God wrote the Old and New Testaments through the holy men He chose.
They put into writing what had been preached or handed down orally through generations (oral tradition).

“God, who, at sundry times and in divers manners, spoke in times past to the fathers by the prophets, last of all, In these days hath spoken to us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the world.” (Hebrews 1:1-2)
“When we say that the entire Bible is inspired we mean that the principal author is God, though it was written by men whom God enlightened and move to write all those things and only those things, that He wished to be written.” (The New St. Joseph Baltimore Catechism by Fr. Bennet Kelly, C.P., p.17, Imprimatur: Francis Cardinal Spellman, Archbishop of New York, ©1969-1962 Catholic Book Publishing Co., N.Y. )
“Inspiration is a force that God puts into a man so that he can write what God wants him to write. Just as electricity gives light and power, so does inspiration gives light and power, the light and power that come from the Holy Spirit.” (ibid.)
“Understanding this first, that no prophecy of scripture is made by private interpretation. For prophecy came not by the will of man at any time: but the holy men of God spoke, inspired by the Holy Ghost.” (2 Pet.1:20-21)
How many people wrote the Old Testament?
30 persons wrote the Old Testament.
||Image from Pixabay
Who were those 30 holy men who wrote the books of the Old Testament?
They were:
- Moises
- Josue
- Ruth
- Samuel
- Esdras
- Nehemias
- Tobias
- Judith
- Esther
- Job
- David
- Solomon
- Isaias
- Jeremias
- Baruch
- Ezechiel
- Daniel
- Oseas
- Joel
- Amos
- Abdias
- Jonas
- Michæa
- Nahum
- Habacuc
- Sophonias
- Haggæus
- Zacharias
- Malachias
- Machabæo
How many holy authors wrote the New Testament?
There are 10 holy men who wrote the New Testament.
Who are these holy men who wrote the New Testament?
These New Testament writers were:
- St. Matthæo
- St. Marcus
- St. Luke (author of Luke and Acts)
- St. John
- St. Paul wrote 13 Epistles:
i. Ad Romanos
ii. Ad Corinthios I
iii. Ad Corinthios II
iv. Ad Galatas
v. Ad Ephesios
vi. Ad Philippenses
vii. Ad Colossenses
viii. Ad Thessalonicenses I
ix. Ad Thessalonicenses ii
x. Ad Timotheum i
xi. Ad Timotheum ii
xii. Ad Titum
xiii. Ad Philemone - St. James (jacobi)
- St. Barnabas (Ad Hebræos)
- St. Peter (Petri I, Petri II)
- St. John, disciple (Joannis I, Joannis II, Joannis III)
- St. Judas Thaddeus
What are the books written by those Old Testament writers?
The 46 books written by holy men of the Old Testament were (Latin Titles used) :
- Genesis
- Exodus
- Leviticus
- Numeri
- Deuteronomium
- Josue
- Judicum
- Ruth
- Regum I
- Regum II
- Regum III
- Regum IV
- Paralipomenon I
- Paralipomenon II
- Esdræ
- Nehemiæ
- Tobiæ
- Judith
- Esther
- Job
- Psalmi
- Proverbia
- Ecclesiastes
- Canticum canticorum
- Sapientia
- Ecclesiasticus
- Isaias
- Jeremias
- Lamentationes
- Baruch
- Ezechiel
- Daniel
- Osee
- Joel
- Amos
- Abdias
- Jonas
- Michæa
- Nahum
- Habacuc
- Sophonias
- Aggæus
- Zacharias
- Malachias
- Machabæorum I
- Machabæorum II
What are the books written by those New Testament writers?
The 27 books written by holy men of the New Testament were (Latin Titles used) :
- Matthæus
- Marcus
- Lucas
- Joannes
- Actus Apostolorum
- Ad Romanos
- Ad Corinthios I
- Ad Corinthios II
- Ad Galatas
- Ad Ephesios
- Ad Philippenses
- Ad Colossenses
- Ad Thessalonicenses I
- Ad ThessalonicensesII
- Ad Timotheum I
- Ad Timotheum II
- Ad Titum
- Ad Philemonem
- Ad Hebræos
- Jacobi
- Petri I
- Petri II
- Joannis I
- Joannis II
- Joannis III
- Judæ
- Apocalypsis
How many sacred authors wrote the original manuscripts of the Bible?
There are 40 sacred authors of the original manuscripts of the Bible.
30 sacred writers of the Old Testament
10 sacred writers of the New Testament
40 sacred writers of the Holy Scriptures (Bible)
The Prophets and holy men of the Old Testament were inspired by God to write the Sacred Scriptures.
The Apostles and disciples of the New Testament were also inspired by God to write the Sacred Scriptures.
Both Testaments were received by Christians as Divine Revelation.
Who taught us that the Bible is a Divine Revelation?
The Catholic Church, through its Dogmatic Councils, taught us that the Bible is a Divine Revelation.
You can read HOLY BIBLE PART 1 here.