in #religion6 years ago

When we look at the world with all of its trial, troubles and tribulations, we sometimes ask where God is. Why doesn’t he do something about this?
There are thirty thousand promises in the bible, and there is none of them that is difficult or too hard or impossible for God to keep. He will fulfill them all, for he is not a man that he should lie or son of man that he should change his words, there is no prayer too hard or difficult or impossible for God to answer. Matthew 21:22, Jeremiah 33:3, Isaiah 30:19. There is no problem that’s too hard or difficult or impossible for God to solve, therefore there is nothing too hard for God to do, he can reverse the irreversible and he changes the unchangeable Luke 1:37

IDENTIFY THE IMPOSSIBILITY INYOUR LIFE, Genesis 21:6-7, Luke1:36: Sarah knows that the impossibility in her life is giving birth to a child in life, also the same thing with Elizabeth no one could believe they can give birth, what is the impossibility in your life, family, home, work or any other areas of your life, when you have not discovered a problem, you cannot discover the solution.
IDENTIFY FROM THE SCRIPTURE THE PROMISES OF GOD FOR YOU OVER THAT PROBLEM: There is no problem without a solution or Gods promises to solve them. There are thirty thousand promises in the bible, and there is none of them that are difficult or too hard or impossible for God to keep. He will fulfill them all, for he is not a man that he should lie or son of man that he should change his words.
SPEAK GODS WORD OR CONFESS THOSE PROMISES: Speak those words to your situations and circumstances. With God all things are possible; with the word of God impossibilities will give way. Why? The word of God is spirit and life The Spirit gives life; the flesh counts for nothing. The words I have spoken to you—they are full of the Spirit and life (John 6:63 .NIV), so when your situations come in contact with God’s word it must change. Prophet Ezekiel speaks to the dry bone and they come back to life. They did not come back to life alone they are great like armies of heaven. (Ezekiel 37:1-10). Your situation can also change if you speak to it.
BELIEVE GOD FOR A CHANGE: the bible has made it clear that those who believe nothing shall be impossible for them. To see the reality of what you are confessing and the promise of God you have discover you must believe God. Have faith in God and also believe his word then impossibility will give way.
PRAY ABOUT IT: you need prayer to change your situation, whatever you don’t want in your life, you have right to change it through prayer, whatever seems impossible in your life and give way if you can pray, whatever is stagnant in your life can move forward through prayer. Pray and your situations will change.
PRAISE GOD: praises is an expression of gratitude and thankfulness to God for who he is, what he has done and what he will do. No impossibility can stand in the way of praises. When you praise God, God will come down and fight your battle for you.

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