
Did he now ? On the fifth day He gave the earth and all on it to us for us to rule . Our free will was kind of a mistake i guess , it came from His own image . The story of Lilith , first woman before Eva , is a nice example of what god dos to disobedient creations ;-)
In the garden thing where made very clear to A and E .
Do not feed from the tree of knowledge , how obvious must things get ?
I clearly see suppression of free will . Just what a religion wants to accomplish , dumb and obedient followers .
Is the snake bad for pointing us at knowledge ? Did it know we where created in His image and will act like Him , that we to will act like dictators ? even on each other ? Isn't the snake Lucifer , the light bringer , the light barer ?
The most interesting part would be the story of Gods two faced son , sun , Lucifer , Christ , woven true all the scripts . used and abused to spread fear and demand among the people .

Well that's mine :-) , peace

You guys are to deep, nothing beats GOD sending two bears to maul 42 kids to death for making fun of a bald man. GOD drowned most of the planet because he failed. GOD murder everyone in Jericho, Heshbon, Bashan ..... killing women, children and animals at the same time and had Israelites kill 500,000 other Israelites. He helped murder 30 random people for their clothes? He did all this so one day you could read my reply.

Can someone make me rich now, Im sick of being poor.

I'm still poor

To be truly free is to have no possesion's at all ,
Enjoy that freedom ;-)

Funny you should say that. I'm almost 50 but on the night of my 21st birthday I split for Oakland from PA hitchhiking because my life sucked. I've never been to a Greatful Dead show and never seen them yet I had to find their parking lot. By the time I got to the West Coast I was broke. A homeless Brother told me "If you're going to broke, be free on the beach". Guess friendship is priceless because I came back to PA. Maybe I need to run away again?

Roll the dice , go all the way , like Charles Bukowski 's poem .
Live life straight in to perfect laughter ;-)

Kind of like being in a "free country" and then going to jail for a victim-less crime.

The New Testament. That's my favorite part. St Mathew chapters 5,6, & 7 in particular. It is also known as The Sermon On The Mount. In it Jesus puts aside almost all of the Old Testament, claiming that he is not changing "the law" but fulfilling it. Basically teaching things like: Use your head. Don't escalate a situation by arguing, return evil with good, pacifism- "turn the other cheek", "be not easily offended" in other words (my words that is) move on with your life. "Do not judge", "Do not condemn". As Leo Tolstoy wrote in his book WHAT I BELIEVE "courts of law do nothing but judge and condemn".
To support my claim Jesus makes distinctions about law. He says thing like "you have your law" and "The law of the prophets" and"There is only one law and one lawgiver". Jesus separates himself from "the law" and suggests that we all do the same. Nobody has a right to tell anybody how to live and what to do.
DON'T do people vote for anyway? Answer; to FORCE their will, morals and opinions on others with broken logic usually. Giving no thought or care it seems about the hurt and misery that their penalty of law causes on those affected by sentencing (whom by the way didn't do anything while still claiming to be "CHRISTIANS"
Anyway fugitabout it I'm tired of typing. Here is a link to the audio book WHAT I BELIEVE by Leo Tolstoy Its good easy listening and another link to LDS ANARCHIST a Christian-Anarchist view from the mind of a rare kind of Mormon

Post Script- I also like The Book Of Mormon as much as I've read of it.

thanx for the food for thought!

Ezekiel 23:20

fuck.... more reading lol

Whoever wrote it had a dirty mind

I love how GOD made a woman from a man, using soil and ribs and how that perfect process never happened again.

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