Manage and Protect the Earth
In the book of Genesis which is the first book in the Bible and means the ‘book of beginnings.’ We can read how God created the earth and the universe and said it was ‘good.’ And God saw everything that He had made, and behold, it was very good. Gen 1:31
The human race was put on the earth to enjoy it and to take care of it. God gave us two jobs when He entrusted the earth to us all. The first was that we were to ‘manage’ it. The second was that we should ‘protect’ it. To manage the earth meant to farm it and that is the oldest occupation in the world. Now days with the world population as it is, means that the earth needs to provide vast quantities of food in order for the human race to survive. The second requirement God gave us all was to protect the earth which means that we should not harm it or waste its resources.
We fail to keep the above requirements because we are selfish and sinful. The earth can provided enough food for everyone yet some starve and some have health problems due to obesity and high cholesterol. We are using up the earth’s resources in an unclean way and not preserving it for the generations to come or the fellow creatures that share it with us. We can all do something, as collectively we are all responsible and God will hold us all to account.