26 jan, republic day in india.
Today is 26 January but in India it's Republic day. it very special and rememberable day. every citizens celebrate. this festival not for any religion rather this is for all religious people. Who love the country(india) they celebrate this .
why indian celebrate 26, jan?
This is a good question why we indian celebrate this day because India got free 15 august 1947. After got freedom we had no own rule. we had British rule and we hadn't want that. Some educated person started to the make rule after freedom and this day finished. i mean it's finished 26 jan, 1950. lot's of time spent to make rule approximately 3 years. This is big region we got own rule this day that's why we celebrate this day.
what we do this day?
this day is leave in every government work. especially this day celebrate in school, College, office every government office. Student prepare some social work like dance, music, drama etc. Every citizens hoist the national flag tricolor and sing national anthem together and full day live happily. That is also today i djd.
what i do ?
I wake up early after take bath and i go to my school and we prepare and decorate something few days before. lot's of villagers come to see our work. In decided time we hoist our national flag and salute together. some Student say something about Republic day and we remember who made rule for all India. After we eat some sweets. With happily i come my home full day i feel happy.
what is our national rule, a brief:-
constitution of India
we, the people of india, having solemnly resolved ot constitute india into a SOVEREIGN SOCIALIST SECULAR DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC and to secure to all its citizens:
JUSTICE, social, economic, and political:
LIBERTY of thought, expression, belief, faith and worship:
EQUALITY of status and of opportunity and to promote among them all;
FRATERNITY assuring the dignity of the individual and the unity and integrity of the Nation;
IN OUR CONSTITUENT ASSEMBLY this twenty- sixth day of November, 1949, do hereby adopt, enact and give to ourselves this constitution.
Thank you for reading my post.
I used to live in India, almost one year in Karnataka. It is among the best experiences in my life and I came back to Europe as a new person. One thing that was specially interesting for me was how people identify themselves.
For example, India is so diverse, much more diverse than Europe. In Europe it is hard to find a street with different religious objects on a 200 meters line. And how I understand, most people do not feel as Indians in their everyday lives but mostly if it is about something "externally" as when one is watching a cricket match between India and Pakistan of if a Indian meets somebody from USA or Europe.
Another thing I find interesting is regarding the constitution. It says that India is a socialist republic. So how can a party as BJP be in power when their ideology is not based on socialism and secularism? A similar can be said about the Congress party when it comes to economic policies.
wow you have good knowledge about india. you question was why bjp is in power if they don't follow the rule. every indian person follow the rule if they don't follow they will punish.
Thanks, I was working in Manipal for almost one year and took the oppertunity to learn more about India. What do you feel about the current discussions about UBI, basic income?