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RE: Divine Revalation or Man's imagination, How do you know?

in #religion7 years ago (edited)

I know very well about catholic church been in catholic school, hold by nun when i was child, i know plenty of catholics lol

This may be true, but what I said still stands. Everything you say in the last two replies proves you don't have the slightest idea what the Catholic faith is, it's history, or what it teaches. If you had, you wouldn't have spent so much time writing about things that I'm going to counter with elementary level information. You may know many Catholics, but if they are the ones feeding you the info that you base your ideas on you would do well to go back to the links I posted. Let's begin:

The occult is not about paganism wikka reiki or polyteism lol

Definitions of Wicca, Pagan & Witchcraft from

Wicca: A modern Pagan religion with spiritual roots in the earliest expressions of reverence for nature. Some major identifying motifs are: reverence for both the Goddess and God; acceptance of reincarnation and magick; ritual observance of astronomical and agricultural phenomena; and the use of magickal circles for ritual purposes.

Wicce: Synonymous with Wicca. In some circles, Wicce is used for women and Wicca is used for men.

Witch: A practitioner of folk magick, particularly that kind relating to herbs, stones, colors, wells, rivers, etc. It is used by some Wiccans to describe themselves. This term has nothing to do with Satanism.

Witchcraft: The craft of the witch - magick, especially magick utilizing personal power in conjunction with the energies within stones, herbs, colors, and other natural objects. This belief system also has nothing to do with Satanism.

Pagan/Neo-Pagan/Paganism: General term for followers of Wicca and other magickal, shamanistic, and polytheistic Earth-based religions. Also used to refer to pre-Christian religious and Spiritual belief systems.

From Miriam Webster:

Look, man. It's clear that you've embraced ideas that make you sound cool around the uniformed masses without bothering to dig deeper to insure you were receiving factual information. I wrote an article all about you already, so I'm going to stop wasting time. You've already made up your mind anyhow. I'll be here if you ever decide to do some homework.

...none of this matters if you know this one trick. To find God's true religion all you have to do is find the one the world hates the most.


Already i can tell part of my familly comes from Spanish civil war, and maybe you should google this. So if you are telling me that catholic church is not fundementalism, based on superstitious faith, and pro science, good luck with that. . Lol i dont even need to look on google to know this lol

Not sure what you mean being cool to the mass lol

Im more into mathematics, and philosophy. You are making lot of assumptions.

I know what wikka is.
religious movement. It was developed in England during the first half of the 20th century and was introduced to the public in 1954 by Gerald Gardner, a retired British civil servant. Wicca draws upon a diverse set of ancient pagan and 20th century hermetic motifs for its theological structure and ritual practices.

Wicca was founded in England between 1921 and 1950,[116] representing what the historian Ronald Hutton called "the only full-formed religion which England can be said to have given the world".[117] Characterised as an "invented tradition" by scholars,[118] Wicca was created from the patchwork adoption of various older elements, many taken from pre-existing religious and esoteric movements.[119]

Its created in 1954.

It pseudo copy ancient stuff, but paganism is much older than this it was already there at ancient rome time, like celts or so that are thousand years old.

Actually been living in britany in west france for years at the crossing of duidism with menhir alignement and actual ancient pagan practice and catholic church, if you think wikka is what define paganism you are completely clueless about everything lol

Wikka is a modern artificial thing. Paganism is very ancient rural practice.

Actually ive been doing plenty of "homework" and your attitude confirm what ive been saying in the beginning about the problem of catholics.

Basically they are all into their own brand of occultism, with immaculate conception, walking and talking lizzard, heaven and hell, angels and demons and other immaterial entities acting in the world, even the pope doing exorcism now lol

The bible is all about occultism, and they are so entrenched into their faith that the reality of a belief or other doesnt even matter, hence all the confusion with science, revelation vs delusional that is rampant into this catholic world , full of myth and occult belief that they consider perfectly normal as the church say so in the dogma, and anything out of this occult dogma is satanic witchcraft. But there is no objective difference between catholic belief and practice and what they consider being witchcraft.

Even considering that pagan cult like let says mayas or incas that have been exterminated as pagan 500 years before there was anything like wicca ever created show this deep blind entrenchment into a dogma without having much clue of the nature of the occult reality that they are talking about.

And there is no need to stick to a church dogma to have discipline into doing things, either in sport, programming, all achievement require some form of discipline.

Its even always ironical to portray the catholic religion as the most hated and out of the mass, which its the most accepted religion in the world, ruling over whole kingdom with totalitarian monarchy as the only belief system allowed for all the millions people under their ruling, but of course they have to play the poor persecuted martyrs victim to fit more into their fantasy lol

I'm sorry I didn't see this comment until just now. I also apologize for using condescending language. Please allow me to properly explain where I'm coming from.

I appreciate that you have strong opinions, and are passionate about existential philosophy. I'm certain you are very knowledgeable about the things you are interested in. It is your conclusions about what Catholicism is and what it teaches that I don't appreciate. Your statements are presented in absolute terms without any sources to back them up. Also, you never bothered to ask me why I don't share your sentiments. You just said I'm like all the other silly, arrogant Christians who believe Christianity was the first religion and the bible was handed to us by god on the first day! That's terribly insulting, FYI. I stated that what you were saying about the thing I know most about was wrong. I provided links to official websites where you could read for yourself that what I told you was true. You just blew it off and continued with you opinions presented in absolute terms. It didn't even occur to you that I may have some valid information to share. If you had bothered to ask me, you would have found out that I was the most anti-Catholic person you could have net until I quit listening to what others told me about it. Once I looked into it for myself I realize I had been deceived. That's the point I'm trying to get across to you. You don't know as much as you think you do about the Catholic Church. As you are an obviously intelligent person, I would think this observation would be appreciated. I know that I, personally, like to know when I'm wrong so that I won't sound like an idiot when I'm talking with people about important things.

Two things I want to mention. First, to define terms, please understand that I use the term "occult" as a blanket statement to include anything to do with paganism, majik, nature worship, sorcery, etc. I'm not wrong in doing so since (as I pointed out) the very definition of occult is things relating to magic. So when you say Wicca and polytheism have nothing to do with the occult, it comes across as if you don't know the definition of the very thing you're trying to inform me about. Can you see why I was becoming a bit annoyed? Second, it is not wrong to portray the Catholic Church as the most hated religion. Just because It's the largest and most visible in the world doesn't mean it's not hated. Everyone hates the Catholic Church. That's why it's falsely represented by every secular information outlet! The Catholic church is under constant attack from all sides including and especially other Christians! This is a fact, not my opinion.

So if you would like to know why I insist that what you think you know is inaccurate at best, please ask me to explain. I will gladly do so. I'll even provide sources so you can be certain I'm not just giving you my personal opinions which may be flawed. Otherwise, all you're doing is fleshing out your subjective opinions that mean nothing to me since they are based on a faulty foundation. It's also very insulting when I tell you that you may not be 100% correct in your assumptions and you just brush it off as if I'm just talking out of my rear end. Can you understand where I'm coming from? I expect this on youtube, not on steemit.

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