
@tomthomas, I gave you an upvote on your first post! Please give me a follow and I will give you a follow in return!

Please also take a moment to read this post regarding bad behavior on Steemit.

It makes me think about what my life is thx :)

you're welcome thankyou :)

Exactly man! We could unleash superpower present in us by following healthy practices but not by any other thing! Following religion is up to one's own belief.

I agree, thanks for commenting.

I agree with some of what your saying in that we are all connected through creation, as energy never dies only changes we essentially have always been since creation just in ever changing forms.

However as far as this goes as a religion for me it leaves a lot to desire, saying the explanation for everything is god is fundamentally false in my view and is an easy answer, like saying why do you believe? 'because I have faith' It leaves no real prof or explanation, rather it just opens the unanswerable debate of if god created everything what created god, and what created the thing that created god infinitely looking for the original that could be god but there is nothing to say that is or isn't the case.

Anyway really nice posts and I hope to see more like it in the future.

Thanks i appreciate what you said, maybe this should not be called a religion, for me it leaves nothing else for me to desire though as i was never religious before i started believing this. I believe the Sun is our God because there is nothing that influences/supports us more than it does, whatever its orbiting would be God to it in my opinion but the Universe is everywhere and everything so it is the creator of it all. I will try and produce more content along these lines in the future. Thanks again for taking the time to read.

Love the concept you have @tomthomas, we are all devine beings, connected deeper to one another and the earth more than some people can comprehend.
You have nothing to lose if you pray and everything to gain ♡

thankyou so much and its true what you say ♡

Yes! I saw your other post, and this one is definitely more like it!
The Sun is God. We are all the Fallen Angles of Light!
Reflecting, shining our light, and learning and experiencing through ourCellves.
Micro to Macro! We’re all tiny cells living within one larger cell called Earth. It’s just a Simulation.
Electrical signals sent to and from the brain. 😁

Its true what you say, also we are all just part of Earth, Earth is part of the Sun and the Sun, Earth, us (ourCellves) and everything else just part of the Universe or the Youniverse as you call it.

Yup! 😛 Without the sun we are nothing. We’re children of the sun!
The sun IS light. Light is information.
Without light there would be dark, or the lack of information, or no-thing.
We’re all sunlight condensed into physical form. Fruit is the food of the sun. Oxygen is the byproduct from photosynthesis from the trees (plants)- from the sun.

Eating fruit, being near the equator, getting sunlight, taking deep breaths, drinking natural water and meditating are among the healthiest things we can do. Also- the people we surround ourcellves with are direct reflections of ourcellves. Choose wisely! 😉
Thanks for your replies Thomas, I enjoy sharing and knowing that there are more of “us” out there, who are at least questioning things to find the truth, and hopefully we’re the ones who’ve found it! At least a big part of it... we’re almost there. 😬😈

I love your comments, you are a wealth of info, the most important types of info in my opinion and I also feel really happy there are more of us out there and more specifically, here, blockchain related places seems to be filled up with mostly lambo lovers and moon dreamers LOL, I think we are the ones who are on the right track.

Sun God is ok. It made sense. Praise and worship nature. Love it.

Thankyou, it makes sense, that is a great comment, im glad you feel that way about it.

I am not really a man of religion and believe, I am much more inclined to believe what I see and can comprehend.

That being said, this concept is something I can get behind because I don't have to believe. The sun is always there, reminding me that it exists and helps me do the same.

Thankyou, i was never a man of religion until about 5 years ago when i thought of this, we all know its there, its so simple and plain to see, im glad you feel this way.

The concept you write is beautiful and very meaningful. I likr your thoughts about the topic.

Thanks very much i appreciate you saying so.

I am not really a man of religion and believe, I am much more inclined to believe what I see and can comprehend.

That being said, this concept is something I can get behind because I don't have to believe. The sun is always there, reminding me that it exists and helps me do the same.

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