How I Got Steemed From Death To Life!

in #religion8 years ago (edited)

I can still hear the sound of metal against metal as the steel jail doors slammed shut. Arrested for D.W.I. and I was truly drunk.
I went and passed out on a bunk. When I came to the next morning (Sunday) I could hear a preacher saying; "You may be hearing me from a jail cell at this very moment. I want you to know that Jesus loves you in spite of what you have done and is knocking on your hearts door longing for you to let him in."

I was blown away when I heard that. I felt like he was talking directly to me. I had never been a religious person, on the contrary, I was totally opposite of that. Working for the weekend was my motto. But this preacher really got to me.

I became extremely nervous and ashamed of myself. I didn't know how to deal with these sudden feelings of guilt and shame. I sat on the bunk trying to gather my thoughts for my next plan of attack. Instead I found myself weeping uncontrollably. The more I wept the better I felt.

I fell to my knees and said Lord, I don't know if you can hear me or not, or if you even exist. But if you will make yourself known to me I'll follow you for the rest of my life. I felt a sense of peace and love overwhelm me. It was the greatest feeling I had ever experienced in my entire life. I felt clean inside, like I was totally forgiven of all my sins.

What was really amazing was I walked over to the window and looked outside and what I saw transformed my life forever. I saw the blue sky, the grass and heard a bird cherping and realised for the very first time in my life how wonderful and enjoyable life truly is. It was like I was just born, which I was.

That was 34 years ago and I still love the Lord Jesus with all my heart.

I'm writing this testimony because there is so much negative influences at this present time with the elections and all the fears everyone is feeling, not knowing what to expect. So I thought maybe some encouragement would lift the spirit and bring some sanity back into our hearts. I hope these words will encourage someone who may be hurting very as I was in that lonely jail cell 34 years ago....