It is a firm belief
It is a firm belief, of mine that we are in the last of days of the arena of man and his control over society. And how we as Americans have been fully engulfed and indoctrinated by the philosophical western mind-set. Only able to see the world through the eyes of westernized civilization. And we as a country have fallen into a state of self-absorbed pursuit of greed, which pulls men apart by defining them by their financial prowess, Totally ignoring the true God-given nature of the heart of man,
To give, without thought of a return payment, in a truly selfless act of kindness as we use to present ourselves to the world in times pass. But, now we go about our pursuit of wealth and power regardless of the state, or though of those whom we take advantage over. Now, let it be understood that I am not painting with a broad brush, nor am I implying that this present Administration is guilty of these kinds of actions. But, we now have to deal with those of pass administrations actions who were by all means in pursuit of their own legacy.
Selling the security of America to the highest bidder. Of whom I believe, we all know of whom I speak. But to continue, in this of the last days there will shortly come a change within the heart of all mankind by divine providence. Not to say there will be a willful change, but a change for our own good brought of a higher authority, and with a new mind-set will it began to permeate the minds of all mind kind. We are entering in to the place where our will, will be free from our reaping of destruction. As we have sown in our ignorance.
It is by grace that we have been given another term of this leader, of the so-called free world. So, that we can take another opportunity to reflect, on and bring this new mind-set in to focus. If not America? Then who? Will bring forth the manifestation of which the Word speaks? To lay down the learning of War, and to beat our swords into plowshares, and to teach war no more. I know that most think ” that’s a great fairy tale” but this is the real world!
But at the risk of sounding flippant “This is the world pulled over your eyes to blind you from the Truth… The hued nature of man is coming to an end. He will be complete and whole again, as it was in the beginning, before the world was.