in #religion7 years ago


Many times in the way of faith we waver and we feel that due to our weakness, God has already rejected us and does not want to know anything about us; and we even think that because we sin we immediately lose the salvation that Christ gives us as a gift like it was a shirt we that put on and we remove For very particularly I think that things do not work that way and while salvation is a gift from God that we can lose if we sin and do not repent; it is not a thing that go the way down the road and a bad thought arrives in our mind or we are angry at a certain moment and that is why we have lost salvation; because if it were so in the first place Christ would not have given his life for us because we are all sinners and are destitute of his glory and a palpable example of it we find in the word of God when we study the life of the apostle Peter, disciple of Jesus Christ; an impetuous man, of volatile character and many times incredulous.

Now if we start studying this character in the bible we realize that was a man who could well represent each of us with its virtues and defects, because at the end of account despite having a strong personality, He also had his moments of weakness.

In (Matthew 14: 28-31), Peter shows a trait of disbelief when he sees Jesus walking on the waters and says: Lord, if it is you, command me to go to you on the water; to which Jesus replied: Come, and Peter descended from the boat, walked on the waters, but when he saw the strong wind, he was afraid; and began to sink; to which Jesus stretched out his hand, took hold of him, and said to him, O man of little faith! Why did you doubt?

Also in (Matt 16: 21-23); Peter shows his weakness by letting himself be used by the Devil and trying to persuade Jesus, so that he would have compassion for himself and not suffer what was necessary to give us salvation and eternal life; Jesus answers him: Get behind me, Satan! you're stumbling.

In (Matt 26: 37,40) Peter demonstrates another trait of weakness when Jesus goes with his disciples to a place called Gethsemane; and taking Peter with two other disciples he went to pray; and these last three, with eyes full of sleep, fell asleep; to what Jesus said to Peter: Have you not been able to pray with me one hour? exhorting them to pray so that they would not enter into temptation; and Jesus prayed for the second time he found them sleeping again. (Mat .26: 42-43)

If we go to (Matt 26: 69-74); We see how Peter, for fear of repression against him, denies knowing with Jesus on three different occasions

Now if we study the volatile personality of Peter we see how in (John 18:10), it is described how he draws a sword and wounds a servant of the high priest named Malchus; when the latter went with a company of soldiers and constables of the chief priests and Pharisees to look for Jesus in the orchard that was on the other side of the Kidron torrent.
In addition to this, the Apostle Peter was a man who had revelation from heaven because in (Matt 16: 15-16); Jesus asks his disciples: and who do you say that I am? to which Peter did not flinch in saying: You are the Christ, the son of the living God; to which Jesus replied:

"Blessed are you, Simon, son of Jonah, because flesh and blood did not reveal it to you, but my Father who is in heaven." And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my Church, and the doors of hell they will not prevail against it, and I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth will also be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven "(Matt. 16: 17-19).

Then, my brothers in the faith, let us never doubt that God's plan can be fulfilled in our lives because of all the times we falter; Certainly we sometimes delay it by deviating from the path by which we must walk; but he is faithful to lead us back to his purpose and his word says in (Proverbs 24: 16) "Seven times the righteous falls, and he gets up again"

So let us follow the example of the apostle Peter; that although he was a man full of defects in his epistles, addressed to the expatriates of the dispersion in Pontus, Galicia, Cappadocia, Asia and Bithynia; exhorts to be partakers of the divine nature of God, recommending to lead a holy life, in obedience, patience, respect for authority, love for enemies and concord among brothers; giving testimony in himself of the transformation and renewal that Christ made in him. Regards!

Source: www.amen-amen.net/RV1960/


Realmente una vida con propósito requiere de fe, de obediencia, de amor y de colocar nuestras debilidades a los pies de la divinidad a fin de poder dar testimonio y lograr la transformación... Gracias por compartir, hermoso mensaje...
Ahora y aprovechando que paso por acá, quiero hablarte sobre el adecuado uso de los tags, en este caso el tag Spanish, el cual solo lo usamos cuando hemos escrito total o parcialmente nuestro post en este idioma. Espero que esta breve recomendación la consideres para próximas publicaciones... Muchos éxitos, sigue escribiendo...☺

Muchas gracias por la recomendacion,la verdad no domino mucho lo de las etiquetas y tampoco lo de editar los textos para hacerlos mas atractivos al lector, pero poco a poco ire aprendiendo, hace dias escribi este post por encontrarme en esa disyuntiva https://steemit.com/life/@georibs/as-an-indian-in-the-city

Tranquila que lo importante es aprender y crecer☺ así que ante cualquier duda me puedes escribir...

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