The eyes of seeing the moon(Ab article about Novera)

in #research7 years ago


Novara Ahmed is no longer - After the announcement of this message, the astrologers came back again from the ordinary, in the discussion of all the readers. From social media to media, the news has again become a little special. And on the other side of this world, I was roaming around the world. I was looking for what is being written, it is said about Novara. What is the return of our pioneering sculptor after his death? Only a few of the works have been found in which the artist's statue of Novara has been captured in the words of the words. The rest saw the returning heroine of Hasnat Abdul Haiyy's 'Novara'. The history of our artwork will be incomplete, which is the only living story of the novel, when it becomes the main resort to bring it in front of us, we must think that we are now standing in the year 1930 in Navarra's birthplace. Now we are passing through the time machine, Novara is passing through the 21st Century.

In the middle of the twentieth century, the woman who struggled to establish herself as a sculptor, we see her in cinematic eyes. The visually impaired vision of which he neglected his creations is inherently inconsequential, and transformed the life of the person of the flesh into the standard of his life, the vision that can evaluate the real nature of the person ahead of time? It can not be possible that these spectators want to drag their artists into their own position, because their artists can not.

There was no exception in the case of the novella, I do not know whether there was anything to happen. For a long time, the history of our art has been omitted or hidden from the sky. If some inquisitive eyes were not brought back to his artisans and his creation, then the novaeas were lost. Not the novel, but we were fortunate enough to have seen somebody back to him, otherwise we would have stood on the history of the wrong industry, our art history.

But after that, the talk goes on, because in the ordinary sense the art of art is the people of the arts. How to reach the public but the first and foremost sculptor of our art history? Hasnat Abdul Hai brought him to the public for the first time. Hassanat Saheb, in the year 1994, brought the novae in front of a general practitioner or curious reader in the novel 'Novara'. Still, this novel has been read many times, and for many it has become the only resort to know Navarra. Hasnat Sahib, if you see the novel that brought it in front of him as the pioneer sculptor of Bangladesh, then it may be easy to see Artist Nova. Because if we see the novel as a history-based novel, the cautionary needs of the novel's informational subject, or the composition of the writer's compulsion, also requires carefulness, and its flaws appear throughout the novel. As a result, needless to say, Artist Novahr's location is secondary here. Yet 21 years passed; In this long time, some researches, some curiosity-related articles have been published in Novara. Although the reader of the research paper is not too much, there is no shortage of readers of curiosity. As a result, today when there is no realization of the sky, many people are re-discussing their personal life while paying homage to Novara from our national life. Or presenting him in such a way that his artistic status is not properly evaluated. The history of becoming an artist can not be evaluated. Some curiosity-related articles have been published about Novara. Although the reader of the research paper is not too much, there is no shortage of readers of curiosity. As a result, today when there is no realization of the sky, many people are re-discussing their personal life while paying homage to Novara from our national life. Or presenting him in such a way that his artistic status is not properly evaluated. The history of becoming an artist can not be evaluated. Some curiosity-related articles have been published about Novara. Although the reader of the research paper is not too much, there is no shortage of readers of curiosity. As a result, today when there is no realization of the sky, many people are re-discussing their personal life while paying homage to Novara from our national life. Or presenting him in such a way that his artistic status is not properly evaluated. The history of becoming an artist can not be evaluated.

It is beyond my power to evaluate all the wonderful things of the night. I would rather inform him about the myths which I have seen in the very ordinary eyes of him, quite a bit confusing and partly true, in his words in the word-writing.

Let's start from a little back. At the beginning of an article written by Ana Islam in the first light of the Novartha's Retrospective Show in Paris in January 2014It is reported from the magazine that 'Haunted in Paris was one of the greatest figures of Shaheed Minar and the pioneer of the sculpture of Bangladesh, Novera Ahmed, Novara Ahmed. But his secret intimate relationship with Paris-based artist-critic Ana Islam is long. ' The question can arise that the use of the word "hijab" Does not the artists 'secret intimate relationship' with anyone make the reader's savvy curiosity tickle? Navarre is not a murderer, a thief, a robber or a militant, then why is this word "ghost" applied? He is not the heroine of the movie-theater, nor he should talk to anyone about his contact with the public curiosity. I think, We are not able to see the eyes of our spectators for writing these readership. Looking at the students of Aban Thakur's class, we are only looking at the life of Navarra only by looking at the eyes of the eyes. In most of the writings, the novels have come as a curiosity to exclude research writings. When we present our pioneering artist in the history of the modern sculpture industry, his personal life, being his chief, is his masterpiece, his talent, his struggle, his struggle to become an artist. Being his head is his homosexuality, he has a fascinating memoir about him.

One short story by Lutfu Nahar Lata, one of the actresses of the time, was reading online. He came back to the writings of hi sahib! Savior's blouse, the life of Livatigadar, came back to the life of Navarra's courageous life. Goofy forest really The person who is writing himself is an artist, but with a bigger eye, Novara is seen. The history of our blouses is not too old. Thakurbari's wife, Gyanadanandini, started the blouse for the sake of the top of the meme sahib. Until then, women did not know the use of blouses. So should we have to accept those who did not wear blouses, they are more brave than Novara? Ril Livotgeder, There was no need to prove the testimony of the magistrates' paper pen signature on the Gandhi Marg wedding. This style is recognized in the Eastern religion. So there was no big revolution in the life of someone with a desire to live with anyone. What he has done does not fall into our usual identity. And he used to live outside the table - is this his courage, the standard of his time ahead?

When I saw the novella, because I was a student of art, I saw the artist who crossed the time of her creation. The art of modern sculptures is the foundation of Western art education, which he has created in different parts of the Oriental philosophy and artistic thinking. His idea of ​​city-centered architecture and sculpture that gave birth to a new chapter is that he is modern. And through various adversities that he used to be an artist, he saw his courageous face. So, when the novels are moving into our thinking again, can we not have this desire that we want a new pair of eyes to see our pioneer sculptor?

It is not only the artist's artisans or artists who create eyeballs. And there is also evidence that Muktmahan got Mukta Mukta to read Asma Sultana Mita's 'Exile Exile' written by Asma . What Mita really wanted to say, I did not understand all the writing. As he read the text, he saw the photo of Navarra, not artwork! Why did the Navarees leave, why did not come back - the artist has lamented over this. He thought of the way to become the artist of the novel, as it is presented, it may seem that the person can become a novice if he has financial support and family support. There are some people in our country who brought Nazrul to Rabindranath, and presented such fluid logic - Rabindranath would have given a tone to the zamindar-nandan, but the Nazrul would have shown it. I think those who say this kind of thing are not actually married in the same way with the creation of two people.

Mita wrote, Can we claim the novella as the artist of Bangladesh? 40 years ago who left the country, who never stepped into an independent Bangladesh, he was strongly opposed to him as our artist. 52 years of his life abroad, in which he did not visit the country after 1963. Before long, he was not really in the country for a long time. Even after that little time he worked from the country - whether he was East Pakistan - at that time he was our only sculptor who found a new trend in his western education to connect with the Orient. Our sculpture has reached today's position on the path of new ideas that he had brought us in front of the complementary architecture of architecture and sculpture. Imtiare Shamim wrote an essay titled 'Mortuary Art of Novar' in Samakal. There he wrote a comment on Novara about sculpture. These words are added here to understand his viewpoint. Novara said, "The role of sculptors in the proper range of every establishment in the city plan should be, in order to engage people's everyday life with a direct and positive effect of artwork." He wanted to go back to the plan and revival of the world's great cities with a new explanation. He said that the artists' duty is to burn a passion for the true, money and insight of man's life, and only when it can be possible to make the place of art in the periphery of urban life. Think of the thoughts of the nostalgia in the middle of the last century, how many times have we transformed this time even today? That is, with the direct and positive impact of the artwork of people's daily lives. ' He wanted to go back to the plan and revival of the world's great cities with a new explanation. He said that the artists' duty is to burn a passion for the true, money and insight of man's life, and only when it can be possible to make the place of art in the periphery of urban life. Think of the thoughts of the nostalgia in the middle of the last century, how many times have we transformed this time even today? That is, with the direct and positive impact of the artwork of people's daily lives. ' He wanted to go back to the plan and revival of the world's great cities with a new explanation. He said that the artists' duty is to burn a passion for the true, money and insight of man's life, and only when it can be possible to make the place of art in the periphery of urban life. Think of the thoughts of the nostalgia in the middle of the last century, how many times have we transformed this time even today? It is possible to set fire on money and insights into interest, and only when it can be made available for the art of the city's periphery. Think of the thoughts of the nostalgia in the middle of the last century, how many times have we transformed this time even today? It is possible to set fire on money and insights into interest, and only when it can be made available for the art of the city's periphery. Think of the thoughts of the nostalgia in the middle of the last century, how many times have we transformed this time even today?

If I look as a feminist, then I would say it is an artistic tradition, such as the guide of today's female artists. It is not enough to say that the so many strong grounds that the novices gave us through his artistic literature are not enough for us? If not, then give a simple argument for Mita, so that she does not have the obstacles to accept the novels that are our artist. I do not know whether Navarwa used foreign passports in this exile-52-year period, but since the emergence of independent Bangladesh, Bangladesh has renewed the passport regularly.

The arts are a little different than other arts; Art is not as much artistic as it is discussed here. As a result, Mita says that the people of Novo were popular people, that is not right. And the novel 'Novara', the short and unknowable curiosity of the novel, brought him a short time to discuss the general discussion. But I do not know whether this is popularity or not. He has taken the soil of France himself - I do not know whether or not Mita said so strongly. But I think he only looked at the recent works of Navarra and measured the academy's standard of education, so the nomination of the works of the recent exhibition of Navarra, and the selection of subjects avoided his eyes.

He has written a mythical story about the artistic advantages of artists abroad - he wrote about Novar's artistic tradition. If so easy, the artists in the team used to perform only the arts except for the commission work. Mita knew the news of Novara's physical illness, but I was surprised to know that she did not know the news of Novar's artistic work. Due to physical inconvenience, most of the works he has presented in his recent exhibition are painting. I did not see any conspiracy about the design of Shaheed Minar. What has been done is that: The mention of one of the two chief architects is not found in the official document. But many were aware of the role of Novara. Contemporary poet Syed Shamsul Haque wrote in his column 'Hritkalam Tane', 'I remember that the central Shaheed Minar had designed that we have completely forgotten one of them. First of all, we do not know who designed this monument, Although I know someone, I know that the name of artist Hamidur Rahman, very few people can wear it and think that Hamid was also one with another - it is wrong to say that Hamid was wrong, and both of them together wrote this central Shaheed Minar form. The other person is Navira Ahmed.

Writes Mita; 'Tanah Chhera' with the design of Shaheed Minar; But the opponent needs to pull the opponent, the opponent is absent here. And history should be known only by someone who knows - the day has probably gone, because the door to know is now unchecked. And what about what he wrote about the creation of a new monument, is not it worth writing? Artists Novara, who has repeatedly moved away from the main point of her life while traveling around such other untoward discussions. The contemporary person who can overcome, he is modern Navarre is the modernity of artistic judgments. In our time, we do not find any other sculptor in this land who is so forward. In connection with the discussion about Zainul Abedin, the author said that he is the father of modern art of the sub-continent. It is an outgrowth of information - or he has shortened his ignorance by showing himself to the industrialist.

There are also many such liquid comments about the novella in social media. Will be in the future More such discussions will come in the media. It is not often said that you are wrong or untrue - you are wrong or untrue. Only this desire can be done, the returning of the body of physical death should be seen in the light of all our mischief, in which the auspiciousness of the stars becomes the center of his creativity.

Whether it is from pride or self-respect, whether it is for the sake of self-defense, Nevara has left behind the scenes. 'Mysterious' lives in his own way. How did he spend his life in that life? Maybe we will get the reply of such curiosity very quickly. But after preparing to bring him out of the whimsical curiosity by evaluating the works of artist Navarra has already started. With the help of industrial critics like Lala Rukh Selim, Mehboob Ahmed, Rezaul Karim Suman, we will get back our pioneer artist, Novera Ahmed. All the jobs left with care will be preserved. Trying to replicate the novel's work at the various corners of the city, will try to make the dream of establishing a common connection to the industry. We can do such optimism as a student of art. But the desire that we want to know before all this is that we are people of art culture, Those who are modern, or those who know the art of the art, when they present the novel, after reading all that he is, he should get our adornment as an artist, through his work that we see him. Otherwise, we will fail to give the honor to his honor.


The eyes of seeing the moon

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