Why I don't believe

in #religion7 years ago

Every night before I go to bed I will prop my phone up and just let YouTube auto play run. Here lately it's been giving me a lot of professor stick and armoured skeptic. If you have not heard of them they do debunk videos, a little why flat earthers need to pick up a book already and a little why religion is wrong kind of stuff. My imagination loves entertaining the ideas that come from some of the conspiracies present on social media. While wrong in so many ways you have to give the perpetuators credit that they are able to speak these lies with great confidence in their vioce.
I was raised with a Christian background. My parents would force me to attend church every Sunday. Even when my friends would stay over on a Saturday it was understood they would attend as well. When I was real young is wasn't really a problem I actually kind of enjoyed it. Although that had a lot more to do with the arts and crafts, or maybe the snacks, than the idea of actually "believing". As I grew older it became ever more clear to me that I didn't believe. It was right around 13 yo that I think my parents started to notice the distance I started to put between myself and the church, and a few years later that I got up the guts to confirm it for them.
Last night as I was watching my YouTube I heard something that reminded me of what my father said to me. They said, "Atheists don't believe because they hate God." or we could have gone with the other one that said, "Atheists don't believe because they think they are God." All the anger I felt as my father stood there and accused me of being the devil's servant came boiling up in my bed last night. I should clarify I don't hate God it would be impossible to think I hate something that I don't think is real, nor do I think I am God. Infact I still talk to God not that I think he is listening but it helps me vent. I understand that people are free to believe whatever they want to, but it just pulled my strings when those people tried to justify their delusions by misrepresenting what it means to be atheist.
My Top Four Reasons I Don't Believe
With all the verity in choices of which religion how are you to know which truly is the correct one. Especially sense they all claim to be, yet non of them can provide irrefutable evidence.
The lack of evidence hurts the most. Even with all the information science has collected over the last 150 or so years non of it says a God isn't possible, it just says a God isn't needed. However those that believe it to be true have yet to come up with even a single piece of absolute proof that God exists.
The dishonesty amongst the religious communities, warping facts, taking quotes out of context, and talking about areas of science they clearly know nothing about. Most commonly seen one would be when they claim that Hitler was an atheist, this is not true Hitler was a Christian. Not that it would matter either way, but it's still a lie to try and demonize your opponent. Another one that gave me a chuckle was the claim that Darwin didn't believe his own theroy about evolution. Yet this quote is wildly taken out of context. He was not refuring to his own belief rather pointing out some of the criticism he was receiving.
Religion breeds hate, before you get mad not all religions or even people are gulty of this. Yet a lot of the hate in the world can be traced back to religion. Christian, Muslim, ect doesn't matter at some point within your holy text it tells you to hate other people for no other reason than idealogical or even physical differences. When you make claims like, "Everything in the Bible is absolute truth." yet there are passages that say "If a man rapes a woman it's only illegal if he doesn't marry her." In the hands of somebody with an unstable mind this combination is dangerous.

Enough of this me talking to myself, let me know what you think down in the comments. A beautiful mind is a talkative mouth.


Thank you for sharing your opinion! While I do agree with most of what you say, I don't think religion breeds hate, at least not most of the time; rather it is a very effective way for hateful people to propagate their hatred. Once that is established in the religious community (or any community really) it is very hard to root out.

I'd have to agree, your wording sounds much more appropriate. Thanks for responding ;)

This is the kind of content that keeps the community alive! Great post, will follow.

Thanks, I thought people might enjoy it lol.

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