Why do good people suffer or better yet why does anybody suffer.

in #religion8 years ago

Many a disbeliever has justified their disbelief in God on the following basis.

If God is all good and God is all powerful, why do bad things happen?
or put another way:
If God is perfect and created this world why is there cruelty and suffering?

These are not new questions. They have perplexed minds small and great throughout the ages.

It is easy to adopt this type of tone when our understanding of God and his purposes is simplistic.

However, if we make trying to understand the purposes of God a study and our understanding matures then we discover that suffering, in all of its forms, is a necessary part of the refinement process that each of us must undergo at some stage.

Certain refinements only take place under excruciating circumstances and all these things give us experience.

The polishing of fine jewels only occurs as the rough edges are ground off in processes that generate a lot of heat and much abrasion.

Yesterday I posted a post on thought that were triggered by a talk from the Saturday sessions of General Conference

One of the speakers spoke on the topic of suffering in the Sunday Afternoon session, and he explains this concept in detail.


People have a hard time understanding suffering because they think that this world is all there is. This world is nothing but a "boot camp" for training God's children to serve in the Age to come. Suffering in Boot Camp is always part of the process.

Flesh and blood beings are just expendable avatars in God's boot camp "video game". He knows what counts is the immortal beings who operate those avatars. We think it's a big deal to get killed in this world, but don't worry at all about being "killed" in a video game. Our flesh and blood avatars work the same way, and we are promised new ones when these have been faithfully "expended" in God's service.

So, when you, confined to what you can see around you in God's "video game", start passing judgement on the Creator of the game - and decide to make up a Creator you like better, what you get does not have anything to do with the Greater Reality outside that video game. All you get is a fictitious being you invented that is compatible with your very limited understanding.

On the contrary, the only way you can possibly know anything about the real Creator of the Greater Reality is if that Creator chooses to reveal something about it to you.

I believe the Bible is that revelation and I study it to learn something about the Greater Reality.

I don't dismiss it because the description of the Greater Reality is incompatible with my limited model of the Video Game in which I am currently constrained to play.

If God doesn't exist then there would be no justice - God is very real and justice will be served!

Some people will enjoy, and take their reward in this life, some of us will enjoy our rewards in the next life and it is everlasting (forever).

God, and his son Jesus Christ are very real and I arrived at this conclusion after many years of research. II found God by looking at the very closely at the evidence. I encourage you to search for God, and truth and not be distracted by the lies that men want you to believe.

Read some of my recent posts. We do live in a matrix e.g.


Why did you flag that post? remove the flag or I make a post about how you are trying to censor people out of political opinion.

16.000 kids dying everyday from hunger is not diamond polishing but mass murder if your God exists and allows this to happen. Dying from hunger is the worst death one can go since it is slow torture.

The "great minds" as you call them answered these questions. There is no God. Suffering and death just exists equally for all living beings on this earth.

Your stone age philosophy does not apply when it comes face to face to modern scientific understanding.

Perhaps and perhaps not.... Others beg to differ, including scientists.

no my friend. they don't. name them. just because some scientists are religious it doesn't make god true. that is a childish logic

Here's a list of 25 Famous Scientists that Believed in God

Today we have scientists like Oxford Mathematician Dr John Lennox, Astrophysicist's Hugh Ross & Sarah Salviander just to name a few.

50 Nobel Laureates and Other Great Scientists Who Believe in God

A List Of Christian Scientists In The Fields Of Technology.

There is another website that I can't find right now that lists hundreds of other scientists that believe in God.

no my friend. they don't. name them

Yes they do, I just named them - consider looking at the evidence instead of steadfastly ignoring it so as to support your worldview.

93% of people in the National Academy of Sciences are Atheists. Most people in any scientific field are atheists. Finding 20, 50, 100 from different eras doesn't do you much favour unless you have never taken a statistics class in your life.

Also. You are propegating myths and old lies. First name from your list

Albert Einstein Nobel Laureate in Physics-Jewish

You are full of shit. Einstein was at best a deist, almost certainly atheist.

Do yourselves a favour and keep you crap beliefs for yourselves


93% of people in the National Academy of Sciences are Atheists. Most people in any scientific field are atheists.

It doesn't matter if 99.99% are atheists. The evidence clearly suggests that God exists - but the education system won't tell you that. You have to sift through the lies.

Those 93% have been indoctrinated and that means that 7% believe in some form of God. You said that none of them believed in God a little while ago but we are at 7% in a few minutes.

Read my posts on the education system and indoctrination. It's not the badge of honor that most people deem it to be. https://steemit.com/life/@steemtruth/education-and-indoctrination-is-there-a-difference

Science is a hybrid of fact and fiction. I am going to turn the spotlight on to science soon enough and shed some light into many of it's myths.

The world is full of educated derelicts - Calvin Coolidge

There is absolutely no evidence that God exists. A book written 2000 years is not evidence for Jesus as much as Harry Potter books are not evidence for magic. Religious people don't have evidence. This is why their dogma preaches belief.

All people are indoctrinated. 100% of people. Don't be an idiot. You are most likely Christian because you were born in a christian country. If you were born in India you would most likely believe in Indian Gods.

for fucks sake. that is basic logic.

I've read some of your other comments on other posts and it seems like you don't believe in conspiracy theories either.

I know that you are wrong (on both counts) but you are going to have to work that out for yourself.

All the best.

Sovereignty is of God. He chooses without interference and has a plan for everyone whether we see it as good or bad, depends on how we see reality. Sometimes he brings bad things into one's life to achieve goodness later on. Some people are so stubborn that they need to fall to the ground and very low before they can only realize another way and receive even bigger greatness than they ever known before(I can talk of experience myself) . Jesus is the salvation as he is the judge also. This physical life is not the end, we are spiritual beings having a physical experience that's what i believe and judged we will be.

God create man in his image. There is no way he create the bad in a man. It is the Satanic world that is just looking for temporary happiness that is rich and find happiness for a short period of time.

Why did you flag that post? remove the flag or I make a post about how you are trying to censor people out of political opinion.

I loved that talk in General Conference!

I think of a pampered rich kid, given everything he wants at all times. Such a person would invariably be emotionally crippled as an adult. Selfish, childish, petty, not stretched to all that he could be.

When we consider that Jesus doesn't expect us to go through anything that He hasn't experienced, we can see that there is mercy in God's plan for us. And understanding. And healing. Only Jesus knows us well enough to heal us as we need to (according to Alma 11).

We can also consider that we fought a war in Heaven to give us the right to make our own choices. Unfortunately, this means that people choose cruelty...or more commonly, they have been abused themselves and don't know a better way.

The point is, God does not want us to be slaves. He lets us do as we will, but then sent Jesus to guide us, heal us, and strive for a better way.

Maybe you will be interested

Without evil it would be difficult to see good.