Jesus: Coming with the clouds on a floating continent for every eye to see?
"Revelation 1:7 says, “‘Look, he is coming with the clouds,’ and ‘every eye will see him, even those who pierced him’; and all peoples on earth ‘will mourn because of him.’ So shall it be! Amen.” This verse brings together two other passages: Matthew 26:64, in which Jesus tells the Sanhedrin they will see the Son “coming on the clouds of heaven”; and Zechariah 12:10, which says that Jerusalem’s inhabitants will mourn when they see “the one they have pierced.”"
Celestial city of New Jerusalem photographed by NASA’s Hubble space telescope
"Hyperborea was a floating island in the North Pole sky. A suspended continent with thousands of people in several cities among forests, orchards, fields, mountains and rivers."
“There appeared a wide, large mass of something that looked like a cloud from nowhere and it was flying slowly over the village just at the height of an average tree.
“The cloud was transparent and I saw beautiful tall buildings inside it, with tarred roads and cars. It was like a flying city. And from it I could hear the sound of machines making noise just as you would hear at Ashaka cement factory.”
"The Galactic Committee and ground teams plan to build 24 more Light Cities over the U.S., England, Austria, Israel, and South American territories on the Subtle Plane 5D. No timeline has been given yet."