Reptilians are fucking real!
doubt all u want i could careless ive telepathicly talked with the orion alliance not all are dark just like humans but some are some crazy fuckers 4 sure!
think what u want but obvious fucking shit all things exist i mean ive literally seen probably over a dozen spaceships now not 2 boost as some earth monkeys have seen way more.
like dr.steven greer who's been doing ce-5 events they show up at almost every time sense like the 90's. and he does at least 2~3 of those a year. he used 2 do more actually mostly he just runs around doing public speeking trying 2 help wake you guys up that there's alot more going on then we where programmed by ourselves to think.
question all u want but i know they do i think its cool! honestly i even met a reptilian /human hybrid on pounced back in fall 2016 . who FUCKING SENT ME PICTURE OF HIM! so cool he even had slit pupil! and could shapeshift to so u furries always wondering if we can shapeSHIFT WE FUCKING CAN WOW! GODA DAMMM GOOSEBUMPS BABY!