Islam: A Religion of Cruelty and Hate-Speeches worthy of Hitler

in #religion8 years ago (edited)

A few months ago, a Muslim friend was talking to me about Christmas and wanted to know more surrounding Christianity. Naturally, this got us into a bit of a debate over religion and it pretty much ended with my Muslim friend stating that I should read the Quran before knocking it, and that it was a religion of peace. Well, it has taken me two months to read this book and understand it (I am not a slow reader... but this is not an easy read) and to be quite frank, it is horrifying. In fact, there is so much wrong with this book, that I have had a hard time selecting what exactly to start with.


As for the thief, both male and female, cut off their hands. It is the reward for their own deeds, an exemplary punishment from Allah. Allah is mighty and wise. (Quran, 5:38)
Bit harsh, don’t you think?


Fighting is prescribed to you, and ye dislike it. But it is possible that ye dislike a thing which is good for you, and love a thing which is bad for you. But Allah knoweth, and ye know not. (Quran 2:216)
This is what Muhammed preached to a group of people, trying to convince them to form raiding parties to steal shit off other people. By saying Allah approves of you stealing shit, all of a sudden it is okay... even though it was something you would get your hand cut off for in any other circumstance. And here, we have a perfect example of Allah contradicting himself. I can imagine that there are still accounts knocking around somewhere of Muhammad and his goons mugging traders in the desert in some sort of mafia-styled attack. But hey, God told him to do it... so it’s cool dude.


Fight those who do not believe in Allah, nor in the latter day, nor do they prohibit what Allah and his messenger have prohibited, nor follow the religion of truth, out of those who have been given the book, until they pay the tax in acknowledgement of superiority and they are in a state of subjection. (Quran 9:29)
So fight those that don’t believe or force them to pay a tax to say that your religion is not a great as Islam... lovely. So at least it is saying you’re allowed to follow another religion... just as long as you pay protection money and admit Islam is better. Is it just me, or does Allah sound very insecure?
Again, this feels like yet another mafia-styled attack on the regular Joe by forcing them to pay protection money to their cause.


" If any of your women are guilty of lewdness, Take the evidence of four (reliable) witnesses from amongst you against them; and if they testify, confine them to houses until death do claim them, or Allah ordain for them some (other) way." (Quran 24:15)
So basically, you need four male witness to prove a rape case... how progressive right? Also keeping them locked up after this? Great... that works.


Men are in charge of women by [right of] what Allah has given one over the other and what they spend [for maintenance] from their wealth. So righteous women are devoutly obedient, guarding in [the husband's] absence what Allah would have them guard. But those [wives] from whom you fear arrogance - [first] advise them; [then if they persist], forsake them in bed; and [finally], strike them. But if they obey you [once more], seek no means against them. Indeed, Allah is ever Exalted and Grand. (Quran 4:34)
So this is another beautiful example of Islam’s views on gender equality. Not only does it say it is cool for a man to own a woman and decide what her money gets spent on, but if they speak up, they get warned not to. If the persist, then they get fucked and then beaten... what grand advice from Allah! Seriously, that is something Oprah would say, right?


Indeed, the penalty for those who wage war against Islam and his Messenger and strive upon earth (to cause) corruption is none, but they will be killed or crucified, or that their hands and feet be cut off from opposite sides or that they will be exiled from the land. That is for them a disgrace in this world; and for them in the hereafter is a great punishment. (5:33)
So yeah... despite initial thoughts, these are the punishments that may be bestowed upon someone for criticizing Islam... like me... Oh yeah, and don’t forget about the hell bit.


And all married women (are forbidden onto you)... save those (captives) whom your right hand possesses. (Quran 4:24)
So once you have killed your enemy, his wife is totally out of bounds... but by all means, take his sex slaves and unmarried daughters instead. They are what your right Hand Possesses.


“O believers, fight the unbelievers who are near to you; and let them find in you a harshness; and know that Allah is with the godfearing.” (9:123)
So basically, this passage is encouraging you to treat people like shit for not believing in the same invisible man in the sky as everyone else. So if this is the case for you, you have probably had your hands and feet cut off for something else... I guess it would be fair to expect some name-calling.


“When the lord was revealing to the angels, “I am with you; so confirm the believers. I shall cast into the non-believers’ hearts terror; so smite above the neck, and smite every finger of them!” (8:12)
Okay, so “modern Muslims” don’t do this... just the guys who twist the words of Islam to their own will... right? Well no actually... it clearly orders Muslims to cut off non-believers heads. If your world-view is formed from solely this book, then is it any wonder we have radicals? I still struggle to grasp the fact that Muslims claim this is a religion of peace.


“O believers, take not the Jews or Christians as friends; they are friends of eachother. Those of you makes them his friends is one of them. Allah guides not the people of evildoers!” (5:51)
So by being friends with a Jew or Christian, you become one? Not only does this complete avoid promoting any kind of peace between religions, but it also condemns those who are peaceful as outcasts?


That, when our revelations are recited to him, he saith: mere fables of the men of old.
We shall brand him on the nose. (68:14-15)

This sounds more like a black adder threat than an actual punishment... but basically you will literally get branded on the nose for calling these stories fables. Thankfully, for what I have just said, under Sharia, I will not have to be branded on the nose... just dismembered and beheaded.


These were just some of the things I decided to type and save on my computer for future references. When I asked my Muslim friend about these, she was speechless and claimed I was just nit-picking the bits I don’t like. I had to ask: “Well, aren’t you just nit-picking the bits you like but leaving out the bad bits?” This did not go down so well... despite me making a huge effort to be able to have this conversation with her, she was pretty damn pissed about the things I was quoting to her. To be quite frank, I feel I may have lost a friend over this book. But anyway, personal points aside, allow me to continue:

Aisha in the Quran is only 6 years old when Muhammad married her. Some people argue that this was the custom of the time, but lets look at it like this: a 51 year old man married a little girl. I don’t need to say what we call that in modern society, but for a man who is appointed by god to spread the word, this is kind of disgusting. Like this is supposed to be a divine perfect being! But to keep facts straight, most of the accounts state (including Aisha’s) that Muhammad waited until she was 9 before doing the dirty deed.

In Quran 33:37, Muhammad is ordered by Allah to marry a very beautiful woman called Zaynab bint Jahsh... the only problem was that she was already married... to his son.
Seriously, what kind of god would order someone to actually do this? This sounds more like a weird game of Sims than divine wishes. But hey, questioning Islam is punishable in many ways... lets not risk an arm or a leg here.
Speaking of women, Muslim men are only allowed to marry 4 wives... poor guys. But they are allowed to take as many sex-slaves as they want according to Quran 4:23-24 which are referred to as “Possessions of the Right Hand.” And if that was not enough, in Quran 9:111 (Yeah, that chapter and verse should trigger something), kill one or more non-believers and you shall get 72 virgins when you get to heaven.

Now you may think I am being a bit mean here, but there is so many crazy verses in the book, I have had a hard time deciding where to start with this. It has taken me the best (worst actually, but I set out to complete this task) part of two and a half months to get through this word for word and gain a decent understanding of what it all means.
Reading this book has made me realise one thing: The people we say follow Racial Islam are actually doing it all by the book. It clearly says to cut peoples heads off, marry little girls, have sex slaves, steal in god’s name, and to use amputation as punishments. Merely questioning the book resorts to death in a number of barbaric ways.

But what really bugs me about all this... the bit that not only enrages me but forces me to lose faith in humanity... the lack of women’s rights. To allow any religion to treat women the way it is told to in the Quran is a step back to a much darker age, where equality is laughed at.

There are cases where women have tried and failed to convict their rapists. The insane bit is that they mostly end up being imprisoned or even killed for drum-roll please ADULTERY! What kind of backwards logic is this? Even in the Quran, Muhammad sentenced a pregnant woman to death by stoning once she had given birth! How can a woman defend herself in these cases? It seriously looks like a Sharia law promotes the idea that women should keep silent about rape and hope to fuck they don’t get pregnant.
Even if they get raped and don’t get prosecuted, it is not uncommon for a family to commit a practice known as “Honour killings.” Like the name suggests, this is where the family decides to kill the woman who was raped to preserve the honour of the family.

Lets have a little look at a country that actually uses Sharia law to govern the land: Saudi Arabia! Rich in oil, this country has some how avoided human rights prosecutions and is also somehow very friendly with world leaders.
But in a country where women are not allowed to drive, or even leave the house without a minder of some sort (driver, male family member or paid employee), it is hard to see why we allow our governments to buy their oil. The country that produced 15 out of the 19 Hijackers of 9/11 and Osama bin Ladan has somehow been allowed to go about doing whatever it wants. To this day, they have public executions which involve Muhammad’s own tried and tested method: beheading.

I once stumbled across and ad, asking for public executioners to apply for the role. And it is not even like they are trying to hide this... there is an insane wealth of public execution videos available from a simple google search. I have lately read several stories about people being sentenced to lashings from the whip for merely possessing alcohol as well as jail time.
They say in Saudi Arabia, that the walls listen. The truth in the saying is that people will report you to this type of religious police they have there, and you can expect to be harassed by them in many ways. People fear these guys more than you could imagine, which is why people rarely step out of line in countries where Sharia law dictates.

Now, looking at this in a broad view... any religion that promotes killing another is one to be questioned. But a religion that states that the punishment for apostasy (leaving said religion) is death, is definitely one that people need to grab by the collar and put right. That really does not leave much choice for people who decide to question their faith. There is clearly something fundamentally wrong with any religion that threatens it will kill you if you leave.

To those that may feel offended by this: by all means, you can feel offended all you like, it’s a free world with free speech. I understand that I may be condemned as a racist for what I have just said, but I will remind you that Islam is not a race, it is an ideology which should be open for questioning like the bible or science. Here, we are allowing a religion that not only attacks other religions (like the Jews) and other nations, as well as homosexuals and women’s rights, but insists they have a God-given right to do it. The last person to think like this was Adolf Hitler, and lets face it, he was a massive dick. This is the end of 2016... we are planning missions to Mars, we have beautiful technologies which has made our world great... yet we still tolerate some terrible injustices in some parts of our world because we are too afraid to speak up. But I cannot stress that most Muslims are good people just like you and I. I am merely providing my analysis on something over a billion and a half people follow and not the people themselves.

I hope you enjoyed guys, and don’t be afraid to criticise either me or this toxic religion. Wishing you a happy new year amigos.


Tremendous amount of work and effort you have put into this and shows what an incredible journey you have had in studying the Quran. Personally I do not know many who would have take it on. As you said the book itself is not short and not easy to read by anyone´s level. Forgive me if I misunderstand, but I believe that you were trying to discover for yourself if Islam is a religion of peace? If so, from reading this post, it appears you have discovered much violence as well as some contradiction in the book. Of course in every religion there are contradictions which is why I personally do not follow any. However, I consider myself a Jesus follower rather than a "Christian" as in I do not follow the traditional established religion, more that I believe in the wisdom and philosophy of the man himself. I must confess that I have not read the Quran but I do have two friends who are of the Islam faith and, just as your good self, they also once mentioned to me that I should read the "great" book. My answer to that question was this: "Before I consider reading the Quran would you answer one question regarding your faith?" They both agreed. This is what I asked. "If for some crazy reason I went and killed one of your family members, what does your religion say you do about that, I mean does it give you the right t take revenge, an eye for an eye?" They both answered emphatically "yes". I then replied "That is interesting, I idid not know that. I will then explain what my belief says if you killed one of my family members. I follow Jesus, and he said that I should not take revenge but in fact I must forgive you. No mater how hard that might be to do that is what I must" . I went on to explain that in my view it is somewhat easy to take the route of an eye for an eye but substantially more difficult to take the route of forgiveness. Thus to forgive must be of a higher level of understanding and thus of a higher level of thinking. I am not brave enough or clever enough to argue against the Quran, nor do I wish to and so will I take on the question of whether Islam is a religion of peace. However, what I am willing to say is this. No one can say that Jesus was NOT a man of peace. I must stress that I am not talking about the Catholic faith here or any other organised Christianity based religion, what I mean is just Jesus the man himself. As far as I know, Jesus never once killed anyone, nor told or ordered anyone else to kill another. In fact Jesus was the first human being in history to say that we should in fact "love our enemies". Something that the human race still has has not been able to do 2000 years after his existence. I believe in the man not the religion. He spoke of peace and lived peacefully. He spoke of love and gave love unconditionally. He said we should not judge each other and indeed he condemned no one. He spoke of forgiveness and even forgive those who killed him brutally. With regards to women, it is clear he treated them as equals which was revolutionary at the time to say the least. Just to reiterate that point, women were not allowed to enter the main area of the synagogue and the were not even allowed to give evidence in a law court. And yet when Jesus "allegedly" rose from he dead the first person he revealed himself to was a woman. This was not a good move if you wanted to have a reliable credible witness in those days. Forget the miracles, just the example of how he lived is spectacular in itself. Like I said, I have not read the Quran as you have, therefore I do not know if Islam´s Mohamed can stand up against the incredibly high standard Jesus set as a human being of peace.

Hey thank you @arthuradamson, it took a lot longer to understand than it did to read it, that is for sure hahaha.

Well, I read this book for a friend who is a Muslim. We were having a debate about religion and I said some things that my friend did not like about Islam. She told me that I should not speak about what I do not know. So I read it and I was a little horrified. I already knew it was a violent religion... but it is hard to believe that people still practice this kind of thing in this day and age.

I am completely an Athiest, but I have a big interest in history. Religion has shaped history, so it makes it much easier to understand when you understand what the people of the time believed. I feel it is greatly important to understand the past before you think about the future - there are many lessons to be learned.

Well, I personally do not recommend reading the Quran, but as an interesting point which you will like, Jesus and Mary are mentioned a lot in the book. In fact, Muslims are very fond of Jesus, although it is clear that they do not take many of his teachings on board.
I was brought up as a Catholic, so I too have come to respect the figure we call Jesus. He is definitely an example for us all.

I have to say, I really like that question you asked your two Muslim friends. This kind of question will create shortcut to the core of any religion. That was very good question.

But yes, I have to say Muhammad is an incredibly evil man when you compair him to Jesus. I am not joking when I say he is a thieving paedophile who thinks killing and amputating limbs is the way to keep people in line and make them want to convert. I find it very sad that a man like this is idolised and given the title as "The Perfect Man" by over a billion people.
But also, by saying such things about Islam, people consider you a racist and that you want to stir up hatred between people. Talking about religion in general is risky, but I believe we are in a time where we should be allowed to do it without fearing what people will do or say.

I have to say, I am really happy that you have not only taken the time to read this, but also left me with a story about your own experience. It has given me something to think about (comparing Jesus to Muhammad). It is very interesting to think that in a time when Christianity and Judaism were the two main religions, that something so similar yet so different sprang up out of nowhere and has stayed with us ever since.

I have a funny question for you: If Jesus and Muhammad met up for a meal and a chat, how do you think it would go?

Anyway, thank you again arthuradamson. Happy new year

Hi, thanks for writing back. Yeah I must admit I have heard others talk of similar things you mention about Mohamed being, well let´s just say, not as holy as one would expect considering so many who follow him. It was interesting what you said about religion shaping history, I never looked at it like that before but of course you are exactly right and it got me thinking with regards to the cutting off of limbs to keep people in line. I mean the fact that it still goes on in the Arab world, Saudi Arabia in particular, as well as Iran. There is a theory knocking around that perhaps Arab peoples are more different than western European peoples than we first realized. I mean when you consider how Iraq, Afghanistan, Egypt etc, all fell apart under American and European rule, perhaps such hard ruthless methods are the only type of leaders that Arab peoples respect. They have been used to a hard line Govt stance as well as Sharia law for centuries and thus have not moved on to. IN a recent documentary by Adam Curtis he said that in an Interview with the Syrian president Assad( I mean his father who was also called Assad) he said that a hard line was the only way to keep Arab peoples in line. He as known to be ruthless but he actucally kept peace in the region for decades. Perhaps western culture moved on because of Jesus teachings, meaning he told us to have more empathy with each other. This would explain why the two cultures are finding it so hard to understand each other. One wants to move forward and be caring and empathic with each other as well as have freedom of thought and speech, while the other wants to go back and be more hard. If this is true then the Arab peoples must view the European as weak soft belly idiots.
Glad you liked my question, yeah I went straight to the core of the matter I guess.

I also liked you suggestion about what kind of conversation Jesus would have with Mohamed. There is book or a film there ha ha, that´s if anyone is brave enough to take it on.
I too was raised as a devout catholic. I lost my faith when my mother died when I was a child. I was angry at God I guess. I became a staunch atheist of a long time but then when I was in hospital for a while I had nothing to do but think and think. I also almost died. I do not believe in a God but I am open to some kind of cosmic intelligence. I follow Jesus not as the son of God but as an incredible teacher of advancing mankind. Recently I have come to a new idea that I hope can bring believers and atheists together. The idea is if we can all agree that the human being is "divine". Meaning that whether a God created us or evolution, there is no question that we are unique in the creature kingdom and (as far as we know) in the universe. For we are the only creatures who know the universe exists and that we ourselves exist. I think therefore I am---right. Thus we are "divine". And as divine creatures we should respect each others divinity meaning we all have the right to live how we wish as long as we respect others space. Anyway really enjoyed talking with you.
Happy New Year to you too @elduderino


I apologise for any offence @aunt-deb , but in the real world, we are allowed to question these things. I never once stated I disliked Muslims... just Islam. We can question Scientology, Christianity, Nazism, Socialism, Dictators... but as soon as we hit Islam, people recoil. Times are changing. Happy New year

That's a lot of assumptions from one word.

I have made no assumptions except that I have offended you. The rest was simply justification for my need to write this article.

This is a hate-filled smear & click bait. I did you the courtesy of notifying I was no longer following. I will not condone this kind of destructive rhetoric. I haven't flagged or muted - yet.

All factual with quotes from the Quran itself. You cannot surpress freedom of speech and silence anything you disagree with. Facing and establishing facts is not hate-smearing rhetoric... I have spent a lot of time over this subject, and it is not your right to decide if I share what I have learned. We have groups deciding to slay European citizens in their own countries during holiday seasons with trucks in the name of this religion. We have a rape epidemic and soring crime rate ever since migrants have entered Europe, many of whom are Muslim... yet it is me who is ridculed for examining their cultures and belief? Let us not forget what happened in Cologne last year to all those poor women, or the axe-wielding maniacs that hacked people on our trains, or that two trucks have now been used to crush people to death in the name of this religion. Merely examining the passages and commenting on them is not hate-filled.
How would you like it, if you were stopped on a French highway by Muslim migrants that swarmed around your car and attempted to rob you? And how would you like it when you are ignored by police and don't see these things on the news? I have not brought any of that up and instead stuck with examining a book rather than my own personal experiences.

You are trying to justify continuing the hate and violence. The title says as much.

... and with that, you are now muted.

Well aunt-deb you're entitled to your opinion. I would have thought people would be able to decide for themselves what to make of this article, and not you to make their decisions for then. What happened to freedom of speech? Why are you taking my right to share my views and findings? I wish to adress facts about a religion that people will not know much about and more importantly, state how Islam is holding back womens rights. How dare you define this as hate-speech and violent when its sole purpose is to give people an understanding of something that is everywhere.... and bred not from click-bait that lurks all over the web, but quotes and stories straight from the book itself. George Orwell would roll in his grave over your totalitarian censorship

What are you saying ? you trying to think if there is a demo anti besides Islam. Islam is tolerance once again I bear in mind that Islam is a religion of tolerance.

you have much to learn again, Shia (IRAN) not islam them on behalf of Islam and the teachings they hold far from true Islam, if not quite science do not talk about religion

Well, @orangkaya, from what I have read in the Quran, Islam does not seem very tolerante. It is very willing to kill or punish anyone who does not believe or questions it.
Also I have not brought science into this... I have examined the quran solely as literature.
So what is true Islam? Is it what is written in the book? There seems to be only one Quran yet people claim there are different types of Islam. How can this be?

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