Blood is Key

in #resistance3 years ago

Blood is the water that flows through all sentient beings and as such any that is polluted spells disaster for the host. And potentially the collective.


Scripture tells us that blood is the force of God, Th’all – The Creator, which flows through us all. This is true.

In our blood genetic markers exist which can identify us as species, and individual. This coding is unique and of great value to those that wish humanity harm for it has the possibility of exposing our true nature. Whilst humans come in many shapes, colours and forms and still appear to be ‘of the same’ this is not actually true. The blood tells a different story.

Now, to many people this truth will sound too bizarre to accept, and they will dismiss this piece as delusional nonsense; but this is a travesty for within what I am asked to write, for this is a channeled piece, is information that should shine light on what the world is now facing – the corruption of our bodies, and hijacking of our spirit and souls through the mutation of our blood.

You see man was once a pure life form but many, many years ago humanities DNA was corrupted by the same forces that now wage war on us all quite blatantly. These ‘beings’ – hybrid humans, are under the influence of The Dark Lord. They are doing his bidding here on earth, as they do throughout the universe.

Within the universe are many worlds populated by many species of beings – we call them aliens. And each of these races of ‘people’ have blood with distinct character - each different from our own, and others that inhabit far flung worlds far beyond our ability to comprehend.
Some of these beings are pure-bloods, some are hybrids; which is to say that each specie was created by Th’all but has suffered under the manipulations of The Dark. However, of all species humanity has suffered by far the worst attack and today, if you look around, it is possible to distinguish the good from the bad with relative ease. On earth there are 1000 dark souls to every 1 light and it is because of this that evil has been given free reign to create chaos across the globe. And those that err towards darkness are of hybrid human form!

So, why are the hybrid lackeys of The Dark Lord intent on compromising our blood? It is really quite simple – through the interference with our blood they manipulate our DNA and swell the numbers of hybrid humans that exist upon earth. (Hybrid humans tend to lack strength of character, moral fibre, empathy and compassion. They are easy to control). To what end, you may ask? This is where things get rather bonkers, but in simple terms: by manipulating the blood of humans through toxic injections, they kill off the pure-bloods foolish enough to allow themselves to be injected, and augment the hybrids for the next stage of their evil plan to genocide pure-blooded humanity. In the process of exacting their plan many hybrids will be casualties too, but this is of no concern to The Dark Lord who views those weak enough to so easily buckle to his will of little value.

Transhumanism is the end game of The Dark Lord, and his operatives on earth.

So, if we refuse to take their now fully exposed faux vaccination their plans to destroy and enslave humanity unravel quite quickly! For whilst they can, will and do, poison our bodies through chemicals in our food, water and environment - this is not the same as manipulating and changing our DNA by corrupting our blood!

The blood is key to the success of their evil manipulations.

And it is for this reason that society should stand as one, and fight to protect the children from the needle - for the innocents are incapable of resisting this attack alone.

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