RUN (April 1987)

Cover of the April 1987 issue of RUN magazine
RUN was one of the longest running and most popular Commodore 64/128 magazines in North America. I didn't start buying it until Commodore Magazine stopped being published so I didn't really start reading it until its later years. The April 1987 issue includes:

Table of Contents from the April 1987 issue of RUN magazine
- Hard Diskovery - This article gives an overview of the hard disk drives currently available for the Commodore 64 and those that are coming soon. At the time, there were three on the market with two pending release. The ones available included the ST10C from Computer Specialties, the 1010 from JCT, and the Data Chief HFD-20 from InConTrol (ICT). Coming soon were Xetec's Lt. Kernal and Progressive Peripheral's Device Nine. Capacities ranged from 3.7 MB to 20 MB and prices ranged from $595 to $895.
- Taxing Your Commodore - April is tax season so of course there is an article giving an overview of the tax software available. There were quite a few to choose from, including TaxAid, Tax Advantage, Tax Command, Tax Master, It's Tax Time, Comtax, Tax Return Helper and Swiftax.

Table of Contents from the April 1987 issue of RUN magazine (continued)
- RUNning Ruminations - An overview of the current issue from the editor.
- Magic - Reader submitted hints and tips, often in the form of short programs. This month, a program to pick a student at random, a quick way to load and run a program, a program to add keyboard clicking sounds to your typing, quickly switch between 1541 and 1571 mode on the 1571 disk drive, a debugging tool for the Commodore 128, a tool for aiding typing in programs for the Plus/4, and more.
- Software Gallery
- Trapdoor Checkers; Radical Chess; Baudleships - Three simple games that can be played with an opponent via a modem. (B+)
- The Big Blue Reader - Transfer ASCII files written with MS-DOS computers into a Commodore compatible file or vice versa using 1571 drive, basically turning it into a double-sided, double density, 360K PC compatible drive. (A)
- The Bard's Tale II: The Destiny Knight - The second entry in the classic fantasy RPG series. (A)
- Mercenary - A futuristic space battle game with wireframe graphics. (A)
- Operation Terminal - Another play by modem game. In this one compete with another player and the clock to collect antimatter samples, a formula, and to get off the island.
- Spindizzy; The Rocky Horror Show; Zoids - Three new games from a new division of Activision called Electric Dreams. (B+; B; C)
- Easy Applications - Some routines to incorporate into your own programs for creating menus.
- Telecomputing Workshop - Questions answered about modem use, online services and the online world in general. This month's topics include Kermit for the Commodore 128, writing an autodialer program, software for VT100 emulation, protecting modems from power surges, some tips for running a BBS, and more.
- The Resource Center - Finding low cost, high quality educational software via the public domain.
- Commodore Clinic - Questions answered and problems solved, including topics such as choosing a future proof DBMS, finding programs to use with a 1520 printer/plotter, authorized Commodore dealers vs. mass market retail outlets, the differences between the 1525/1526 and MPS-801/MPS-803 printers, fixing an MPS-802, Commodore 64 audio problems, scientific notation, BASIC memory, and more.
- Mail RUN - Letters from readers this month focus on the topic of piracy and software cost.
- New Products RUNdown - New products this month include Official America's Cup Sailing Simulation, a program to convert graphics between Print Shop and Print Master, The Lesson Master Courseware Authoring System, Hog Info and Crop Info farm record-keeping programs, Touch-Typing Tutor, Crazy Conveyors, GFL Championship Football, FB01 Design MIDI librarian and editor, X-15 Alpha Mission, Star Trek: The Promethean Prophecy, an update to the Spartan Apple II emulator/disk drive, Ticket to London, Symbol Master disassembler, Drag Race Eliminator, Wordmaze, Cash In/Cash Out accounting package, and more.

Back cover of the April 1987 issue of RUN magazine
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