The Savior Within You! Occulted Anatomy (PART TWO)

in #religion7 years ago (edited)

THIS IS PART TWO of the full presentation. you must see part one to understand>>


**I'm not sure where to stick this segment to where it flows succinctly, so i'll just plant it here and hope it syncs in well enough.

Greek** OLYMPIC*****means "*****of or pertaining to Olympus, a mountain of Thessaly, fabled as ...**


In the Brain we have the (o)LIMBICsystem meaning****("edge, border") at the apex or pinnacle of the spinal column. The LIMBIC system as we have already covered in various segments of the presentation is the CHALICE, the HOLY GRAIL within the SKULL, depicted in images below. In ALCHEMY we have a specialized CHALICE or CUP called ALEMBIC, " something that refines or transmutes as if by distillation" which is for upward rising, REFINING AND DISTILLATION OF FLUIDS into their purest essence!

**This BIRD BEAK SHAPED CONTAINER OF DISTILLED FLUID is why these tools are called BEAKERS in KHEMistry! The BIRD BRAIN is the Egyptian Horus, The Falcon, The PHOENIX as covered fully in my Phoenix Rising presentation, the Inner Bird/Soul Bird.


The inner bird is also represented by many kinds of birds in other religions and cultures, mostly by Eagle or Dove, as depicted much earlier on. **

The part of the brain which is similar to a bird is located centrally in the brain, and connects two brain hemispheres also represented by WINGS (of the cherubim/cerebrum)! Right wing and Left wing polarities.

The BIRD'S EYE VIEW or HIGHER PERSPECTIVE of REMOTE VIEWING is called The ALL SEEING EYE OF HORUS (the INNER SUN), the Third Spiritual Eye, the INNER EYE, THIRD EYE VISION, which sees inwardly when we dream, which acts as the captain's seat of our soul and has often been depicted as the WINGED SUN DISK with TWO SNAKES as LEGS by the ancients, and called the Chariots of the Gods.

** This is why the Gnostic Christian BIRD/ROOSTER/PHOENIX god Abraxas is the SOLAR BIRD who RIDES THE CHARIOT OF THE GODS in the cerebrospinal column within our brain to SOAR AT THE HEIGHTS OF THE SUN OF GOD! **

**I've included my esoteric anatomy software model graphics to depict how the innermost part of our body, the cerebrospinal canal is LITERALLY what the dragon, the PHOENIX, the CROWING ROOSTER, ABRAXAS are depciting as the microcosm WITHIN US!

NOW the world will forever know why the SNAKE and BIRD are the pharaonic symbols of crowned enlightenment and royalty worn upon the THIRD EYE/FOREHEAD! **

THE COCK/ROOSTER IS THE PHOENIX, COCK/PHOENIX = COCCYX!! FROM SACRUM TO CROWN, from KETHER TO MALKUTH in Jewish CABALa, my own unique science that I've created called "As Above: So Below the Belt**" in physiology which reveals how the sexual organs are literally the same homologous structures and functions in the brain! **

**Thus, the entire Jesus or solar christ mythos is also representative of #Astrotheology (macrocosm to microcosm), AS ABOVE: SO BELOW, ON EARTH: AS IT IS IN HEAVEN, as HEAVAN literally means "LIFTED UP," HEAVE "LIFT" + AN "SKY, UPWARD, LOFTY," is cognate with HEAVEn, "LIFTED UP" as the SUN OF MAN, cognates with HEBEN "TO LIFT, RAISE; LIFT UP, EXALT" and HABEN, "TO HAVE, TO OWN, POSSESS; BE SUBJECT TO, EXPERIENCE, (GNOSIS)" and HAVEN "TO HAVE, A SANCTUARY, A REFUGE, TO LIFT UP, HEAVE, ETC"! **

"From Middle Englishhaven, havene, from Old Englishhæfen("haven; harbour; port"), from Proto-Germanic****habnō***, ****habanō***(compare Dutchhaven, GermanHafen, Norwegian/Danishhavn), from Proto-Germanic****habą***("sea") (compare Old Englishhæf, Middle Low Germanhaf, Old Norsehaf("sea"), GermanHaff("bay or lagoon behind a spit"), perhaps, in the sense of "HEAVING SEA", etymologically identical with Old Norsehaf("HEAVING, LIFTING, UPLIFT, ELEVATION"), derived from Proto-Germanic****habjaną***("TO LIFT, HEAVE")), or from Proto-Indo-European****kh₂pnós***(compare Old Irishcúan("HARBOR, RECESS, HAVEN"))

**HABEN is From PIE root *KAP- 'TO GRASP," the Latin cognate is CAPERE "TO SEIZE, TAKE, RECEIVE, HOLD, CONTAIN" (as the sacred human vessel or GOLGOTHA "PLACE OF THE SKULL" as the sacred HOLY GRAEL, OR THE CHALICE, THE CONTAINER OF THE HOLY SPIRIT), linked with CAPTURE, all root cognates with the CAP which is the HEAD, the CAPUT, THE SKULL, the PINNACLE, THE CAPSTONE, the MOST HIGH of the HOLY MOUNTAIN, the axis mundi, upon Sinai, Olympus, Meru, Pele, the place where the GODS RESIDE (WITHIN YOU)! **

**This is why the CAPSTONE of exoteric Freemasonry is 33 degrees of Mastery. **

King James Bible

"the kingdom of heaven is AT HAND!"

Compare Proto Indo European KAP- and Hebrew KAPH "palm, HAND," with COP "to seize, take, CAPture," from Old Englishcopp("TOP, SUMMIT, HEAD, CROWN OF THE HEAD, TIP, PEAK, PINNACLE, TOPMOST PART"), from Proto-Germanic*kuppaz**("vault, round vessel, head"), hence KING KUPA of super Mario Brothers! **

*Capere is the root of CHASE "TO PURSUE, TO HUNT AFTER, TO STRIVE FOR," Vulgar Latin captiare "try to seize, chase" source of Italian cacciare, Catalan CASAR, Spanish CAZAR, Portuguese caçar, reminiscent of Khazar, Arabic: خزر‎, Xazar; Ukrainian: Хоза́ри, Chozáry; Russian: Хаза́ры, Hazáry; Persian: خزر‎, Xazar; Greek: Χάζαροι, derived Xazar from a hypothetical Qasar reflecting a Turkic root qaz- ("to ramble, to roam") or to WANDER. András Róna-Tas connects it with Kesar, the Pahlavi transcription of the Roman title CESAR.

"Old English had
casere*****, which would have yielded modern ****coser*****, but it was replaced in Middle English by
keiser*****(c. 1200), from Norse or Low German, and later by the French or Latin form of the name. Cæsar*****also is the root of German Kaiser*****and Russian tsar*****(see czar). He competes as progenitor of words for "KING" with Charlemagne (Latin *Carolus*****), as in Lithuanian *karalius*****, Polish *krol*****."

"Determining the origins and nature of the Khazarsis closely bound with theories of their languages, but it is a matter of intricate difficulty since no indigenous records in the Khazar language survive, and the state was polyglotand polyethnic. The polyethnic populace of the Khazar Khaganate appears to have been a multiconfessional mosaic of pagan, Tengrist, Jewish, Christian and Muslim worshippers.[19]The ruling elite of the Khazars was said by Judah Haleviand Abraham ibn Daudto have converted to Rabbinic Judaismin the 8th century,[20]. "


HAVEN OR HABEN, (HEAVEN) as the root of the usage To "HAVE TO" for "MUST OR OBLIGATION" (1570s) is from sense of "POSSESS AS A DUTY OR THING TO BE DONE", THY WILL BE DONE," (on Earth as it is in Heaven), as our HEAVY HEAVEN'S CROSS (BURDEN) TO BEAR, TO HEAVE, represented by the ancient Greek myth of Atlas who bears the HEAVY burden of LIFTING UP THE CELESTIAL SPHERE OF HEAVEN, representing the embodiment of the crossing point between HEAVEN and EARTH, symbolizing the human physiology, which the very archetypal essence of the ALCHEMICAL GREAT WORK, the MAGNUM OPUS...

**to Lift up the Sun of Man within each of us and bear our greatest gifts and self to the world, and make "HEAVEN A PLACE ON EARTH!" **

Excerpt from my full film presentation "Symbols of Power pt 3: As Above/So Below the Belt, Axis Mundi, Stairway to Heaven"here>>**

In anatomy, the atlas is the most superior (first) cervical vertebra of the spine. The atlas is the topmost vertebra and with the axis forms the joint connecting the skull and spine. The atlas and axis are specialized to allow a greater range of motion than normal vertebrae. They are responsible for the nodding and rotational movements of the skull.

It is named for the #Atlasof Greek mythology, because it supports the globe of the #skull**, the microcosmic axis mundi or "world pillar" of the human being that supports and connects the sphere of heaven, the human skull, Golgotha "place of the skull," where the spiritual and anatomical Chrism is crucified within us, just as Atlas represents the axis mundi, the macrocosmic world pillar which supports and connects the earth to the celestial sphere of the heavens, (HEAVE "AN," to heave UP, raise up! or HE AVE, "to exalt, praise, hail ) The unique science of correspondence in which I reveal "As Within: So Without" of how the mythology reflects a macrocosmic scale of the human physiology.

A full video series of presentations showcasing the truly epic, monumental and factual esoteric journey through symbolic, linguistic and** #sciencefilled explorations of ancient #mythology, #etymology, #astrotheology, #psychologyand archetypal principles of Nature, #physics, #metaphysics, #biology, #anatomy, sacred #geometry, deep seated #sexuality, #spirituality, and SO MUCH MORE! see the full film for so much more context for the real secrets >>**

The AXIS MUNDI or the WORLD AXIS, WORLD MOUNTAIN, the HOLY MOUNTAIN, is depicted by the ancient Egyptian "RAISING OF THE DJED" which is symbolic for RAISING OF THE DEAD, Osiris, known as the KRST as we covered fully in "The Winged Crown of the Immortal Gods" >


**The Greek Atlas bears the HEAVY BURDEN OF HEAVEN Just like the Mayan WHITE BEARDED SERPENT MESSIAH Quetzlcoatl "feathered serpent" HEAVED the HEAVY zodiacal cross of HEAVEN and Earth. The 23.5 degree angle of the Earth's axial cross is almost the same as depicted by the SAVIOR Quetzcoatl. **

**The CROSS is the literal and allegorical ancient symbol of the CROSSING or INTERSECTION POINT BETWEEN HEAVEN (as above) AND EARTH (so below), known as the CROSSROADS, between the spirit realm and the physical realm, as the VERTICAL AXIS or masculine phallic vertical pillar represents the emanation of God or pathway from heaven to earth, spirit into matter, pater "father into the mother" and vice versa, while the HORIZONTAL axis represents the FEMININE EARTH, the female lying horizontal, originally represented by Egyptian Geb and Nut as Mother Sky and Father Earth, which later became inverted as Greek Ouranos and Gaia, Father Sky and Mother Earth, but both models have legitimate symbolism for being as such. **

heaven (*****third-person singular simple presentheavens,* present participleheavening, simple past and past participleheavened)

  1. To transportto the abodeof God, the gods, or the blessed**. quotations **
  2. To beatify, enchant, or pleasegreatly**. **
  3. To beautify, to makeinto a paradise**.

Hebrew HE means "to pRAISE, REJOICE, BEHOLD, JUBILATION" and Latin AVE means "TO BE, or TO FARE WELL."

hillul***** "jubilation", compare* South Arabianh*****, ḥ*****, ḫ*****, Ge'ezሀ, ሐ, ኀ,*

**Note that again this is the Greek Letter Psi symbol as depicted earlier in the lateral ventricles of the brain where the crucifixion occurs within. **

May you HEAVE your HEAVy burdens, and may you find that you HAVE HAVEN and SANCTUary (holy place) from the rising tide and HEAVING seas of chaos, in the calm harbor beyond the straight and narrow floodgates of the twin pillars of Hercules, into the innermost sanctum and immortality of SPIRITUS SANCTUS. May your vessel gracefully navigate the stormy seas of life and never SINK (SANK), and be guided safely into harbor through meditation, by the Hidden Lighthouse within you.


Theres so much more to explain and piece together that I cant possibly fit in here because it would go on forever and I'm continually working on the process of compiling a book from all of my full articles. It's extremely challenging and exhausting because, This isnt exactly linear narrative material. But if you wish to see more and continue to see more articles and presentations of this nature and content, please consider giving back by subscribing for as little as a dollar a month, something I'm sure anyone can afford for this quality information

These Presentations take me over SEVERAL THOUSANDS of HOURS of research and production for films to complete for you to enjoy. Please consider giving back for my efforts by supporting my work with a donation or more preferably subscribing for as a little as a 1$ a month for continual email notifications on project updates and full research articles. I spend ALL MY TIME, sometimes 24 hrs every day just compiling these and making animations, films and graphics and it's consuming my entire life and i dont have any free time to live my life or pursue the things that Nourish my relationships.

@Lifting_TheVeil is now on all social media.
All of my full video presentations and articles can be found at for full #esoteric film presentations, research articles, livestream hangouts, lessons and so much more mind blowing esoteric content on #theology, #mythology, #etymology and #language, #symbolism, #science, #biology, #health and so much more!


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Hey @lifting-theveil, great post! I enjoyed your content. Keep up the good work! It's always nice to see good content here on Steemit! Cheers :)

thanks kindly! honestly i hate steemit. i hate having to figure it all out. its been a nightmare. i hate technology and its been rough to try to figure out. its not simple like the work i do.

any advice when provided is welcome. much love brother.

THIS IS PART TWO of the full presentation. you must see part one to understand>>

Such a great post thank you!

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