Maman Brigette is for Justice

in #religion7 years ago

Maman Brigette is a Force to be Reckoned With Whose impact has greatly aided my spiritual growth for which i am humbly grateful. My third eye has reflected shades of violet and purple since 2012 when i first began its activation. Twas hearing Pink Floyd in 432 hertz when my computer screen flashed in a way not seen since while my ears filled with high pitched frequency tones and a steadily pulsing buzz much like swarming honey bees. Awareness grew by leaps and bounds ina flash that is quite in-explainable. I thought that i was walking in St. Germaine's famous Violet Flame then, but now i believe it must have been Maman Brigette, all along. She was the first deity that i saw in my dreams which totally amazed me as does the excellent guidance She grants me. Never, have i seen or heard from St. Germaine in all of the times i pleaded for help so that it seems he either isn't real or doesn't resonate with me. It's highly possible, and most logical to assume that we all resonate to different Guides.

Sources say that Maman came from Ireland with the Irish slaves which makes a lot of sense as to how i could be so connected with Her since i have Irish Ancestors. I don't even pretend to know, except that She is purply, and very strong, and She says She is Maman Brigette. It is true that She has a really deep laughter from Her belly, and it tickles Her when i cuss. Her power came partly from the Minds of those Who worshipped Her in Haiti where She met the Great and Sexy Baron Samedi; but, She is also the Energy of Brighid plus Voodoo Power. She can cleanse and protect very well, and has worked wonders in my life so i honor Maman Brigette, and thank Her for helping me get to be strong. One thing i must add is that She won't let my hexes work if it's not for Justice True.

It's very comforting that Maman and Baron, as a mixed race couple, are so active at this time in my life when i am so preoccupied with strains between the races as documented in my first article from Papa Legba "
Divide and Conquer Must End" @

I do feel like this mixed relationship and all friends from these races who can send out good energy of getting along will vibrate through the webs of existence to bring peace +++ase+++That's just my perception; so, i will present some quotes from other sources about Maman Brigette.

Wikipedia tells us some basic traits, Readers and Root Workers Association tell Us the type of spells for which She is most suited, Mirror of Isis explains Maman's history in Haiti and the New World, Tribe of the Sun tells Us Brigid's traits, and Readers and Root Workers Association tell Us the type of spells for which She is most suited.

                                                                 **Wikipedia Explains Her Basic Traits**

"Maman Brigitte (English: Mother Brigitte) also written Grann Brigitte, Manman, Manman Brigit, Manman Brijit is a death loa and the wife of Baron Samedi in Vodou. She drinks rum infused with hot peppers and is symbolized by a black rooster. Like Baron and the Ghede, she uses obscenities.[1]
Brigitte is also one of the only white Voodoo gods, due to having origins in Ireland, and not Africa or Haiti like other loa.[2] She is described having red-gold hair and emerald green eyes.

She protects gravestones in cemeteries if they are properly marked with a cross.

A New World loa, Maman Brigitte is syncretized with various saints, including Saint Brigid and Mary Magdalene."

                                        **Mirror of Isis Explains Maman's History In Haiti and the New World**

Haiti should have had all the help it needed to develop from day one, when the slaves heroically overthrew their French overlords after years of rebellion. Independence came in January 1804. They named the country Haiti as the earlier Native ‘Indian’ people had.

The idea of a free independent black state of ex-slaves caused much spluttering of indignation in the ‘white world’. In consternation, and probably not a little humiliation, plus no doubt a dollop of spite, an impossibly huge ‘repayment plan’ was placed upon Haiti by the French for loss of their colony. Some 20million Euros in today’s money, Haiti’s progress has also been hampered by constant interference and undermining from American governments and intelligence agencies. This can be read about elsewhere.
Baron Samedi by Pamela Colman Smith

The religion of Haiti is Voudoun, brought to Haiti with the African slaves. It is said the beliefs of the people are 98% Catholic and 110% Voudoun. Its origins lie in the Yoruba peoples from Nigeria, the Arada tribe from Benin, plus tribes from the Congo and other areas. It was passed on down the slave generations by word of mouth, although it was made illegal by the slave owners’ governors who feared anything that fired the spirits of their captives.

There is no doubt that the cohesion among the people, separated at different locations on the island with no basic human rights, and the subsequent revolts and final rebellion in Haiti, were helped by Voudoun. The slaves suffered unimaginable tortures and executions for any sign of revolt. The secret language of the drums as a way of communication gave practical help. The sheer faith that their gods could help them through extreme adversity gave them heart.

It is widely believed that the slaves hid their gods and goddesses among the Roman Catholic saints of their overlords’ faith, but I wonder if the two religions also became entwined as future generations who never saw Africa were exposed to Catholicism. Voudoun evolved as new influences appeared.

But how did she come to be in Haiti and the wider Diaspora of the African slaves? I first heard of Maman Brigitte when I visited Fellowship of Isis members in New Orleans. I was told that the introduction of poppets, now commonly called voodoo dolls, came from St. Bride/ Brighid. Many Irish women were shipped to New Orleans for crimes such as prostitution (in Ireland in those days it could have been for holding hands with a boy, or becoming pregnant due to rape). These poor women were put to work along side the black women, forced into the horrific task of draining the swamps. They told their black counterparts about St Brighid, and the poppets they brought with them were the ‘Bridie dolls’ of Scottish and Irish origin.

Interestingly, when plague spread through Louisiana due to the mosquitoes in the swamps, the Irish women became nurses by necessity, and this lead to a subsequent raise in status. I always see the matron-goddess of nurses as Brighid.

There is a similar story about the introduction of Brighid to Haiti. It is little known that many thousands of Irish people were shipped to Haiti as slaves. It is cunningly referred to as ‘indentured labour’. It was slavery pure, simple and wicked. They had little or no price, unlike the African victims, and were therefore treated even worse, if that is possible. Their beloved goddess/Saint Bride went with them.

As the wheel of the year turns to the festival of Brigantia, let is light a candle for Brighid, goddess of light, nursing, and healing. Let’s remember her people in Haiti, bereaved, bewildered, homeless, starving and grieving. May Maman Brigitte lead their dead to the ancestors. Let us remember the sheer humbling faith and resilience, too, of those who had little, and now have nothing, but who we have witnessed on our TV screens singing in praise as they are rescued form the rubble. Brighid, may they be given healing and all the help they need – no strings attached – for a new beginning." +++ase+++ on that Blessing for the Haitians. May Maman Brigette bless Mirror of Isis for these lovely words +++ase+++

                                                             **Tribe of the Sun Tells Us Brigid's Traits**

"brigid (aka maman brijette)
This article was written with the help of Elm, a member of Tribe of the Sun who follows the Celtic path.
Traditional Colors: red, white, and sometimes green
Number: 3
Areas of Influence: Smithcrafting, reiki, healing, poetry, prophecy and divination, fertility and motherhood, intersection of 3 rivers
Entities Associated with: Danu, Dagda, Ruadan
Symbols: Brigid’s cross, flame, Brigid’s bell, books of poetry
Offerings: blackberries (cobbler, wine, etc)
Feast Days: Imbolc
Astrology: Aquarius
Tarot: Queen of Wands, Priestess, Empress
Chakra: Root
Gemstones: garnet, carnelian, bloodstone
Animals: oxen
Entities of Similar Energy: Hecate, Chango, Pele
Plants associated with: all herbs used for healing

Brigid, 'The Exalted One' is a great mother goddess, and she is a triple goddess of smithcraft, healing, and poetry. She is also a goddess of fertility, creative inspiration, fire and the sun, agriculture, medicine, crafting, and music. Brigid and Lugh are the two “crafty” celtic deities. In one story, Brigid was born from the second acorn of Danu and Bile.

properly showing respect to brigid
Bring your passion to the conversation; she’s a fiery and passionate woman, so you should be matching that when interacting with her. Her offerings should either be burned in a fire or dropped in a river.

where to find brigid
At a junction of three rivers (Pittsburgh is a 3 rivers city AND a steel mining town), where ever healing is occurring, or anywhere else she pleases.

brigid’s children
They have fiery personalities, may or may not have children, are probably involved in healing processes with an interest in herbs and empathic abilities."

May Tribe of the Sun be blessed for their well-done-efforts +++ase+++

                 **Readers and Root Workers Association Tell Us the Type of Spells for Which She Is Most Suited**

"Maman Brigitte, also known as Gran Brigitte, is the wife of Baron Samedi and a lwa of death and the cemetery. She the mother of the Ghede nation...In Haiti the first female grave in the cemetery is marked with a stone cross and belongs to Maman Brigitte.

Like her husband Baron Samedi, Maman Brigitte rules the cemetery and the dead. She is called upon in matters involving healing and to punish the wicked. She is the ultimate judge and can be called upon to inflict punitive retribution on those who harm her devotees. When people are suffering from chronic or terminal illnesses, she can either ease their suffering or intervene on their behalf to heal them. Some devotees also call upon her to heal sexually-transmitted diseases. Her colors are black and purple and she takes offerings of black roosters, candles, and rum infused with hot peppers.

In Catholic syncretic Voodoo practices, Maman Brigitte is sometimes associated with Saint Brigid and is venerated on All Soul's Day, November 2nd, a date that corresponds with the Pagan and Neo-Pagan festival of Samhain, which also commemorates the dead.
Hoodoo psychic readers, spirit workers, and root doctors who are adherents of the Voodoo Religion and who petition the lwa on behalf of clients may work with Maman Brigitte for matters pertaining to healing and justice."

may Readers and Rootworkers be blessed for their work on Her behalf +++ase+++

This blog was given to me by Maman during Mushrooms Season. As Baron's Wife, She is also a sex goddess. "the Exquisite Maman Brigette & Astral Sex" @

Thank You for reading about Maman Brigette :) Blessed Be )O(

Her Veve, She is highly approachable if Your need help for the Innocents, especially children. Just don't play games or shirk Her on an offering which is as simple as some cigars, sweet liquor, She likes songs to honor Her and Her pictures to displayed, flowers, and anything simple You may feel drawn to do.

A song She loves

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