How to Make a Pact with The Devil: the Ultimate Beginner's Guide (so easy anyone can do it!)

in #religion8 years ago


...well “a devil”, a demon, maybe a daemon, but not The Devil; Lucifer doesn’t have time for us peasants.

Here I walk you through the process of making a Demonic-Pact, advise on what to do if you don’t hear from the demon, and answer other FAQ. For the absolute beginner I offer up a few suggestions of what to ask of and offer to make sure you get the most out of your pact! Hope you find it helpful!


  • Parchment paper
  • Ink and Quill
  • Some of your Blood
  • Matches or Lighter
  • Lock of your Hair (enough to make ashes from)
  • Lexicon of Demons
  • Yes, it is important that the blood and hair are from the person who wishes to make the pact.

    It WILL NOT work with someone else’s.

    Disclaimer: I’m not responsible for the misuse of this guide!
    The evil you do do is at your own risk and not the responsibility of the author(s).

    How to Perform the Ritual:

    • Mix your blood into the ink. How you get the blood is your problem.

    • Burn your hair, make sure to catch the ashes. Enjoy the smell as that is what hell will smell like if you end up there for consorting with evil creatures.

    • Mix the hair ashes into the ink-blood.

    • Now think of your Demon of Choice. Look in the lexicon you've chosen for their symbol. Have their symbol ready. You have to know how to draw it!

    • Dip the quill in your ash-blood-ink; You are going to write a letter.

    • Now get ready to do some calligraphy….


      • On the parchment write out what you want along with what you are willing to trade for it.
      • And burn the letter.

        Yes, burn the letter you just spent all that time writing in fancy Medieval style.

        • Immediately use the ash from the burnt letter and Mark your forehead with the symbol of the demon you wish to parlay with. To include 666 is optional though they may appreciate that you went the extra mile.

        • Wait an unknown amount of time for the demon to get back to you. There are no survived sources as to how long this process takes.
        • FAQ

          I still have not heard from the demon, what now?

          If you didn’t hear from your demon, it is because they didn’t accept the terms of your trade; you didn’t make them a good enough offer, so try again. It is also possible you did not mix sufficient blood into the ink.

          There is no way to know for sure except trial and error.

          Add more blood on each round that follows an unsuccessful attempt.

          Does the Demon always physically appear?

          No, in fact, sometimes you may find that your exchange has taken place without hearing anything at all from a demon. They are mysterious like that.

          I’m not the best writer. Does it matter how I write the pact-letter?

          It depends on the Demon, only a minority of demons are avid readers and particular about prose. It is possible to increase the likelihood of being graced with a Demonic Presence by writing a quality Pact-Letter. The important part is the quality of offer to the demon.

          It's highly suggested to propose your offer with the Ancient Occult phrase: Exchange In Eternal I Offer (E.I.E.I.O)

          Here is an example of a BAD Pact-Letter:


          Here is an example of a GOOD Pact-Letter:

          I don't know which demon to choose, how do I pick?

          The demon you relate to best. You just know when you read it that: “yes, this is MY demon!”
          Any demon can grant most wishes, but they all have special talents.

          For Example, Balam is a popular choice when seeking out wisdom, persuasion, charm, and knowledge of the future.

          I found this demon who sounds really awesome, but I can’t find their symbol. What do I do?

          This requires divinitory skills to conjure the image up in your mind. This is an advanced tactic beyond the scope of this guide, so I suggest you first summon the aid of a demon whose symbol is well known.

          The symbol of the demon in the last example, Balam, is easily obtained:

          It is easiest to find the symbols of the Goetic Demons. Here is a good source.

          Should I take safety precautions?

          No. Demons are highly averse to safety. For best results, take zero precautions (at your own risk).

          I don’t trust demons, won’t they try to take advantage of me?

          It depends how you define ‘take advantage’. Demons are no different than humans in that they want to obtain the most beneficial outcome for themselves. Demons do have the advantage of supernatural powers, true! That is why you seek one in the first place. You must approach with gratitude;

          You can’t out class a demon.

          It is rumoured that a demon once possessed a mathematician so he would popularize a system to analyze human negotiations. You could look at that two ways; as a benevolent gift from a demon, or that they wish to ignite more conflict among us

          Do not attempt to predict demonic behavior with human methods! It is but a Game to them!

          I’m not sure what to offer. What do demons like?

          Demons like to inflict suffering and pain.

          You must exchange something which causes you injury (physical or emotional). If you offer up the life of a loved-one you can expect good results. If you don’t want to suffer, don't be discouraged, there is still an option:

          You can go for the classic offering of your Soul (I suggest not the whole thing in one go, as you only have one and there is no recorded instance of a demon returning a Soul; part it out)

          How do I make sure I get the best bargain?

          You can't! but...

          Here is a table of common trades:

          (it's only a guidline, have fun and experiment to find what works best for you!)


          Happy Summonings!

          All information in this article not of the author(s) own experience, unless otherwise noted, is from a Witch (D. Bass)


          ...well “a devil”, a demon, maybe a daemon, but not The Devil; Lucifer doesn’t have time for us peasants.

          Dude, you're such a noob.

          Peasants are the low-hanging fruit. They're the easy souls to harvest. It's like having sex: you can be on the top and do all the sweaty work or you can let that voluptuous bitch jump on the ol' cocker-do to squeeze all its juices out for you. The orgasm feels more or less the same either way, but the latter is obviously way less stress on the heart.

          Why squeeze the lemon, when there's another hand, not attached to your own arms, that will do it for you (especially when that hand has daily exposure to natural lotion products with smoothing agents)?

          That's the beauty of real (spiritual) power, you see. The more you have of it, the more and more the world will transform to do the heavy lifting of the work for you, the less time you're required to work in order to fulfill your desires. The world literally bends to your will, like a sex slave on leash.

          God tries to sell it like there's "karma", or eternal damnation for living "sinfully". What a crock of shit. He's nothing but a con man . The truth is He wants you to suffer for having the instincts he He instilled in you and the ignorance he provided you with. He's absolutely sadistic and a total phony. He doesn't care about you anymore than you care about the ants you step on or the nut-laden shit that you flush down your toilet.

          I, on the other hand, care about humanity and its plights and I share in its suffering. I want to get my cock sucked just as much as the next man and, despite my powers, I still have to work for it, at least a little bit.

          So, if you're feeling the need to have a little something extra in your life like, say, an extra 4 inches on your little betty cocker, I'm more than willing to hand you the money for the operation. But realize, there are no free lunches in my house and I can't guarantee that I won't take a little more than my fair share of any deals that you make with me, cuz, well, try to stop me :)

          Oh, can you follow me and up-vote my future posts? Thank you in advance.

          See? I told you all that it's simple to summon a demon.

          Don't believe them when they claim to be Lucifer/The Devil himself! Don't say I never warned ya.

          I am a fan of the genre of horror movies, but the skin leyen post bristled. I like what you posted.

          I do love your demonic behaviour!!

          Idiot ! You are not big or clever but you will lose your eternal soul to satan unless you see the truth. satans already lost it,s just trying to drag as many demonised humans as it can . Read the BIBLE KJV - JESUS CHRIST IS LORD!

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