intelligence to address His mother, the Magi, and shepherds in speech informing them that He has arrived to fulfill role as the long-awaited Savior Messiah.

He has said that Jesus spoke, and, indeed, when He was lying in His cradle said to Mary His mother: I am Jesus, the Son of God, the Logos, whom thou hast brought forth, as the Angel Gabriel announced to thee; and my Father has sent me for the salvation of the world. - The Arabic Gospel Of The Infancy Of The Savior

2 He relates, that Jesus spake even when he was in the cradle, and said to his mother: 3 Mary, I am Jesus the Son of God, that word which thou didst bring forth according to the declaration of the angel Gabriel to thee, and my father hath sent me for the salvation of the world. - The First Gospel of The Infancy of Jesus Christ

The Magi perceiving with their own eyes the fulfillment of the prophecy of His coming, return to their land to inform the others of their order of this prophetic realization. This prediction as I will show had been handed down along with the Commandments in the law of Yahweh Elohim from Adam, Seth, Enoch, Noah, Shem, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and the 12 tribes of Israel. Moses is a harbinger of the coming of Yahushua Christ, as a Savior-Messiah type persona like Abraham was instrumental in sharing these prophecies and establishing the law to those people that became the Hebrew Israelites.

Moses himself too found many things, which were going down and coming by tradition from mouth to ear, from one generation to another; and he put them into his book, although he left out many things which could not be comprised in it. For that which is said of Abraham, that he was enjoining his children and his household to keep the commandments of the Lord, is older than the laws of Moses by four hundred and thirty years. For these commandments, which Abraham was enjoining his household to keep, were received by him, as it were by tradition, from Shem; and Shem too received them from his father Noah, and Noah received them from Enoch; and Enoch received them from Adam; and Adam received them from his Lord. - Concerning The Star: The Magi Recognized

In chapter 83 of the Book of Enoch, the prophet details in dream vision what would play out as the entire history of the enmity between the seed of the woman and the seed of the serpent beginning with Adam to what would be the harvest at the end of days. Confirmed as having been written hundreds of years before the birth of Christ, the Book of Enoch relates in foresight the first prognostications of Yahushua’s first and second coming. That at the climax of modern human history He would return to finish the war with Satan over the souls of humanity. At that time every knee shall bow, and every tongue confess.

I will in a few chapters before sharing the testamentary accounts of the patriarchs and prophets, list in the timeline the prophecies associated with Christ’s coming as Savior Messiah as well as how He completed the Genesis 3:15 crushing of the head of the serpent. These proclamations will prove that the children of Seth as depicted in the newly released manuscript The Revelation Of The Magi, were indeed vigilant in their keen anticipation of the arrival into this world of the Word, Memra, and Logos of the Lord, the only begotten Son’s incarnation as God into mortal flesh.

Understanding how this prophecy had always been the pivotal belief of what became one of the core tenets evolving the faith of Judaism and Christianity, one will better be able to see how this knowledge formulates the foundation for their teachings. Passed down through their seed-line we as the final fig-tree generation which according to Matthew 24, Mark 13, and Luke 21 would see all prophetic utterances completed in actualization, are the inheritors of such legacy.

Because so much of the world yet remains in the dark concerning the many prophecies which associated with Yahushua Christ, were fulfilled by Him when He as God incarnated into mortal form. I decided to gather into compilation many of the testaments of the various prophets and patriarchs born of Adam and Eve's lineage through Seth together, to share the details of these revelations. This providence confirms that their children were indeed the inheritors of a historical legacy which detailed not only what would occur to them as a people but also proclaimed how Christ as the Logos, Memra, and Word of the highest God would descend through the heavens to enter this world and be conceived by the Virgin Mary.

Cast out of paradise, Adam and Eve were instructed even then that Christ would be born of their seed to redeem them and that they would have to endure the suffering of this world for certain time until Yahweh sent Him. A specific order of the children of Seth, honoring these traditions, was instructed to not only carefully guard such knowledge but also dedicate a particular group of their descendants to maintaining in vigilance a watchful eye, for those mystical signs which would as a harbinger, accompany their prophetic fulfillment. They would also be those who bequeathed to the world, the legends which relate how and when Yahushua Christ as the Son of God, would leave the heights of heaven 5500 years after Adam and Eve were cast out of paradise to be born of their bloodline.

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