The key to success

in #religion7 years ago

Everyone in life from very young we want to be successful in all the challenges that we can present in life in many aspects such as professional, economic or spiritual; Today I want to share with you a small study that will show you how to achieve success in all aspects of life and distinguish ourselves as children of God in the world.

o-SECRETS-OF-SUCCESS-facebook.jpgBut how do we achieve success?
In any activity that we intend to perform in life to achieve this in it we must have a set of qualities and tools with which we can succeed in that task, but today we will see what are the qualities we must have to achieve success not only in an activity but in everything that is present in life, and for this we will base in the following reading:

"As all the things that belong to life and piety have been given to us by their divine power, through the knowledge of the one who called us by his glory and excellence, through which he has given us precious and great promises, for that by them you may become participants of the divine nature, having fled from the corruption that is in the world because of concupiscence, you too, putting all diligence by this same, add to your faith virtue, to virtue, knowledge; knowledge, self-control, self-control, patience, patience, piety, piety, brotherly affection, and brotherly love, love, because if these things are in you and abound, they will not let you be idle or As for the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ, but he who does not have these things has a very short sight, he is blind, having forgotten the purification of his former sins. I am your vocation and choice; because doing these things, you will never fall. Because in this way you will be granted ample and generous entrance into the eternal kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. "
2 Peter 1: 3-11

In reading we find a series of qualities that we should strive to have and that should be part of our character as children of God, which will allow us to succeed, because they do not allow us to be fruitless, it means that success depends on our character.

These qualities are:

  1. FAITH (All our trust must be placed in God)

  2. VIRTUE. (Ability and integrity to do things)

  3. KNOWLEDGE. (Know how to do what is demanded)

  4. OWN DOMAIN. (Control impulses)

  5. PATIENCE. (Know how to wait in God so that our spirit does not decay or be disturbed at any time)

  6. PIEDAD. (Forgive and feel sorry for others)

  7. FRATERNAL AFFECTION. (Feelings of brotherhood, treat everyone as a brother)

  8. LOVE. (Dedication and passion for what we do)

This set of qualities should define our character distinguishing us from others in order to achieve success in all aspects of our lives both secular and spiritual.
Our whole being must be focused on the good as Philippians 4: 8 says "For the rest, brothers, everything that is true, everything honest, everything just, everything pure, everything lovely, everything that is good name, if there is any virtue, if something worthy of praise, in this think "and the reason is not another but that the eyes of God are on those who do good and their ears attentive to their prayers, as 1 Peter 3 says : 12 "For the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous, and their ears are attentive to their prayers, but the face of the Lord is against those who do evil."

To conclude, I must tell you that the key to success is for Christ to live in us.

God bless you.

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