Question on the importance of freedom of religion in the USA.
What do you think? Should a Church be required, by the force of Law, to host an event that is directly in opposition to their core Beliefs, as stated in the Bible?
This was covered FIRST in the Bill of Rights (not privileges, or allowed things); because they believed it was That Important!
Amendment I
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.
SO, what do YOU think should be done?
Everyone has the right to live life in a way they see fit. Government controls too much. State and religion should not be bedfellows.
Very true, but these people are no longer happy to live and let live. Their goal is to destroy anyone that does Not agree with them 100% (true Fascism is now alive and well here)!
The Constitution guarantees that Right; But they feel empowered to sue anyway. It will be interesting to see if this is thrown out right away. They have the ability to go elswhere for their celebration, and they should. They can try to boycott the Church, but I don't think that will really hurt them much.Here the Church is supposed to be protected from the state; with the state fully exposed to the beliefs of all the churches.
Our Founding Fathers felt that Morals were of GOD, and absolute.
As a business owner, I reserve the right to refuse service to anyone. As a supporter of the LGBT community, I recommend people take their business elsewhere. Why would I use government force to coerce someone into serving me? What does that accomplish? Certainly not making the person any less of a bigot. But it does expand the scope of government "authority", which should scare the crap out of people. Seems less detrimental to just take my business to the baker or florist or whatever who isn't gonna treat me like shit. And slippery slopes, folks: It's only a matter of time before some neo-Nazi group demands service at a gay bar under the same "protections".
Agreed. The government is so far beyond their Constitutional limits, it should Terrify us all!
Thomas Jefferson said:
Our single greatest risk we face today, is big government!
Every business has the right to refuse service; and every consumer has the right to find a seller that better matches their needs. Businesses that offend, can be forced out of business; and consumers will receive better service.