Are you up-to-date with what documents are required to travel?
Post written by: Yvonne Wilbraham
January 5, 2018
Are you aware of the following?
Passports must be valid for at least six months after completion of travel.
Do you know what Real I.D. Act is and what it is used for?
Do you know the difference between a Passport book and Passport Card?
Did you know that most airlines now charge for advance seat assignments as well as checked baggage?
Have you heard about "basic economy airfares" and the very strict restrictions imposed on this type of airfare?
Are you familiar with country-specific rules when traveling with children under the age of 18 when only one parent is traveling with the child?
Would you like to learn about Credit Card Usage abroad?
Did you know that you can access travel warnings and advisories for the country (s) you are visiting prior to leaving on your trip?
Much, much more information - along with websites to learn more about a particular topic
The 12- page E-pamphlet travel booklet pertains to U.S. Citizens only; however, non-U.S. Citizens might find it useful and informative:
This 12-page e-pamphlet (electronic) travel booklet was prepared by me. I have over 40 years of experience selling international travel and the e-pamphlet travel booklet will provide you very useful and important information that you need to know prior to going on your trip whether it is for business or pleasure. Would you like to learn more?