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RE: Scientology is a CULT and Tom Cruise is its leader

in #religion7 years ago (edited)

I think I will be spicing this up a bit!

The treatment you got at the Sacramento Church of Scientology was less than exemplary. The person you met should have asked if you were interested in finding more about what Scientology is about, and then directed to the "Display Panels" and given a quick demonstration of how to use the panels and then left alone. If you found nothing of interest, then you would have been given a piece of promo and told that you could come back,

So sad!

I was a staff member at the London Organization and we did not have the panels, Instead we had the "Personality Test" and perhaps 40 people a day took the test. The test was how I got in as it was spot-on with its evaluation as I answered all the questions honestly. I bought the course that was suggested and it was not a lot of money. That course changed my life as it gave me a spiritual experience like no other in this lifetime. I can not say that anyone else doing the same course would get the same spiritual experience, but that Communication Course would certainly help you get along with others a lot better.

All that stuff you mention has not come to my personal attention. I do not know anybody who was victimized by the above mentioned people.

For brevity, I will end off with this: I have read the books and listened to the lectures. I have read the Bible (some of the books as part of a course I did in Scientology) . What is taught in Scientology is toward helping your fellow man rise to greater height in the spiritual and temporal worlds. It does not conflict with what the Bible says. You find ethical tools (I like to say the laws of the Universe) that you can use to become a better person and more effective in life.

Scientology is not for everyone. But it might be for you.

Get a book from the library such as "Scientology: A new Slant on Life" or "Scientology: The Fundamentals of Thought" and make up your own mind.


OR people could just call an apple an apple. In which I mean that Scientology is clearly a cult which has every intention of harming others.

You can consider it a religion if you like. It is still ridiculous.

It was founded by an mentally ill science fiction writer who claims all humans are made up of 75million year old aliens...


Obviously Scientology is not for you. All the research you have done has not made any impression and has failed to show you that it is based on knowledge discovered in various societies in the world.
However, it would be christian of you to let others make their own research by at least reading some of the books and doing some of the free on-line courses. Let them find out for themselves and make their own decision.

To be quite frank, my research did leave an impression, a scary one.

From child labor, kidnapping, assault, harassment and fraud. Scientology is riddled with everything any decent human being would be against.

Forcing children to give intelligence reports on parents. Teaching people to find the personal weakness of enemys of the church and attack it.

Blatant attempts at discrediting anyone who leaves the church. Including Ronald Miscavige
, David Miscavige's father, who at the age of 75, had to flee from one of Scientology's internment camps.

This actually took quite an elaborate plan to execute.

You should inform yourself.

So your are critizing his religion of Christianity because he disagrees? Christianity doesn't mean accepting evil.

Narconon is worse than Scientology. Guess who owns it.

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