#EndTimes #FinalKingdom #Babylon #RemnantStand


Were you aware that the Zionist FAKE Jews and the Jesuit Catholics and the British CROWN are ALL Nazis at the very top? They all practice occult, dark arts like kabbalah, sorcery, and necromancy.

All secret societies and intel agencies are heavily involved in their rise to absolute control over money, media, tech, and military. The Word calls them the Synagogue of Satan. They are the line of CAIN... the serpent seed. "America" is their New Atlantis and is the Land of the Feathered Serpent.

We are at the beginning stage of the final world kingdom that will come to power after WW3. It is IRON and CLAY. It will have 10 kings over 10 regions. The Man of Sin, the Son of Perdition will come to power after the great falling away and rebellion of all Christians, most Muslims, and even quite a few Judaisers. The great delusion will be an "alien" revealing on the world stage causing most monotheists to lose their faith. The Anti-Anointed will quickly conquer three of these new kingdoms and will become the "Dear Leader" of the rest. You may know him as the Antichrist.

This Syrian will be the Muslim Mahdi, the Jewish Messiah, and will be worshiped and adored by most on Earth, by all those whose names are not found in the Lamb's Book of life. Yes, our names CAN be blotted out of it. These reprobate souls will all take the Mark of the Beast by worshiping it. The smoke of THEIR torment shall rise forever in the Lake of Fire as they can never have soul death after becoming a HYBRID. Those who refuse to worship it will be hunted, tortured, and murdered en mass.

The iron is fascism at the top from our rulers and owners. The clay is communism and socialism for the masses which are always used to CULL the useless eaters and useful idiots.


This is their #Community: it is required to be a satanic, baby blood drinking, baby skin wearing, pedophile, bestiality loving, evil bag of shit. It is required to participate in many "secret" rituals and to be initiated and "enlightened" into their false light.

It is a big club and you ain't in it.

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