Getting that Curation Gold: The Hidden Power of the Resteem.

in #resteem8 years ago (edited)


While checking out the @berniesanders blog the other day, it occurred to me that many of these cats heavily vested in the platform are resteeming content, a lot.

As someone who has, since the beginning, been much more focused on the creative side (and less on the curative side) of blogging here on Steemit, I have tended to see the resteem feature as a means mainly to share posts that I feel are unique and undervalued, and deserve to be rewarded. I want these posts to be seen. This is great, and largely what the feature is meant for.

The positive flip side to this, of course, is that if I vote on said post and then resteem it, it will garner more rewards and votes both for the original author and for me, in the form of CURATION REWARDS.

This morning as I am going through my little voting ritual, I am more conscious than usual of a desire to keep the content on the platform interesting, and of a certain quality, type, and caliber. This is largely because of the influx of bullshit posts I have seen due to the "gold rush" Steem mania of many new users eager to make a "quick buck" here on the platform.

I have a voice in this! As SP accrues, I have more and more of a voice in this. Not only can I upvote content I wish to be seen and rewarded, I can resteem it and see its visibility increase even more and increase my curation rewards.


Well...yeah, Graham. Duh.

Some of you may be thinking this post is like me saying: "Hey! GUYYSSSS!!!! FUCKING FIRE BURNS YOU IF YOU TOUCH IT!" and you may be kind of right. For someone who is constantly focused on creating, however, some of the benefits and the real curative power of the resteem can be easily overlooked. It is to you fellow head-in-the-clouds-prolific-content-creators that I direct this piece.

If you want to keep the platform high-quality, don't just upvote, RESTEEM.

If you want to earn more CURATION REWARDS, don't just upvote, RESTEEM!

Thanks for reading, and RESTEEM on!

(If you have found this post to be valuable, please Resteem it!)



Graham Smith is a Voluntaryist activist, creator, and peaceful parent residing in Niigata City, Japan. Graham runs the "Voluntary Japan" online initiative with a presence here on Steem, as well as Facebook and Twitter. (Hit me up so I can stop talking about myself in the third person!)


Very good tip. Thanks

Hmmm... excellent food for thought.

I've only ever resteemed one post series, because the content was amazingly informative to me, but Ill have to keep this in mind going forward !

Inspired (resteemed)

This is a great tip thanks for sharing. I started on steemit about 2 1/2 weeks ago and the resteem function always confused me. Resteemed follwed and upvoted thanks again.

Cheers, @sneakgeekz. Thanks for that. Followed back, and glad to have you here on the platform.

Resteemed! :D interesting post, I like it! I will folllow too! :)

I've found that there are days when I heavily resteem and other days, not so much.

I'm not sure whether or not the posts I resteem will show up in a followers feed if they're already following the original (postor, poster, postee, postatola) person who posted it.

Maybe a dumb question but I'm not sure and don't want to fill up everyone's feed with duplicates.

They will, I think, if they are following both you and the original author, but I think this is part of the power of the feature. Sometimes it takes me a couple times seeing something before I decide it is a worth a click and a read.

Thanks, I hadn't considered that.

I hadn't really, either, 'til you brought it up. So thank you!

Sorry @kafkanarchy84 but now you have incurred the wrath of my ignorance:

Is there a way to tell when your post has been resteemed and by who, whom?

You can see who has resteemed or voted on your posts, and who has just followed you, too. There's a post by @sykochica called How Can I See Who Last Resteemed, Followed, or Voted For Me. I think it's really helpful.

That works.


There is no notification for that, as of yet, if I'm not mistaken, but you can see it on the other person's blog, or on the feeds where it shows up.

That's actually great news.

If there was some obvious indicator that I had missed, then I'd feel dumb. And if there isn't a way to know, then I can blissfully assume everyone is reposting every nugget of wisdom that flows from my keyboard.

I'm gonna quit while I think I'm ahead.

You can see who has resteemed or voted on your posts, and who has just followed you, too. There's a post by @sykochica called How Can I See Who Last Resteemed, Followed, or Voted For Me. I think it's really helpful.

Excellent. Thanks for this!

Glad to see another steemian who takes good content seriously. Also, I didn't realize the link between resteem and curation rewards. Good to know! Upvoted followed and resteemed!

Yeah, I've been around here since before the re-steem feature was created, and I never really understood the value in it until this post. I upvote and comment on a lot of things as part of my curation activities. I just never realized re-steeming was important to this aspect of Steemit, too. I looked at it as simply a way to promote your friends' and followers' posts. Thanks for giving re-steeming a good, understandable explanation. Even those of us who have been around the platform for a while can still learn something new.

Upvoted, followed aaaand resteemed 😃


Resteemed because...yeah.

Good reminder to share content, not just upvote it.

I tend to resteem to bookmark things I want to remember too. :-)

That's changing with the esteem app, which has a bookmarking function.

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