The Dimond Brothers doctrinal error on pastoral engagement
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Hi, my name is Jorge and I am in charge of Dimond Data, a channel dedicated to expose the satanic fraudsters at Most Holy Family Monastery, the place that is ran by Brother Michael Dimond, they are a toxic end times cult who has been "prophesying" the end of the world for more than 20 years now, being wrong ALREADY several times, like when they said that the world will end in the year 1999.
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Today I wanted to talk about a subtle error of the Dimond Brothers' wacky cult that coste me months to verbalize, I will explain the following:
- Their erroneous doctrine in a direct way
- How do I know that this is, indeed their doctrine
- How this doctrine is understood and practiced
- The horrible fruits of that doctrine
- Dealing with some objections
- My current opinion
Part 1, The Doctrine in question
The satanic Dimond Brothers cult believe and practice that a follower of theirs should only love those souls who are lovable or open for love.
Let me repeat that with different words:
The abominable Dimond Brothers believe that a soul should only be loved if it merits or deserves that love.
This erroneous doctrine is covered with Bible verses and saint's quotes to make it out to pass as a solidly catholic notion, you see, the Dimonds like to share bible verses in which God proclaims to hate sin and sinners, or by quoting saints who mention something against sin or sinners in a direct way.
I will explain how this quotes don't support the dimondite cult behavior in the section dealing with objections.
Part 2, How this doctrine is understood, preached and lived inside the Dimond cult
I was a dimondite cult member for around 8 years, I joined their cult in 2012 via informal agreement online, and inmediatelly I started to contribute massive amounts of time to promote those wacky antichrists (The Dimond Brothers), the way I promote them was mainly to read the Bible in spanish and produce a video which contained an ad supporting their website.
I did this work for free and without expecting any payment, sometimes using 10 hours a day reading and uploading the buble in Spanish on youtube, during my time inside of that cult I had thousands of email communications with members of that antichristian cult, including:
- New cult members
- Members with influence inside of the cult
- My Brother in Law, Brother Jerome, who is (sort of) the third highest ranking member of that abominable cult
- And even the toxic leaders, the Dimond Brothers (although not much)
During these years and through this conversations I also was an avid reader of the cult's official website, vaticancatholic.
I took it upon myself to read their section titled e-exchanges, which is a section who deals many times with responses of the abominable cult leaders, the satanic dimond brothers, to their submissive cult followers, this section is usually considered canon amongst dimondite cult followers, like a sort of pastoral magisterium and a definitive guide for people who follow the cult, if a person has asked something there and a response is given by the Dimond Brothers, the dimondites will take the response as the equivalent of a Pope issuing an encyclical, it could be fairly represented that the Dimondites, in essence believe that Dimondita locuta, causa finita est.
Well, so when I converted in 2012, I got a queue of years of e-exchanges that I didn't got the chance to read, so I started reading that section of their website with the same level of attention and veneration that a Catholic would employ to read the summa theologiae of St. Thomas Aquinas, I even downloaded all the e-exchanges and attempted to organize their thousands of pages for the "benefit" and use of other Dimondites.
I probably invested thousands of hours in this project alone, and I did produced several pdf's with summaries of the e-exchanges, and I released one on facebook.
I created my own website exclusively to support the Dimond Brothers.
I am telling you this, so that you understand how committed, invested and learned I was in the toxic mentality of this satanic cult, I probable know more than most dimondites in the entire planet about the beliefs, practices, mannerisms and positions of that cult in Fillmore, New York.
Sometimes I was even tasked with responsabilities to enfore the party line in various ways, like rebuking someone without saying that thet rebuke came from the dimonds, or excommunicating cult member who stepped outside of the cultish party line, I did these actions perhaps dozens of times, and got positive feedback from my handler (my brother in law, Brother Jerome Torres), I also gave spiritual advice to people, even if they were older or even priests, since my cult managers trust me and saw that I was a loyal cult member who could share the cult doctrines almost verbatim.
When they say to me to talk to a validly ordained priest and give him some advice I felt bad and ask them if they could do it instead of me, since they are monks (although sarabaites) my brother in law (brother jerome) refused, so I obeyed and deliver the advice to the priest, even though I am just a layman.
I point this embarrasing system to give a glimpse of the kinds of tasks I was entrusted to do sometimes.
So, when I put my testimony on this doctrine, ("a follower of theirs should only love those souls who are lovable or open for love.") please know that it comes from thousands of hours of study of their trashy publications, thousands of emails with cult members and cult leaders all the way to the top, phone calls, close friendships with cult members, and even me acting upon commands in which feedback was given afterwards.
This is one of their erroneous doctrines, the idea of only loving souls who are presumably in the state of grace or that are open to join their cult, everyone else deserves hate and punishment.
Part 3, How this satanic doctrine expresses itself inside the cult and outside of the cult
Inside of the cult
If a Dimondite falls into mortal sin, it is encouraged to rebuke that person strongly and to mistreat them, it is also encouraged to distrust them even after their confession, this happened to me (although I didn't knew at the time, but I was distrusted by the Dimond Brothers) and I also did it to others, I was encourage to act like that by my wicked brother in law.
I personally rebuked several dimondites who confided to me to have relapsed into mortal sin, so I have direct knowledge of what I am saying here.
The effect of this behavior and religious social etiquette is a default distrust of other cult members, and an unhealthy attachment or veneration of the Dimond Brothers, whom everyone thinks inside of the cult that they are saints, this cult of personality is based on multiple lies, as I have demonstrated already on my youtube channel.
This veneration also spills over to notable cult members whom people look up for.
Outside of the cult
The satanic Dimond Brothers encourage family separation, both from children to leave their parents, brothers to reject their siblings, wives to leave their husbands, and fathers to disown and kick out their teenage offspring, all this abominable nonsense is done in the name of this unstated assumption, this erroneous doctrine.
They also encourage to be in general hostile, curt and adversarial with any non-dimondite in the world, although this teaching is spread into the cult members mostly through the toxic example of the cult leaders like Brother Peter and some notable dimondites like Samuel Navarro, Chris White, Jaclyn White and William Burke, who are abominable souls in the road to hell.
Part 4, The fruits
Our Lord Jesus Christ, true God and true man, taught us the following:
"Beware of false prophets, who come to you in the clothing of sheep, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.
By their fruits you shall know them. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit, and the evil tree bringeth forth evil fruit. A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can an evil tree bring forth good fruit. Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit, shall be cut down, and shall be cast into the fire. Wherefore by their fruits you shall know them."
Matthew 7, 15-20
So, it is infallible truth that we can know for sure if something is bad just by seeing the fruits, so, now, what are the fruits of this uncharitable doctrine in practice, these are:
- Hardened hearts of the dimondites (I experienced this myself)
- Pride of the dimondites, who think that they are better than almost everyone on the planet
- People who fall away from the faith after falling into sin
- Scrupulosity
Even the cult leaders, the dimond brothers, are not good examples at all, they are false prophets deeply intoxicated by pride, who proactively hide their mistakes while acting as if they had not comitted any, the Dimond brothers have an attachment to committ the mortal sin of detraction and have done so multiple times, and they don't even want to repent and convert.
These are their fruits, all rotten, all bad, a complete mess.
But you might say, well, at least they love the people who they deem good, right?
Well, sort of , I will leave the dimondite idea of charity for another article, for now let's move on.
Part 5, Dealing with some objections
Dimondites like to use bible verses like these:
"1 Peter 4:17-18- “For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God? And if the righteous scarcely be saved, where shall the ungodly and the sinner appear?"
Or quotes from saints like this one:
Pope St. Leo the Great ( c. 450): “For whoever is led away from the path of the true faith, and changed to another, his whole journey is an apostasy; and the further he travels from the Catholic light, the nearer he comes to the darkness of death.”
To justify their mounstrous set of practices, they use these and similar quotes, so, let's refute their notions, shall we?
First, let's affirm the Catholic truth, yes, God loves the just and hates the sinner, that is dogmatically certain and I agree with it.
However, the dimondites missed these passages who also describe God dogmatically:
"Let us therefore love God, because God first hath loved us."
1 John 4:19
God loves creatures before they are capable of loving Him, this verse could apply to creatures being loved before their existence, but also how souls are loved by God before they are in the state of grace, which is supported y the sacrifice who Jesus Christ did in the cross, since he died for all, including the souls that he knew back then would become reprobates.
Contrary to this verse, the Dimondites believe and act as if sinners need to be of "good will" before earning the attention or loving affection of "true Catholics" but God doesn't act like that, not at all.
"The Son of God, who loved me, and delivered himself for me."
Galatians 2:20
Jesus Christ delievered himself for the convertion of St. Paul, who was actively persecuting the true Church.
Dimondite on the other hand, desire your ruin and death if you dare to attack them, even though they are not even good.
"You have heard that it hath been said, Thou shalt love thy neighbour, and hate thy enemy. But I say to you, Love your enemies: do good to them that hate you: and pray for them that persecute and calumniate you: That you may be the children of your Father who is in heaven, who maketh his sun to rise upon the good, and bad, and raineth upon the just and the unjust."
Matthew 5, 43-45
God loves and pray for His enemies, and he commands His true followers to imitate Him in this exemplary behavior.
To the contrary, the Dimonds rejoice in their hate against their enemies, and do everything in their power to destroy them, the majority of times they don't even extend them basic courtesy.
The Catholic doctrine is clear, God loves the just, and yes, God detest the sinner, but if that system would remain in that way, people would not convert, since the conversion of a soul necessitates the grace of God:
"I am the vine: you the branches: he that abideth in me, and I in him, the same beareth much fruit: for without me you can do nothing."
John 15:15
The way in which God deals with this situation is by reaching out their enemies, to try to win them over and convert them. God loves the sinner in the sense that he wants his conversion, even though he hates the current state of the sinner.
The dimonds got stick in the part about hating others, but forgot about loving our enemies, they don't follow Christ and they are incapable of imitate Him.
While God died for his enemies, the dimonds are rooting for the destruction of their own.
While Christ cried in the garden of Gethsemani, lamenting the souls who will be lost despite His heroic efforts, the dimonds rejoice and proclaim "I told you so" when a heretic dies in his heresies, multiple posts with that sentiment can be found in their website.
The dimonds just make a habit of scandalizing souls for a living.
Part 6, My current position
My current position regarding this pastoral subject is as follows:
We, Traditional Catholics, need to imitate Christ, and love our enemies, the specific way in which you can do this is by applying the works of charity endorsed by the Church:
- To feed the hungry.
- To give water to the thirsty.
- To clothe the naked.
- To shelter the homeless.
- To visit the sick.
- To visit the imprisoned, or ransom the captive
- To bury the dead.
- To instruct the ignorant.
- To counsel the doubtful.
- To admonish the sinners.
- To bear patiently those who wrong us.
- To forgive offenses.
- To comfort the afflicted.
- To pray for the living and the dead.
We need to reject the idea of behaving like the Dimonds have instructed people to act with others, we need to try to be as cordial as possible, unless the rank of the person demands a more rigorous approach.
Overall I am still learning and trying to be better at it, so if you have feedback for me let me know in the commens down below.
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